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Profile for: Aero PerĂș
1 company in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Aero PerĂșEmpresa de Transporte AĂ©reo del PeruPLPLIPeruLima1973-1999
Formed 22/5/73 using SATCO assets. Partially privatized during 1981 (government kept 20%). 70% stake taken 1993 by AeroMĂ©xico, reduced to 47% by 1996, and transferred to Cintra. 35% share acquired by Delta during 1998. Ceased ops on 10/3/99. 49% stake intended to be acquired by Continental in 1999, plan cancelled. Planned for restart in 2000 after being reorganized by airline employees and US/European/Israeli investment group, plan abandonned.

Directory and Contact records for Aero PerĂș
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Aero PerĂș
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SubFleets for: Aero PerĂș
17 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Aero PerĂșDC-10DC-10 Series 15     33- 
Aero PerĂșDC-10DC-10 Series 30     11-
Aero PerĂșL.1011L-1011 (Classic)     33-
Aero PerĂșB.767B.767-200(ER)     11-
Aero PerĂșDC-8DC-8-40     22-
Aero PerĂșDC-8DC-8-50     99-
Aero PerĂșDC-8DC-8-60     1212-
Aero PerĂșB.727B.727-100     1010-
Aero PerĂșB.727B.727-100C     22-
Aero PerĂșB.727B.727-200     1010-
Aero PerĂșB.757B.757-200     66-
Aero PerĂșB.737 ClassicB.737-200     1111-
Aero PerĂșF.28F.28-1000     66-
Aero PerĂșF.27F.27-600     33-
Aero PerĂșDC-3C-47A     11-
Aero PerĂșDC-3C-47B     11-
Aero PerĂșDC-3DC-3A (pre-war)     11-
 TOTAL:     8282-
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of Aero PerĂș
Total number of aircraft: 82. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current portfolios for Aero PerĂș
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Additional information on Aero PerĂș
New aircraft orders from Aero PerĂș
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Aero PerĂș
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Thu 18 Apr 2024 04:10 UTC