AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 33 - Aircraft Operators

All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 33 - Aircraft Operators

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04

Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'. There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited. However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions. Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances. ...

Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:

AB Shannon in IRELAND (Formed by Air Bristol. ...)
Aero Costa Rica in COSTA RICA (Started operations on 11/5/92. ...)
Aero Ejecutivos in MEXICO ( ...)
Aero Express in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Aero Finance in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Aero Shell Compañia de Aviación Ecuatoriana in ECUADOR (Ceased ops in 1998, pending restart in 2001 which was cancelled. New restart ann ...)
Aero Specialties in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
AeroMéxico in MEXICO (Formed as Aerovias de Mexico (trading as AeroMéxico) by Bancomer (bank) and ASPA ...)
Aerovías de México in MEXICO (Formed as Aerovias de Mexico (trading as AeroMéxico) by Bancomer (bank) and ASPA ...)
Aerovias Monder in ARGENTINA (Merged 23/12/57 into Austral. ...)
Afrinat International Airlines in GAMBIA (Ceased ops between late 2002 and 2004, shutdown again in early 2004. ...)
Agro Air Associates in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Fine Air as financial subsidiary. ...)
Fine Air Associates in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Fine Air as financial subsidiary. ...)
Air Aruba in ARUBA (Initially formed in 1986 as a ground handling company. Re-organized by Aruba gov ...)
Air Atlanta Europe in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Air Atlanta Icelandic to operate into non-EU airports. Was to be merge ...)
Air Beni in BOLIVIA (Ceased ops between 1995 and 1997 ? ...)
Aero Beni in BOLIVIA (Ceased ops between 1995 and 1997 ? ...)
Air Company in $ FICTION ( ...)
Air Freedom in ITALY ( ...)
Air Link 200 in GHANA (Formed as a joint venture between Ghana AW and Ghana AF. ...)
Ghana Airlink in GHANA (Formed as a joint venture between Ghana AW and Ghana AF. ...)
Air Maroc in MOROCCO (Merged with Air Atlas, forming CCTA. ...)
Société Marocaine de Constructions Aéronautiques in MOROCCO (Merged with Air Atlas, forming CCTA. ...)
Air One in SWEDEN ( ...)
Air Terrex Slovakia in SLOVAKIA (Formed by Air Terrex. ...)
Air Ukraine Cargo in UKRAINE ( ...)
Gruzovie avialinii Ukrainy in UKRAINE ( ...)
Al Fuzeihra in SUDAN ( ...)
AMES CAMO in AUSTRIA (Formed 5/08. ...)
Asia Pacific Airlines in PAPUA NEW GUINEA (Formed by National Jet Express. ...)
ATR in FRANCE (Formed in 11/81 by Aerospatiale (later EADS) and Aeritalia (merged 1990 with Sel ...)
Avion de Transport Régional in FRANCE (Formed in 11/81 by Aerospatiale (later EADS) and Aeritalia (merged 1990 with Sel ...)
Aviakompnia Petroff in RUSSIA ( ...)
AviancaTaca Holdings in PANAMA ( ...)
Avioimpex in NORTH MACEDONIA ( ...)
Bell Atlantic Tricon Leasing Corporation in USA.NEW YORK (Renamed 30/6/00 to Verizon Communications. ...)
Berkut State Air Company in QAZAQSTAN (Formed by the Kazak government (President's office). Added on EU ban list 14/7/0 ...)
BNP Paribas in FRANCE ( ...)
Bonanza Airlines in USA.COLORADO ( ...)
Mountain West Charters in USA.COLORADO ( ...)
Care Airlines in SOUTH AFRICA (Merged into Nationwide Air. ...)
CargoLogic Germany in GERMANY (Formed in 8/18 by CargoLogicAir, UK. AOC granted in 9/19. Ended operations on 11 ...)
Caribbean Airlines in JAMAICA ( ...)
Cascade Air in USA.WASHINGTON (Associated with Evans Avn and Coastal Air Cargo. ...)
Central Air Cargo in SOUTH AFRICA (Possibly associated with Rwanda's Central African Cargo. ...)
Central Airways in CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Believed operated during 1 month only. Re-organized in Armenia ? ...)
China Nuclear E&C Group in CHINA (Formed by China National Nuclear Corporation as a state-owned company. ...)
China Xinhua Airlines in CHINA (Formed with help from CAAC. Stake acquired in 2001 by Hainan AL (51%), HNA Group ...)
Xin Hua Airlines in CHINA (Formed with help from CAAC. Stake acquired in 2001 by Hainan AL (51%), HNA Group ...)
Chishima Real Estate in JAPAN ( ...)
Chkalov National Aeroclub of Russia in RUSSIA (Originally formed as part of DOSSAF. Renamed National Aeroclub in 2001. ...)
Natsionalny aeroclub Rossii im.Chkalova in RUSSIA (Originally formed as part of DOSSAF. Renamed National Aeroclub in 2001. ...)
Citra air Cargo in INDONESIA ( ...)
Citra Aviation in INDONESIA ( ...)
CMC Aviation in KENYA (Originally formed as a flying school. Acquired in 2008 by the DAC Group, Canada ...)
Crystal Airways in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Dakota Air Transport in BURUNDI (Formed by Fred Bosco. ...)
Eagles Aviation in JORDAN ( ...)
Euravia SAFE in NETHERLANDS ( ...)
Supplemental Air Freight Express in NETHERLANDS ( ...)
European-American Airlines in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Formed by Albert E Dickens to operate transatlantic all-cargo flights. ...)
ExpressJet Europe in IRELAND (Formed by ExpressJet to operate ACMI contracts within EU. ...)
Eznis Airways in MONGOLIA (Formed by Newcom Group (local investment group). Suspended operations on 22/5/14 ...)
Flanders Airlines in BELGIUM (Formed 12/89 by merging Servisair Belgium and Freddy van Gaever's Frevag Airline ...)
Fleetwood Airways in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Fleming International Airways in USA.FLORIDA (Acquired 1980 by Integrity A/c Sales. Rnamed Cam Air on 1/9/83. ...)
Flying Green in FRANCE (Formed on 10/9/20. Expects to start services in 2023 Q2. ...)
Formosa Airlines in TAIWAN (33% stake taken in 1996 by China AL, increased to 41% by 1999. Temporarily groun ...)
Formula 1 in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Formula One Mangement. ...)
Garuda Indonesian Airways in INDONESIA (Formed with assistance from KLM (50%) to succeed pre-war KNILM. Nationalized in ...)
Georgian Star International in GEORGIA (Ceased operations in 2015. Reorganized as AMS Airlines (qv). ...)
Global Aviation Holdings in USA.GEORGIA (Entered Chapter 11 on 6/2/12. ...)
Goldwing Airlines in ITALY ( ...)
Government of Turkmenistan in TURKMENISTAN ( ...)
Government of United Kingdom in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Gulfstream International Airlines in USA.FLORIDA (28% stake acquired in 2000 by Continental. IPO of parent Gulfstream Int'l Group ...)
Hansung Airlines in KOREA (SOUTH) (AOC received 4/05. Started operations 31/8/05. Suspended services 19/12/05, resu ...)
High-Line Airways in CANADA (Formed by Albert Ethier. ...)
HollandExel in NETHERLANDS (Severed link with KLM on 7/10/04. Cancelled most short range Air Exel operations ...)
Air Exel Netherlands in NETHERLANDS (Severed link with KLM on 7/10/04. Cancelled most short range Air Exel operations ...)
Ilam Air in IRAN (Project re-launched in 2023 with 2 "Fokker" aircraft planned ? ...)
Inter Air Leases Inc in USA.FLORIDA (Probably associated with IAL. ...)
Interair Leases in USA.FLORIDA (Probably associated with IAL. ...)
Janus Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Taken-over by Euroair in 6/87. ...)
Jet Air Internacional Charters in VENEZUELA ( ...)
Jet4you in MOROCCO (Formed by TUI (40%) and local investors (60%). Started operations on 8/2/06. 100 ...)
JSX Air in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Delux Public Charter in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Katanga Air Force in KATANGA ( ...)
Force Aérienne Katangaise in KATANGA ( ...)
Kawasaki in JAPAN ( ...)
Khakasia Airlines in RUSSIA (Merged into Vladivostok Avia and ceased operations 7/2003. ...)
KJ Aviation Services in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
Kwin Air in BAHAMAS ( ...)
Kwin Aircraft Corporation in BAHAMAS ( ...)
Lao United Airlines in LAOS ( ...)
LC Aviation in FRANCE (Formed by Aconcagua Properties & operates for Fresh Food Trading/FFT. ...)
Lesotho Airways in LESOTHO ( ...)
Limitless Airways in CROATIA (Formed 24/1/14 by ScandJet Travel (a tour operator). Started operations on 23/5/ ...)
Lupenga Air Charters in ZAMBIA ( ...)
Mandated Airlines in PAPUA NEW GUINEA (Acquired by Ansett. ...)
Mayboune Aviation in CHINA ( ...)
Mont Laurier Aviation in CANADA (Took-over Boreal AW in 1957. Acquired 1985 by CP Air and merged into CPAL. ...)
Music City International Airways in USA.TENNESSEE ( ...)
NAC Natal in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
National Air Cargo in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Nimbus Airlines in RUSSIA ( ...)
Northeast Express Regional Airlines/Northwest Airlink in USA.NEW HAMPSHIRE (Formed as Valley Airlines. Became a NWO affiliate circa 1989. Lost its Northwest ...)
Omega Air Cargo in USA.FLORIDA (Associated with Global Air Australia ? ...)
Orenburzhye in RUSSIA (Formed by Orenburg regional government. Started operations in 2/13 with small co ...)
Pacific Northern Airlines in USA.OREGON ( ...)
PNA in USA.OREGON ( ...)
Pan African Airlines in NIGERIA (Formed by Africair Inc, Miami, a CIA cover company. Acquired in 1972 by Dispatch ...)
Panaf Airways in NIGERIA (Formed by Africair Inc, Miami, a CIA cover company. Acquired in 1972 by Dispatch ...)
Pan Pacific Airlines in PHILIPPINES (Formed as a successor of Astro Air Philippines (qv). Suspended operations on 17/ ...)
Pariz Air in IRAN ( ...)
Patron Airways in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Initially formed in 2011. AOC granted in 2013H1. Expected to start operations in ...)
Patron Air in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Initially formed in 2011. AOC granted in 2013H1. Expected to start operations in ...)
Pattaya Airways in THAILAND (Project initially abandonned in 2015. Re-launched in 2023 by Pattaya Group and l ...)
Ratchasima Airways in THAILAND (Project initially abandonned in 2015. Re-launched in 2023 by Pattaya Group and l ...)
Pearl Aircraft Corporation in USA.COLORADO (Formed by former executives of BCI. ...)
Pionair Australia in AUSTRALIA (Started using trademark Skyforce and renamed effective 1/10/11. ...)
Planar in ANGOLA (Ceased most operations in 2002, continuing with small equipment. ...)
Air Transworld in ANGOLA (Ceased most operations in 2002, continuing with small equipment. ...)
Ports of Call Airlines in USA.COLORADO (Ceased operations 7/89. ...)
Proteus Airlines in FRANCE (Originally formed as Proteus Air System; renamed in 5/96. Became an Air France f ...)
QuansAir in $ FICTION ( ...)
RAI in FRANCE.POLYNESIA (Formed on 1/7/53 as Régie Aérienne Interinsulaire by the local government and TA ...)
Régie Aérienne Interinsulaire/Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire in FRANCE.POLYNESIA (Formed on 1/7/53 as Régie Aérienne Interinsulaire by the local government and TA ...)
Rainbow Air in VENEZUELA ( ...)
Reindeer Air Service in CANADA ( ...)
SAAF in SOUTH AFRICA (Originally formed in 1912 as UDF (Union Defence Force). Established 1/2/1920. ...)
South African Air Force/Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag in SOUTH AFRICA (Originally formed in 1912 as UDF (Union Defence Force). Established 1/2/1920. ...)
Société Commerciale d'Aviation Nord Africaine in MOROCCO ( ...)
Seulawah Air Service in INDONESIA (Purchased by Mandala in 1973. ...)
Sierra Nevada Corporation in USA.NEVADA ( ...)
SNC in USA.NEVADA ( ...)
Skywings Asia Airlines in CAMBODIA (Formed by Skywings Airlines, Greece. Started operations on 13/6/11. Renamed 1/12 ...)
SLV Flight Calibration Unit in DENMARK ( ...)
Statens Luftfartsvaesen/Danish CAA in DENMARK ( ...)
Sociedad de Transportes Aéreos in CHILE (Formed by the merger of Air Chile & Lyon Air. Taken-over by CINTA. ...)
ALA in CHILE (Formed by the merger of Air Chile & Lyon Air. Taken-over by CINTA. ...)
South Airlines in ARMENIA (Formed on 30/6/01. AOC revoked on 20/10/16, becoming an aircraft lessor. ...)
Southern Cargo Airlines in RUSSIA ( ...)
Southern Cargo Corp in USA.FLORIDA (Unconfirmed in Florida. ...)
Southwind Airlines in TURKEY (Formed on 18/4/22 by Cortex Havacılık (Turkey) and Pegas Touristik (Russia) most ...)
Soviet Air Force in SOVIET UNION (Originally formed 12/8/1912 (as Russian Air Force). Main parts: Voenno-transport ...)
Voenno-transportnaya Aviatsiya/VA/Military Transport Aviation in SOVIET UNION (Originally formed 12/8/1912 (as Russian Air Force). Main parts: Voenno-transport ...)
Sunstate Airlines/QantasLink in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Taron Avia in ARMENIA (Formed by Garnik Papikyan with partial ownership from Galaxy Aviation, Pakistan. ...)
Teleport in MALAYSIA (Formed by AirAsia digital division as its logistics unit. Announced on 9/6/21 th ...)
Tempair International Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
The Hawaii Express in USA.HAWAII (Formed by ex-Air Hawaii staff. ...)
TransAir in SENEGAL (Suspended operations on 20/3/20 due to COVID-19. ...)
Groupe Transair Sénégal in SENEGAL (Suspended operations on 20/3/20 due to COVID-19. ...)
Transair International in $ FICTION ( ...)
Transair International in BRAZIL ( ...)
Transglobal Leasing in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Traverse Cargo in RUSSIA (Formed by Sukhoi Design Bureau (Sukhoi MSZ). ...)
Triumph Airways in CANADA (Started operations in 2005 with flights to Antarctica. Ceased operations in 2009 ...)
Tyrolean Air Ambulance in AUSTRIA (Purchased by Welcome Air in 1999. Renamed in 4/00. ...)
UK International Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM (AOC received 5/9/07. Started its own services on 19/10/07 but stopped operations ...)
UKIA in UNITED KINGDOM (AOC received 5/9/07. Started its own services on 19/10/07 but stopped operations ...)
United States Overseas Airlines in USA.NEW JERSEY (Started scheduled services in 1958 from NY-La Guardia. Took-over Transocean in 1 ...)
USOA in USA.NEW JERSEY (Started scheduled services in 1958 from NY-La Guardia. Took-over Transocean in 1 ...)
Valetta Airlines in MALTA (Formed on 7/12/22 by Heston Airlines, Lithuania. AOC granted on 8/2/23. Started ...)
VARIG Log in BRAZIL (Initially formed as an internal division of Varig. Became a separate subsidiary ...)
VARIG Logistica in BRAZIL (Initially formed as an internal division of Varig. Became a separate subsidiary ...)
Vilyui Aviakompania in RUSSIA (Originally operating as part of SakhaAvia National Aircompany. Merged into Polar ...)
Wheeler Airlines in USA.NORTH CAROLINA (Entered Chapter 11 on 7/10/85. ...)
World Inter Supply Services in CYPRUS ( ...)
Xiamen Airlines in CHINA (Formed by CAAC/China Southern (60%) with help from Aloha. Transferred to Souther ...)
Zhetysu Aviakompania in QAZAQSTAN (Added on EU ban list 14/7/09 and subsequent dates until 8/12/16. ...)
Zuliana de Aviación in VENEZUELA (Grounded briefly by FAA in 1995. ...)

This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04

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Master indexes: Operators - Registrations

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