AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 48 - Aircraft Operators
All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 48 - Aircraft Operators
Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04
Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft.
The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'.
There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited.
However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions.
Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances.
Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:
AAR Aircraft Sales & Engines Sales & Leasing in USA.OKLAHOMA ( ...)
AAR Aviation Trading/AAR Financial Services in USA.OKLAHOMA ( ...)
Adjarian Airlines in GEORGIA ( ...)
Adjal/Adzharskie Avialinii in GEORGIA ( ...)
Aer Lingus in IRELAND (Formed by Irish governement, starting operations on 28/5/36. Transatlantic servi ...)
Irish International Airlines in IRELAND (Formed by Irish governement, starting operations on 28/5/36. Transatlantic servi ...)
Aero Condor in PERU (AOC's authority for 737 operations suspended 11/6/08 over safety issues. Ceased ...)
Servicio de Transporte Aéreo Turistico in PERU (AOC's authority for 737 operations suspended 11/6/08 over safety issues. Ceased ...)
Aerojalisco in MEXICO (Formed by Mexicana. ...)
Aeroservice Cargo in UKRAINE ( ...)
Aeroservice-Sabit in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
Aerovias Transcontinentales in MEXICO ( ...)
Afriqiyah Airways in LIBYA (Formed by Libyan government with assistance from Italy's Blue Panorama. Reorgani ...)
Aglow Air Cargo in NIGERIA (Originally formed as a freight forwarder. Expects to obtain its own AOC during 2 ...)
Air Atlantis in PORTUGAL (Formed by Air Portugal. ...)
Air Bermuda in UNITED KINGDOM.BERMUDA ( ...)
Air California in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Air Cargo Hawaii in USA.HAWAII ( ...)
Air Cosmos in GERMANY ( ...)
Air Costa Rica in COSTA RICA (Formed by local investors and Air Panama. Expected to start in 12/14, postponed ...)
Air France Transatlantique in FRANCE (Originally formed in 1937 by Air France & Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (sh ...)
Air Ghana in GHANA (Formed by AFGO/African Ground Operations. Under investigation by Ghana tax autho ...)
Air Seychelles in SEYCHELLES (40% purchased by Etihad Airways (announced 25/1/12, later increased to 60%). Sus ...)
Air Surinam in SURINAME ( ...)
Air Swaziland in ESWATINI (Acquired by Safair. Ceased ops in 1993 but listed on EU ban list 22/3/06. ...)
Air Swazi Cargo in ESWATINI (Acquired by Safair. Ceased ops in 1993 but listed on EU ban list 22/3/06. ...)
Air Tchad in TCHAD (Formed with help from UTA (36% later tranferred to Air France). ...)
Air Teranga in GAMBIA ( ...)
Aircraft Investors Corp in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Aircraft Lease Co in JAPAN (Unconfirmed in Japan. ...)
Airline of the Marshall Islands in MARSHALL ISLANDS ( ...)
Albatros Airlines in VENEZUELA (Formed on 27/12/07. AOC granted on 13/5/10 and started operations with small com ...)
Alfa Line in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
Alphaline Kazakstan in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
AMS Airlines in GEORGIA (Formed in 8/14 as a successor of Georgian Star International. AOC granted on 28/ ...)
Asia United Business Aviation in CHINA (Formed in 4/07 as a joint venture between BAA Jet Management (Hong Kong) and She ...)
AUBA in CHINA (Formed in 4/07 as a joint venture between BAA Jet Management (Hong Kong) and She ...)
ATSA in MEXICO (Merged into Mexicana. ...)
Aero Transportes SA in MEXICO (Merged into Mexicana. ...)
Avicore Aviation in INDIA (Formed as a logistics start-up company with financial backing from Topworth Grou ...)
Avirciti in UKRAINE (Formed with Russian interests. ...)
B Air Charter in SWEDEN ( ...)
BEAP in BELGIUM (Expects to start operations in 12/2004 using AOC from Holland Exel. ...)
Belgian Employees Airline Promotion in BELGIUM (Expects to start operations in 12/2004 using AOC from Holland Exel. ...)
Bhoja Air in PAKISTAN (Ceased operations in 9/00. Licence renewed 10/03 when attempted restart with 737 ...)
Boreal Aviación in SPAIN ( ...)
Brise Air in GUINEA (Possibly assocaited with Galex Guinée Air. Started operations on 14/6/10. AOC su ...)
British American in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Bulgarian Eagle in BULGARIA (Formed by Germania. AOC granted in early 8/17. ...)
Caribbean Air Service in USA.PUERTO RICO ( ...)
CATA Linea Aérea in ARGENTINA (Originally formed in 1956 as CATA s.a.c.i.f.i. maintenance company at Morón. Ren ...)
CCAir/USAir Express in USA.NORTH CAROLINA (Formed as Sunbird Airlines. Acquired in 1983 by holding company Atlanta Express. ...)
Central Charter Airlines Slovakia in SLOVAKIA (Formed in 2/10 as a sister company of Czech Republic's Central Charter Airlines ...)
China Yunnan Airlines in CHINA (Managed by China Eastern under "Group Three" in 2001; formally merged on 11/10/0 ...)
Yunnan Airlines in CHINA (Managed by China Eastern under "Group Three" in 2001; formally merged on 11/10/0 ...)
Chornomorski in UKRAINE (Formed on 21/11/05 and kept dormant. Expected to obtain its AOC during 2016. Rep ...)
Black Sea Airlines in UKRAINE (Formed on 21/11/05 and kept dormant. Expected to obtain its AOC during 2016. Rep ...)
Clic Air in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Clic in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Club One Air in INDIA (Formed as Asia's first fractional ownership carrier. ...)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Confederate Air Force in USA.TEXAS (Formally chartered 6/9/61 as a non-profit organization. Moved in 1968 to Harling ...)
Consortio-REAL-Aerovias-Nacional in BRAZIL ( ...)
De Havilland in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Geoffrey de Havilland. Purchased Airspeed Ltd in 1940 (finalized in 19 ...)
Defence Research and Development Organisation in INDIA ( ...)
DRDO in INDIA ( ...)
Dodson International Air in USA.GEORGIA (Formed South Africa-based subsidiary in 1998 for low-profile operations. Ceased ...)
Dodson Aviation in USA.GEORGIA (Formed South Africa-based subsidiary in 1998 for low-profile operations. Ceased ...)
Ekspress Airlines in TURKEY (Formed by Oger Tours. ...)
El Magal Aviation Services in SUDAN (Formed by El Oried. Ceased ops temporarily in 2002. ...)
MGL in SUDAN (Formed by El Oried. Ceased ops temporarily in 2002. ...)
Emerald Airlines in IRELAND (Formed in 5/20. AOC granted on 6/9/21. Started operations on 26/2/22 operating f ...)
EuroBelgian Airlines in BELGIUM (Formed by Georges Gutelman (ex-TEA) and City Hotel Group. 90% stake acquired in ...)
EBA/EuroBelgium Airways in BELGIUM (Formed by Georges Gutelman (ex-TEA) and City Hotel Group. 90% stake acquired in ...)
Executive Aerospace in SOUTH AFRICA (Later reorgainzed as a member of Aerospace Express Group. Ceased operations in 9 ...)
Executive Aerospace Operations in SOUTH AFRICA (Later reorgainzed as a member of Aerospace Express Group. Ceased operations in 9 ...)
Fenix Airways in LATVIA ( ...)
Finmarine Air in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
First Nation Transportation in CANADA (AOC suspended 2/7/09 over safety deficiencies. ...)
FNT in CANADA (AOC suspended 2/7/09 over safety deficiencies. ...)
Flagship Express Airlines in USA.MICHIGAN (Entered Chapter 11 on 31/12/91. ...)
Flagship Express Services in USA.MICHIGAN (Entered Chapter 11 on 31/12/91. ...)
Flamingo Airways in KENYA (Formed as a franchisee of Kenya AW. ...)
Florida Air Cargo in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by South Florida Aircraft Lsg. ...)
FLY Leasing in IRELAND (Originally formed in 9/07 by BBAM (qv) as its subsidiary Babcock & Brown Air wit ...)
FLY Aircraft Holdings in IRELAND (Originally formed in 9/07 by BBAM (qv) as its subsidiary Babcock & Brown Air wit ...)
Folsoms Air Service in USA.MAINE ( ...)
Gateway Export Aviation in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) ( ...)
Ghana International Airlines in GHANA (Formed by Utah-based Sentry Financial Corporation (49%; board trading as GIA-USA ...)
Global Air Australia in AUSTRALIA (Formed in Australia by UK's Butler Aircraft Services, later We Both (dba Global ...)
Oz Airlines in AUSTRALIA (Formed in Australia by UK's Butler Aircraft Services, later We Both (dba Global ...)
Global Air Crew in DENMARK (Specialized in worldwide ferry flights. ...)
Global Aviation Services in USA.WASHINGTON ( ...)
Golden State Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Harold's Air Service in USA.ALASKA ( ...)
Homac Aviation Services in SWITZERLAND ( ...)
Houston Aviation Products in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Ilyushin Finance Company in RUSSIA (Formed by Ilyushin Aviation Complex, Russian Ministry of Property Relations (Ros ...)
IFC in RUSSIA (Formed by Ilyushin Aviation Complex, Russian Ministry of Property Relations (Ros ...)
Insel Air International Aruba in ARUBA (Formed during spring 2011 by Insel Air, Curacao. AOC granted in mid-2011. AOC pa ...)
Instone Air Line in UNITED KINGDOM (Started ops 1981. Became a brokerage-only company in 1995. ...)
Instone Air Services in UNITED KINGDOM (Started ops 1981. Became a brokerage-only company in 1995. ...)
Inter Congo in CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) ( ...)
Internord in DENMARK (Formed 30/11/65 by the merger of Sweden's Osterman Air Charter and Denmark's Aer ...)
Jet USA Airlines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Jonika in UKRAINE (Formed in 3/17 by Jonika Shipping. Suspended operations on 16/320 due to COVID-1 ...)
K&K Aircraft in USA.VIRGINIA (Formed by Karl D. Stoltzfus, Sr. Started operations in 1981. Acquired in 2000 b ...)
KAPO in RUSSIA (Formed by 1932-formed Gorbunov Kazan Aviation Production Association. Member of ...)
Kazanskoe aviatsionnoe proizvodstvennoe ob'yedinenie im.Gorbunova in RUSSIA (Formed by 1932-formed Gorbunov Kazan Aviation Production Association. Member of ...)
Kivu Air in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06, 5/3/07, 4/7/07, 11/4/08, 24/7/08, 14/11/08, 8/4/0 ...)
LAN Airlines in CHILE (IPO in 5/07. 19% stake held by President-elect Sebastian Pinera (through holding ...)
Líneas Aéreas Network in CHILE (IPO in 5/07. 19% stake held by President-elect Sebastian Pinera (through holding ...)
Landsflug in ICELAND (Started operations 1/10/04. Formed Aberdeen-based division City Star Airlines, s ...)
City Star Airlines in ICELAND (Started operations 1/10/04. Formed Aberdeen-based division City Star Airlines, s ...)
Lao Cathay in LAOS ( ...)
LASA in ARGENTINA (Originally formed as a ground transport company. Started services on 30/8/18. Su ...)
Leman Air in SWITZERLAND ( ...)
Lineas Aéreas del Sur in ARGENTINA (Formed as twin divisions (Sudamerica for schedules services, LA del Sur for char ...)
Sudamericana Air in ARGENTINA (Formed as twin divisions (Sudamerica for schedules services, LA del Sur for char ...)
Lynden Air Cargo in USA.ALASKA (Formed by Washington-based 1954-born Lynden transportation group. ...)
Malév Express in HUNGARY (Formed by Malév. Integrated into Malév in 5/05. ...)
Meta Aerospace in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Contractor company for US military applications. Renamed on 10/10/22 to Metrea. ...)
Meta Mobility Aerospace US in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Contractor company for US military applications. Renamed on 10/10/22 to Metrea. ...)
Mountain Air Express in USA.COLORADO (Formed as a feeder carrier for Western Pacific Airlines. Moved base to Denver in ...)
MyAir in SWEDEN ( ...)
National Express in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
National Jet Systems in AUSTRALIA (Started operations on 1/7/90, operating on behalf of Australian Airlines, later ...)
Nevada Airmotive in USA.CALIFORNIA (Believed formed by or associated with Clark, De Met, Laramore Enterprise. ...)
Nev Airmotive in USA.CALIFORNIA (Believed formed by or associated with Clark, De Met, Laramore Enterprise. ...)
Nigerian Eagle Airlines in NIGERIA (Renamed 14/5/10 to Air Nigeria. ...)
Nord Aviation in FRANCE (Formed in 1958 by the merger of SNCAN (formed in 1936 by the nationalization of ...)
Norse Air in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Viktor Bout (his first airline). Minority stake purchased 10/06 by Lon ...)
Norse Air Charter in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Viktor Bout (his first airline). Minority stake purchased 10/06 by Lon ...)
Norskfreight in $ FICTION ( ...)
Nova Airline in SUDAN (Added on EU ban list 23/11/10. ...)
Orenburg Airlines in RUSSIA (Started trading as OrenAir in 2006. ...)
Orenburgskie avialinii in RUSSIA (Started trading as OrenAir in 2006. ...)
Pacific Alaska Airlines in USA.ALASKA (Taken-over by Empire AL. ...)
Pivot Airlines in CANADA (Formed on 6/3/20 by Binder Capital Corporation when it purchased the assets of A ...)
Province of Saskatchewan in CANADA (Later split in several separate divisions. ...)
Saskatchewan Government Air Services in CANADA (Later split in several separate divisions. ...)
Rennies Express Air Services in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Rennies Group. Merged in 1996 into Express Air Services. ...)
XPS Services in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Rennies Group. Merged in 1996 into Express Air Services. ...)
RFC in USA (GENERAL) (Formed by the US Congress as an independent government agency whose original pur ...)
Reconstruction Finance Corporation in USA (GENERAL) (Formed by the US Congress as an independent government agency whose original pur ...)
RFG Regionalflug in GERMANY (Merged with NFD, forming Eurowings. ...)
Regional Flug in GERMANY (Merged with NFD, forming Eurowings. ...)
Rhodesian Air Services in ZIMBABWE ( ...)
Royal Thai Navy in THAILAND ( ...)
Russian Strategic Rocket Forces in RUSSIA ( ...)
Rye Airlines in $ FICTION ( ...)
Sakami Airlines in CAMBODIA ( ...)
Samar Airlines in TAJIKISTAN (Named by US DEA as a cover company set up by Victor Bout and alleged associate R ...)
Samar Air in TAJIKISTAN (Named by US DEA as a cover company set up by Victor Bout and alleged associate R ...)
Saudi Arabian Royal Flight in SAUDI ARABIA (Renamed 2/2/81. ...)
Saurya Airlines in NEPAL (Formed in 2012. AOC granted on 13/11/14 and started scheduled services on 17/11/ ...)
SAVA Cargo in BRAZIL ( ...)
Serviços Aéreos do Vale Amazonico in BRAZIL ( ...)
Servicios Aéreos de Yucatan in MEXICO ( ...)
Sky Gates Airlines in RUSSIA (Formed in 4/16 by former staff of Transaero and controlled by Globus Distributio ...)
Skywest Airlines in AUSTRALIA (Originally formed as Carnavon Air Taxis. Acquired by TNT (Ansett owner) and inte ...)
Splitters Creek Airlines in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
T&G Aviation in USA.ARIZONA (Formed by Sergio Tomassoni & W.Grantham. Chapter 11 in 1993 until 6/94. ...)
Douglas County Aviation in USA.ARIZONA (Formed by Sergio Tomassoni & W.Grantham. Chapter 11 in 1993 until 6/94. ...)
Tango Airways in GUINEA EQUATORIAL (Rumoured to be a new airline launched by Stavros Papaianou (former CEO of Hewa B ...)
TASI in BELGIUM ( ...)
Transactions Air Service International in BELGIUM ( ...)
Tiger Airways in SINGAPORE (Formed 12/12/03 by Singapore AL (49%) as low-cost subsidiary with Irelandia Inve ...)
TNT International Aviation Services in BELGIUM (Formed by Australia's TNT (Thomas Nationwide Transport) & IPEC. 55.9% stake acqu ...)
TNT Express Worldwide in BELGIUM (Formed by Australia's TNT (Thomas Nationwide Transport) & IPEC. 55.9% stake acqu ...)
Trans Am Aero Express del Ecuador in ECUADOR (Formed for local operations on behalf of DHL. ...)
Trans South Airways in USA.KENTUCKY ( ...)
Transport Aérien Congo in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Formed by Jansson & Britzelli. ...)
TAC in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Formed by Jansson & Britzelli. ...)
Troll Air in NORWAY ( ...)
U.S. Army in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
US Army in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
UK Export Finance in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by the Export Credits Guarantee Department of the UK government. ...)
UKEF in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by the Export Credits Guarantee Department of the UK government. ...)
US Airways in USA.ARIZONA (British Airways stock to be purchased in 1997, plan cancelled. Intended to be ac ...)
WawJet in GUINEA ( ...)
WorldWide Aircraft Holding Company in QATAR (Formed 1/11/95 to operate executive aircraft for Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani, emi ...)
Zi Cargo in PERU ( ...)
Zulair Cargo in VENEZUELA ( ...)
This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage
Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04
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