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Airframes Profile for: aircraft terminated at XXB
Airframes 1-26 of 26 - [ Generate Excel ]

Reg'nTypeMSNs/nEnginesMTOW Config Builtat1stFlight1stDelOperatorRegdDelParkedDeregdOwnersOpfOriginBecameStatusLast fltCanceledDestroyedRemarksTTTCSelcalHex
XV147Nimrod MR.16476  XXB1965-10-251967-07-31QinetiQ     ex G‑5‑1 Scrapped ((tail removed; fuselage & wings trucked to Warton and eventually scrapped) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB1973 2003-03-prototype Nimrod (f/f 31/7/67 after conversion at Woodford)   
ZJ521Nimrod MRA.48002  XXB 1969RAF     ex XV227 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB2005-07-012010-10-192011converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-8)  
XV228Nimrod MR.2P8003  XXB 1969RAF      Scrapped ((MRA.4 conversion abandonned) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB2005-11-03 2011-02-07   
ZJ520Nimrod MRA.48008  XXB 1970RAF     ex XV233 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB  2011converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-7), to be completed ?  
ZJ518Nimrod MRA.48009  XXB 1970RAF     ex XV234 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB2010-03-05 2011-03-14converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-2, f/f 15/12/04) 
ZJ517Nimrod MRA.48017  XXB 1971RAF     ex XV242 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB2009 2011-02-03converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-3, f/f 29/8/05; later re-allocated conversion code # PA-13 ?)  
XV243Nimrod MR.2P8018  XXB 1971RAF      Scrapped ((MRA.4 conversion abandonned) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB2006-04-27 2011-01-26converted Nimrod MR.1 at Woodford, Nimrod MR.2 at Bournemouth in 1984  
ZJ522Nimrod MRA.48020  XXB 1971RAF     ex XV245 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB  2011-02-03converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-9)  
XV246Nimrod MR.2P8021  XXB 1971RAF      Scrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB2006-01-12 2011-01-26converted Nimrod MR.1 at Woodford, Nimrod MR.2 at Bournemouth; airlifted from Waddington to Woodford 19/12/07 by An-124UR-82007  
ZJ516Nimrod MRA.48022  XXB 1971RAF     ex XV247 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB2010-03-09 2011-03-14converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-1, f/f 26/8/04) 
XV253Nimrod MR.2P8028  XXB 1972RAF      Scrapped ((planned for MRA.4 program ?) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB1993 2009converted Nimrod MR.1 at Woodford, Nimrod MR.2 at Bournemouth, retired 1993 at Kinloss (as 9118M instructional frame), moved to Woodvale 10/01, airlifted 20/10/01 to Woodford by An-124 RA-82045  
XV257Nimrod MR.28032  XXB 1972RAF      Destroyed ((wreck scrapped 24/3/93) at XXB)Destroyed at XXB  1984-06-03converted Nimrod MR.1 at Woodford  
ZJ515Nimrod MRA.48033  XXB 1972RAF     ex XV258 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB 2010-10-192011converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-5, f/f 8/3/10)  
ZJ519Nimrod MRA.4804646 XXB1979-04-031980-02-15RAF     ex XZ284 @ RAFScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB  2011-02-07converted Nimrod MR.2P (# PA-6), to be completed ?  
G-ORJXBAe RJX852376376   XXB2001-04-282001-04-28BAE Systems     Scrapped ((ground trainer for Oxford Aviation Academy; dismantled 6/11 and moved to Prestwick for use by Systems Engineers Ltd) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB20022002-02-122011-06-07prototype RJX-85  
B-1775BAe 146‑3003161161 HTF1990-02-281990-08-03Uni Air    ex G‑BSOC @ BAE SystemsScrapped ((wreck moved to Valley Nurseries, Alton, temp.used at Ealing for film with Mr Bean) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB1999-05-21 2001-08-   
G-PLXIBAe ATP ()2001  XXB1986-08-061986-01-15BAE Systems   ex G‑MATP @ BAE SystemsScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB 2009-06-09 Jetstream 61 demonstrator, available for museum 05Q1  
G-BUWMBAe ATP ()2009  XXB1988-11-1988-12-11BAE Systems   ex CS‑TGB @ EuroairScrapped ((in SATA Açores c/s) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB 2008-07-012008   
G-BTZGBAe ATP ()2046  XXB1992-02-1992-02-24Trident Avn Leasing Svcs    ex PK‑MTV @ Merpati Nusantara ALScrapped ((in Merpati c/s) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB 2009-03-272008-09-   
G-BTZHBAe ATP ()2047  XXB1992-03-131992-03-31Trident Avn Leasing Svcs    ex PK‑MTW @ Merpati Nusantara ALScrapped ((in Merpati c/s) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB 2008-09-022008-09-   
G-BTZKBAe ATP ()2050  XXB1992-05-281992-07-07Trident Avn Leasing Svcs    ex PK‑MTZ @ Merpati Nusantara ALScrapped ((in Merpati c/s) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB 2008-09-022008-09-   
G-BEKCHS.748‑1051541  XXB1962-04-021962-04-24Dan-Air London    ex LV‑HHC @ AL ArgentinasScrapped ((exported to USA) at XXB)Scrapped at XXB 1992-10-211989exported in USA  
VX192Avro Tudor I1234   MAN1945-06-141945-06-15Ministry of Supply    ex G‑AGPF @ Ministry of SupplyScrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB  1950-12-   
G-AGSUAvro Tudor II1235  MAN1946-03-101946-03-10Ministry of Supply     Destroyed (Shirfold Farm at XXB)Destroyed at XXB  1947-08-23prototype Tudor II  
G-AGRCAvro Tudor IVC1251   XXB1946-01-121946-01-12Ministry of Supply     Scrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB  1948-12-converted Tudor I  
G-AGRDAvro Tudor IVC1252   XXB19461946Ministry of Supply     Scrapped ( at XXB)Scrapped at XXB  1949-03-converted Tudor I  

Data in section above last updated on 22-Jan-2021 - [ Submit change ]

from Skyliner..
Aeroitalia has signed a contract for a Marathon Airlines Embraer 175 in a matching livery.

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