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Profile for: TAAG Angola Airlines
3 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

TAAG Angola AirlinesAngola Airlines/Linhas AĆ©reas de AngolaDTDTAAngolaLuanda1976-
Added on EU ban list on 4/7/07 until 8/4/09; removed from ban list effective 14/7/09, 26/11/09 for specific 777/737 aircraft only, and subsequent dates until 16/4/19; eventually removed from ban list on 16/6/16. Management contract initiated in 9/14 with Emirates to return to profitability; terminated 7/17 by Emirates. Reorganized in 9/18 as a private company controlled by the Angolan state. Expected to be managed by Qatar Airways (purchasing 39% of TAAG); announced 9/19, to be effective in late 2021. Suspended operations on 27/3/20 due to COVID-19.
TAAG DT AngolaLuanda1973-1976
DTADireccao de Exploraceo dos Transportes AĆ©reosDT AngolaLuanda1938-1973

Directory and Contact records for TAAG Angola Airlines
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Traffic and Financial data overview for TAAG Angola Airlines
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SubFleets for: TAAG Angola Airlines
37 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
TAAG Angola ALB.747B.747-300     11- 
TAAG Angola ALB.747B.747-300(SCD)     22-
TAAG Angola ALB.747B.747-400     33-
TAAG Angola ALA340A340-300     44-
TAAG Angola ALL.1011L-1011 (500)     11-
TAAG Angola ALA330A330-200     11-
TAAG Angola ALA330A330-3001   1 17.1 years
TAAG Angola ALB.777B.777-200(ER)  3 3 3-
TAAG Angola ALB.777B.777-300     22-
TAAG Angola ALB.777B.777-300ER4 1 5 59.6 years
TAAG Angola ALB.787B.787-10   22 2-
TAAG Angola ALB.787B.787-9   22 2-
TAAG Angola ALB.707B.707-320B     11-
TAAG Angola ALB.707B.707-320C     1515-
TAAG Angola ALDC-8DC-8-30     22-
TAAG Angola ALDC-8DC-8-50     11-
TAAG Angola ALIl-62Il-62M     22-
TAAG Angola ALB.727B.727-100C     22-
TAAG Angola ALYak-40Yak-40FG     44-
TAAG Angola ALB.737B.737     22-
TAAG Angola ALB.737 ClassicB.737-200     99-
TAAG Angola ALB.737 ClassicB.737-200C     44-
TAAG Angola ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737-7003 2272917.5 years
TAAG Angola ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737-700C1   1 116.1 years
TAAG Angola ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737-800(F) (w)1   1 120.6 years
TAAG Angola ALA220A220-300 (CS300/BD-500-1A11)   1515 15-
TAAG Angola ALC-130L.100-20     55-
TAAG Angola ALC-130L.100-30     33-
TAAG Angola ALF.27F.27-050     66-
TAAG Angola ALF.27F.27-100     11-
TAAG Angola ALF.27F.27-200     1414-
TAAG Angola ALF.27F.27-400     11-
TAAG Angola ALF.27F.27-500     22-
TAAG Angola ALF.27F.27-600     99-
TAAG Angola ALAn-26An-26 ()     44-
TAAG Angola ALDHC-8DHC-8 Series 4006   6 63.1 years
TAAG Angola ALDC-3C-47A     1414-
 TOTAL:16 621431171609.6 years
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All-times Fleets of TAAG Angola Airlines
Total number of aircraft: 160. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current & Planned Fleets of TAAG Angola Airlines
Section was not generated because the total number of aircraft (43) is larger than 30. Use link above to launch.

Current portfolios for TAAG Angola Airlines
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Additional information on TAAG Angola Airlines
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Thu 25 Apr 2024 00:19 UTC