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Profile for: Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation
2 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AviationUVauGA/Ulyanovskoe vysshee aviatsionnoe uchilische GA UHSRussiaUlyanovsk1994-2013
Formed by Aeroflot's Ulyanovsk Training School. Started trading as Uvauga circa 2005.
Civil Aviation CenterTsentr Grazhdanskoj Aviatsii/Civil Aviation Information Education & Training  RussiaUlyanovsk1993-1994

Directory and Contact records for Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation
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SubFleets for: Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation
15 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnIl-86Il-86 ()     22- 
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnIl-76Il-76TD     33-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnIl-62Il-62 ()     11-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnIl-62Il-62M     22-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnTu-154Tu-154A  1 1 1-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnTu-154Tu-154B     88-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnTu-154Tu-154M  3 3 3-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnYak-42Yak-42 ()     22-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnYak-42Yak-42D     11-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnYak-40Yak-40 ()  2 235-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnYak-40Yak-40K     11-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnYak-40Yak-40K(F)     11-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnTu-134Tu-134A  1 123-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnAn-26An-26 ()  2 213-
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil AvnAn-26An-26B  1 1 1-
 TOTAL:  10 102737-
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation
Total number of aircraft: 37. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Airframes Profile for: Fleet list of Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation (current & planned only)
Airframes 1-10 of 10 - [ Generate Excel ]

Reg'nTypeMSNs/nEnginesMTOW Config Builtat1stFlight1stDelOperatorRegdDelParkedDeregdOwnersOpfOriginBecameStatusLast fltCanceledDestroyedRemarksTTTCSelcalHex
RA-65078Tu‑134A6004342051977-09-26UKHV 1977-11-23Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn    ex CCCP‑65078 @ AeroflotStored ((as CCCP-65025) at UWLL)Stored at UWLL       
RA-87315Yak‑40 ()93314292914 RTW 1973-08-08Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex CCCP‑87315 @ AeroflotStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL     
RA-87580Yak‑40 ()92212222212 RTW 1972-07-10Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex CCCP‑87580 @ AeroflotStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL     
RA-85609Tu‑154M7046091984-10-20UWWG 1985-04-04Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex CCCP‑85609 @ AeroflotStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL     
RA-26513An‑26 ()6810 1978UKKT  Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex CCCP‑26513 @ AeroflotStored ( at ULY)Stored at ULY      
RA-85078Tu‑154A78 1974UWWG1974-11-1974-11-21Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex CCCP‑85078 @ AeroflotStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL   Aeroflot c/s, no titles  
RA-26544An‑26 ()2710 1975-02-28UKKT 1975Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex CCCP‑26544 @ AeroflotStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL   Aeroflot c/s, UHS logo 
RA-26025An‑26B10308 1980-11-20UKKT 1980-12-03Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex CCCP‑26025 @ AeroflotStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL2013  Aeroflot c/s, UHS logo 
RA-85636Tu‑154M766 1988-01-09UWWG1988-01-1988-01-09Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn    ex CCCP‑85636 @ AeroflotStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL   no titles  
RA-85765Tu‑154M832  1990-02-28UWWG1990-02-1990-03-Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Avn     ex LZ‑HMN @ BH AirStored ( at UWLL)Stored at UWLL   Aeroflot c/s 

Data in section above last updated on 29-Apr-2023 - [ Submit change ]

Current portfolios for Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation
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Additional information on Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Sat 20 Apr 2024 01:49 UTC