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Profile for: Sichuan Airlines
2 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Sichuan AirlinesChina Sichuan Airlines/SCAC3U;N8;3UCSCChinaChengdu1990-
30% stake acquired by China Eastern in 2002. Reorganized in 2005 withSinotrans Air Transportation Develepment Co. (Sinoair) freight forwarder company taking 49%, Sichuan province government taking 49%. 39% acquired by China Southern and 10% each by Shanghai AL and Shandong AL by early 2006.
Sichuan Provincial Airlines 3UCSCChinaChengdu1986-1990
Formed with help from CAAC.

Directory and Contact records for Sichuan Airlines
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Sichuan Airlines
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SubFleets for: Sichuan Airlines
20 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Sichuan ALA350A350-9006  814 143.9 years 
Sichuan ALA330A330-2004   4379.0 years
Sichuan ALA330A330-200(F)3   3 311.2 years
Sichuan ALA330A330-3007   7 78.4 years
Sichuan ALA330A330-300(P2F)1   1 115.8 years
Sichuan ALTu-154Tu-154M     88-
Sichuan ALA319A319ceo (CFM)     11-
Sichuan ALA319A319ceo (IAE)23   2373014.7 years
Sichuan ALA320A320ceo (CFM)20   20 208.3 years
Sichuan ALA320A320ceo (IAE)32   32174912.5 years
Sichuan ALA320A320neo (PW)22 51340 403.2 years
Sichuan ALA321A321ceo (CFM)12   121137.5 years
Sichuan ALA321A321ceo (IAE)31   3163710.4 years
Sichuan ALA321A321ceo (P2F)1  34 421.2 years
Sichuan ALA321A321neo (PW)24 37343373.8 years
Sichuan ALB.737 ClassicB.737-300     11-
Sichuan ALC919C919   2020 20-
Sichuan ALERJ-135/145ERJ-145LR     55-
Sichuan ALY7MA60 (Y7)   2235-
Sichuan ALY7Y7-100     66-
 TOTAL:186 853247613089.0 years
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All-times Fleets of Sichuan Airlines
Total number of aircraft: 308. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current & Planned Fleets of Sichuan Airlines
Section was not generated because the total number of aircraft (247) is larger than 30. Use link above to launch.

Current portfolios for Sichuan Airlines
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Additional information on Sichuan Airlines
New aircraft orders from Sichuan Airlines
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Sichuan Airlines
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