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List of companies for: air ivoire
Companies 1-5 of 5 - [ Generate Excel ]

NameAlias/BecameIATAICAOCountryBaseDatesTypeATDB IDStatus
Air Côte d'Ivoire HFVRE Ivory CoastAbidjan2011-Airline124169current
Air Inter Ivoire  NTV Ivory CoastAbidjan1968-????Airline115489extinct
Air IvoireNouvelle Air IvoireVU;I3;VUVUN Ivory CoastAbidjan2002-2011Airline109382
Air IvoireSociété Ivoirienne de Transport Aérien
renamed/merged to: Air Ivoire
VUVUN Ivory CoastAbidjan1960-1999Airline56729
AirtransivoireATI   Ivory CoastAbidjan1973-1998Airline99187

Only one current company was retrieved, its profile is immediately provided below:

Profile for: Air Côte d'Ivoire
1 company in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Air Côte d'Ivoire HFVREIvory CoastAbidjan2011-
Formed 11/11 by government (51%), Air France (35%) and local interests. 15% transferred by Air France to Aga Khan (announced 5/12), eventually resold in 12/13 to Golden Road (local investors). Started operations on 12/11/12. 6% purchased in 10/15 by West African Development Bank. Suspended operations on 31/3/20 due to COVID-19. Re-started limited services on 8/5/20.

Directory and Contact records for Air Côte d'Ivoire
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Air Côte d'Ivoire
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Subfleets for Air Côte d'Ivoire

Current portfolios for Air Côte d'Ivoire
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Additional information on Air Côte d'Ivoire
New aircraft orders from Air Côte d'Ivoire
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Air Côte d'Ivoire
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