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Profile for: EgyptAir
4 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

EgyptAir MSMSREgyptCairo1971-
Acquired in 1980 by National Bank of Egypt & Misr Insurance (both government-owned). IPO of 20% of stock announced in 2006to be considered (no timeframe). Joined Star Alliance, effective 11/7/08.
United Arab AirlinesUAA  EgyptCairo1960-1971
Kept the UAA name for several more years following Syria's withdrawal in 1961, hoping that other Arab airlines would join. Set-up associate company Misrair in 1964, re-absorbed in 1968. Renamed EgyptAir 10/10/71 when United Arab Republic became Arab Republic of Egypt.
Misrair MU EgyptCairo1949-1960
Renamed Misrair SAE when nationalized in 1949. Took-over SAIDE in 1952. Became closely associated with Syrian Arab AL when Egypt and Syria united in 1958, becoming United Arab AL in 8/60.
Misr Airwork   EgyptCairo1932-1949
Formed by Airwork Ltd, UK and Misr Bank, Egypt initially as a flying school. Started services in 7/33. Renamed Misr Airlines SAE in 1948 when it became fully Egyptian-owned.

Directory and Contact records for EgyptAir
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Traffic and Financial data overview for EgyptAir
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SubFleets for: EgyptAir
64 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
EgyptAirB.747B.747-100     33- 
EgyptAirB.747B.747-200B     33-
EgyptAirB.747B.747-200B(SCD)     55-
EgyptAirB.747B.747-300(SCD)     22-
EgyptAirB.747B.747-400     11-
EgyptAirA340A340-200     33-
EgyptAirA340A340-300     22-
EgyptAirDC-10DC-10 Series 30     44-
EgyptAirL.1011L-1011 (Classic)     33-
EgyptAirA350A350-900   1010 10-
EgyptAirA330A330-2003   34718.6 years
EgyptAirA330A330-3004   41512.7 years
EgyptAirB.777B.777-200(ER)  2 235-
EgyptAirB.777B.777-300ER6   6 613.6 years
EgyptAirB.787B.787-97  18 84.3 years
EgyptAirA300A300-600     1414-
EgyptAirA300A300-600F     11-
EgyptAirA300A300B4     1010-
EgyptAirA300A300B4(F)     22-
EgyptAirB.767B.767-200(ER)     44-
EgyptAirB.767B.767-300(ER)     66-
EgyptAirB.707B.707-120B     22-
EgyptAirB.707B.707-138B     33-
EgyptAirB.707B.707-320(A)     22-
EgyptAirB.707B.707-320B     11-
EgyptAirB.707B.707-320C     1212-
EgyptAirB.707B.707-420     11-
EgyptAirB.720B.720-020     33-
EgyptAirDC-8DC-8-20     11-
EgyptAirDC-8DC-8-30     33-
EgyptAirDC-8DC-8-60     22-
EgyptAirIl-62Il-62 ()     1212-
EgyptAirCometComet 4C     99-
EgyptAirB.727B.727-200     66-
EgyptAirTu-154Tu 154 ()     88-
EgyptAirA320A320ceo (IAE)  4 41014-
EgyptAirA320A320neo (CFM)8   8 84.0 years
EgyptAirA321A321ceo (IAE)  4 4 4-
EgyptAirA321A321neo (CFM)7   7 70.8 year
EgyptAirB.737 NG/MAXB.737 MAX 8   1818 18-
EgyptAirB.737 ClassicB.737-200     1313-
EgyptAirB.737 ClassicB.737-200C     11-
EgyptAirB.737 ClassicB.737-500     55-
EgyptAirB.737 NG/MAXB.737-80028   28 2812.0 years
EgyptAirB.737 NG/MAXB.737-800(F) (w)1   1 116.5 years
EgyptAirDC-9DC-9-10     11-
EgyptAirCaravelleCaravelle 6R     22-
EgyptAirA220A220-300 (CS300/BD-500-1A11)2   222244.2 years
EgyptAirIl-18Il-18D     55-
EgyptAirViscountViscount 700     88-
EgyptAirF.27F.27-100     11-
EgyptAirF.27F.27-500     11-
EgyptAirF.27F.27-600     22-
EgyptAirATR-42ATR-42-500     55-
EgyptAirAn-24An-24B     1010-
EgyptAirDC-6DC-6B     1010-
EgyptAirDC-4C-54A (DC-4)     11-
EgyptAirDC-4C-54B (DC-4)     11-
EgyptAirIl-14Il-14 ()     33-
EgyptAirIl-14Il-14P     11-
EgyptAirDC-3C-47 (DC-3)     33-
EgyptAirDC-3C-47B     33-
EgyptAirDC-3C-53 (DC-3)     11-
EgyptAirDC-3DC-3     44-
 TOTAL:66 10291052493549.3 years
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All-times Fleets of EgyptAir
Total number of aircraft: 354. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current & Planned Fleets of EgyptAir
Section was not generated because the total number of aircraft (105) is larger than 30. Use link above to launch.

Current portfolios for EgyptAir
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Additional information on EgyptAir
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