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Profile for: EAS Europe Airlines
2 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

EAS Europe Airlines EYEYTFranceParis-Orly/Perpignan1993-1995
Francis Lagarde's shares transferred in 1993 to his own company Alter Bail Aviation. Rescue attempted in 1995 by Andalusair (85%), Bel Air (5%) under the new name of Europe Aero Sud, cancelled. Liquidated on 3/3/95.
EASEurope Aéro ServiceEYEYTFranceParis-Orly/Perpignan1962-1993
Formed by Aéro-Sahara/George Masurel (itself formed in 1956 by Société Tunisienne de Réparation Aéronautique et de Construction, Tunisia). Took-over Trans-Union assets in 1971. Entered bankrupcy in 5/91; 60% share acquired by Francis Lagarde through Financière Saint Fiacre and 40% acquired by TAT/SASMAT on 27/12/91 . Tentatively renamed TEAS Europe Airlines in 1993.

Directory and Contact records for EAS Europe Airlines
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Traffic and Financial data overview for EAS Europe Airlines
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SubFleets for: EAS Europe Airlines
20 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
EAS Europe ALA310A310-200     22- 
EAS Europe ALA310A310-300     22-
EAS Europe ALB.707B.707-420     22-
EAS Europe ALB.727B.727-200     44-
EAS Europe ALB.737 ClassicB.737-200     88-
EAS Europe ALB.737 ClassicB.737-300     44-
EAS Europe ALB.737 ClassicB.737-400     11-
EAS Europe ALB.737 ClassicB.737-500     22-
EAS Europe ALCaravelleCaravelle 10B     1111-
EAS Europe ALCaravelleCaravelle 10R     33-
EAS Europe ALCaravelleCaravelle 3     22-
EAS Europe ALCaravelleCaravelle 6N     88-
EAS Europe ALC-130L.100-30     11-
EAS Europe ALVanguardVanguard 950     1313-
EAS Europe ALVanguardVanguard 950(F)     44-
EAS Europe ALHeraldHerald series 200     77-
EAS Europe ALN.262N.262A     11-
EAS Europe ALN.262N.262C     11-
EAS Europe ALDC-6DC-6A     11-
EAS Europe ALDC-6DC-6B     33-
 TOTAL:     8080-
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All-times Fleets of EAS Europe Airlines
Total number of aircraft: 80. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current portfolios for EAS Europe Airlines
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Additional information on EAS Europe Airlines
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Safety accidents and incidents events for EAS Europe Airlines
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