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Profile for: Air Littoral
2 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Air LittoralCompagnie Air LittoralFULITFranceMontpellier1988-2004
35% stake taken in 1991 by KLM, re-sold in 1992. 100% acquired in 1992 by Euralair, later seized by General Electric following the cancellation of Euralair 777 order. Started franchise operations with Air France in 1993. Minority stake intended by Air Inter Europe in 1996, cancelled. Partnership with Lufthansa in 1997 allows 15% stake ultimately acquired. 44% stake acquired in 1998 by SAir Group (Swissair), increased to 49% by 2000, and became member of Qualiflyer alliance in 1999. Intended to be merged by SAir Group in 2000 with Air Liberté and AOM, plan later cancelled. Swissair stake sold in 2001 toAir Littoral former chairman (Marc Dufour). Take-over by Wexford Management (owner of Chautauqua and Frontier AL) failed in 2003 and entered bankrupcy. Proposed to be acquired by Universal Capital Partners SA (Belgium, headed by Pierre Besnainou); then by Azzurra Air/Seven Air Group in 2003, Ionis consulting management group then Groupe Dumenil/La Filature du Favreuil in 2004 - all plans cancelled.
Air Littoral FU FranceMontpellier1972-1988
Started operations on 23/5/72. Moved from Le Castellet to Montpellier in 1976. Renamed 1/4/88 after taking-over Compagnie Aérienne du Languedoc in 1987.

Directory and Contact records for Air Littoral
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Air Littoral
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SubFleets for: Air Littoral
17 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Air LittoralBAe 146BAe 146-200     11- 
Air LittoralMercureMercure (100)     11-
Air LittoralB.737 ClassicB.737-300     11-
Air LittoralF.28F.28-0070 (F.70)     55-
Air LittoralF.28F.28-0100 (F.100)     2424-
Air LittoralF.28F.28-1000     11-
Air LittoralF.28F.28-2000     11-
Air LittoralCRJ 100/200CRJ 100 (CL-600-2B19)     2424-
Air LittoralCRJ 100/200CRJ 200 (CL-600-2B19)     11-
Air LittoralF-27F-27 ()     22-
Air LittoralF.27F.27-200     11-
Air LittoralATR-72ATR-72-200     33-
Air LittoralATR-42ATR-42-100     11-
Air LittoralATR-42ATR-42-300     88-
Air LittoralATR-42ATR-42-500     1717-
Air LittoralN.262N.262A     22-
Air LittoralN.262N.262B     22-
 TOTAL:     9595-
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All-times Fleets of Air Littoral
Total number of aircraft: 95. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current portfolios for Air Littoral
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Additional information on Air Littoral
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