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Profile for: Cabo Verde Airlines
2 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Cabo Verde AirlinesTACVVRTCVCape Verde IslandsPraia2018-
51% purchased on 1/3/19 by Loftleidir Cape Verde, a joint venture between Loftleidir Icelandic (70%) and Icelandic investors (30%). Suspended in 4/20 from IATA BSP. Suspended operations on 22/6/21. 51% nationalized in 7/21. Re-started in 7/22.
TACV Cabo Verde AirlinesTransportes Aéreos de Cabo VerdeVRTCVCape Verde IslandsPraia1958-2018
Reorganized in 1967 & 1975. Nationalized in 1983. To be 45% privatized in 2001. Reportedly to be purchased by Okay Airways, China in 12/13; plan abandonned. Managed by Loftleidir (Icelandair) from 8/17. Renamed Cabo Verde Airlines on 9/5/18.

Directory and Contact records for Cabo Verde Airlines
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Cabo Verde Airlines
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SubFleets for: Cabo Verde Airlines
18 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Cabo Verde ALB.767B.767-200(ER)     22- 
Cabo Verde ALB.767B.767-300(ER)     11-
Cabo Verde ALB.727B.727-200     22-
Cabo Verde ALB.757B.757-200     1616-
Cabo Verde ALA320A320ceo (CFM)     22-
Cabo Verde ALA320A320ceo (IAE)     44-
Cabo Verde ALA321A321ceo (CFM)     11-
Cabo Verde ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737 MAX 81   1 15.1 years
Cabo Verde ALB.737 ClassicB.737-300     33-
Cabo Verde ALB.737 ClassicB.737-400     33-
Cabo Verde ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737-7001   11217.6 years
Cabo Verde ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737-800     44-
Cabo Verde ALHS.748HS.748 Series 2A     44-
Cabo Verde ALATR-72ATR-72-200     11-
Cabo Verde ALATR-72ATR-72-500 (ATR-72-212A)     33-
Cabo Verde ALATR-72ATR-72-600 (ATR-72-212A)1   1126.4 years
Cabo Verde ALATR-42ATR-42-300     55-
Cabo Verde ALATR-42ATR-42-500     11-
 TOTAL:3   354579.7 years
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of Cabo Verde Airlines
Total number of aircraft: 57. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Airframes Profile for: Fleet list of Cabo Verde Airlines (current & planned only)
Airframes 1-3 of 3 - [ Generate Excel ]

Reg'nTypeMSNs/nEnginesMTOW Config Builtat1stFlight1stDelOperatorRegdDelParkedDeregdOwnersOpfOriginBecameStatusLast fltCanceledDestroyedRemarksTTTCSelcalHex
D4-CCJB.737 MAX 8604327363 RNT2019-02-142019-02-26Cabo Verde AL   ex N862BC @ Boeing A/c Co(Current, Active)Active     
D4-CCIB.737‑7M2 (w)3455920132006-07-19RNT2006-07-282006-08-31Cabo Verde AL    ex D2‑TBF @ Cabo Verde AL(Current, Active)Active   TAAG c/s, no titles
6V-AMSRecently updated, data embargoed for non-subscribers

Data in section above last updated on 19-Mar-2024 - [ Submit change ]

Current portfolios for Cabo Verde Airlines
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Additional information on Cabo Verde Airlines
New aircraft orders from Cabo Verde Airlines
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Cabo Verde Airlines
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Fri 19 Apr 2024 00:58 UTC