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Profile for: Donbassaero
3 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Donbassaero 7DUDCUkraineDonetsk2003-2013
Formed alliance with Aero Svit starting 1/3/07, named Ukrainian Aviation Group. All active aircraft reportedly transferred on 1/1/13 to WindRose AOC.Ceased operations and entered bankrupcy on 15/1/13.
Donbass-Eastern Ukrainian Airlines 7DUDCUkraineDonetsk1999-2003
Donetsk Aviation EnterpriseDonetskoe aviapredpriatie  UkraineDonetsk1992-1998
Formed by Air Ukraine, originally Aeroflot's Donetsk division of Ukraine directorate. Reorganized as Donbass-Eastern Ukrainian AL.

Directory and Contact records for Donbassaero
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Donbassaero
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SubFleets for: Donbassaero
9 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
DonbassaeroYak-42Yak-42     11- 
DonbassaeroYak-42Yak-42 ()     77-
DonbassaeroYak-42Yak-42D     88-
DonbassaeroA320A320ceo (CFM)     55-
DonbassaeroA320A320ceo (IAE)     44-
DonbassaeroA321A321ceo (IAE)     11-
DonbassaeroAn-26An-26B     11-
DonbassaeroAn-24An-24B  1 167-
DonbassaeroAn-24An-24RV     22-
 TOTAL:  1 13536-
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of Donbassaero
Total number of aircraft: 36. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Airframes Profile for: Fleet list of Donbassaero (current & planned only)
1 airframe found - [ Generate Excel ]

Reg'nTypeMSNs/nEnginesMTOW Config Builtat1stFlight1stDelOperatorRegdDelParkedDeregdOwnersOpfOriginBecameStatusLast fltCanceledDestroyedRemarksTTTCSelcalHex
UR-46416An‑24B8730410141011968UKKT  Donbassaero     ex CCCP‑46416 @ AeroflotStored ()Stored   dba Donbass Eastern Ukrainian AL   

Data in section above last updated on 09-Apr-2015 - [ Submit change ]

Airframe History of: An-24 msn 87304101
History records 1-3 of 3 - [ Generate Excel ]

 Reg'nTypeMSNOperatorConfig OwnersOpfOriginRegdDelParkedDeregdBecameRemarksSelcalHexTTTCStatus/Fate
CCCP-46416An‑24B87304101Aeroflot       to UR-46416 @ Air Ukraine   Stored 
UR-46416An‑24B87304101Air Ukraine  ex CCCP‑46416 @ Aeroflot    to Donbass-Eastern @ Donbassaeroopb Donetsk AE  
UR-46416An‑24B87304101Donbassaero  ex CCCP‑46416 @ Aeroflot    Stored dba Donbass Eastern Ukrainian AL  

Data in section above last updated on 29-Apr-2023 - [ Submit change ]

Significant Safety incidents & accidents

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Selection of recent pictures of  CCCP-46416,UR-46416

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UR-46416: no picture was found - [ Try more ]

Current portfolios for Donbassaero
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Additional information on Donbassaero
New aircraft orders from Donbassaero
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Donbassaero
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Fri 26 Apr 2024 23:39 UTC