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Profile for: FlyLAL
2 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

FlyLALLithuanian AirlinesTELILLithuaniaVilnius2005-2009
33% stake purchased in 2/06 by Flyme Sweden (full ownership planned by 2008) but acquisition project cancelled during 2006Q4. Formed sister company Aviation Assets Mgmt in 2007 to manage and own aircraft assets. Entered financial difficulties in 12/08 with unpaid fees due to Vilnius Airport; announced purchase in 1/09 by SCH Swiss Capital Holdings, Switzerland but project did not proceeed and airline ceased scheduled operations on 18/1/09; limited services continued by offspring FlyLAL Charters (qv). Filed for bankrupcy on 23/1/09, continuing with ACMI activities in 2/09. 
Lithuanian AirlinesLietuvos AvialinjaTELILLithuaniaVilnius1991-2005
Formed 20/9/91 out of Aeroflot Lithuanian division (set up 20/9/38 as Lietuyvos oro linijos, starting services 29/9/38)and set-up with help from Sterling. Was to merge with Lithuanian AL in 1997, cancelled. Take-over from Air Lithuania failed in 2005 and acquired by a specially formed investment company (LAL Investiciju Valdymas). Started trading as FlyLAL on 20/9/05. 

Directory and Contact records for FlyLAL
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Traffic and Financial data overview for FlyLAL
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SubFleets for: FlyLAL
12 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
FlyLALYak-42Yak-42 ()     55- 
FlyLALYak-42Yak-42D     77-
FlyLALYak-40Yak-40 ()     11-
FlyLALB.757B.757-200     22-
FlyLALB.737 ClassicB.737-200     55-
FlyLALB.737 ClassicB.737-300     66-
FlyLALB.737 ClassicB.737-500     1010-
FlyLALTu-134Tu-134A     99-
FlyLALAn-26An-26B     33-
FlyLALAn-24An-24B     22-
FlyLALAn-24An-24RV     22-
FlyLALSAAB 2000SAAB 2000 ()     77-
 TOTAL:     5959-
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All-times Fleets of FlyLAL
Total number of aircraft: 59. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current portfolios for FlyLAL
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Additional information on FlyLAL
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Wed 24 Apr 2024 22:49 UTC