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Profile for: Khors Aircompany
1 company in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Khors Aircompany X6;X9;KOKHOUkraineKyiv-Borispol1990-2018
Associated with Hungarian-Ukrainian Heavy Lift.

Directory and Contact records for Khors Aircompany
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Khors Aircompany
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SubFleets for: Khors Aircompany
19 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Khors AircompanyIl-76Il-76MD     1515- 
Khors AircompanyIl-76Il-76TD     11-
Khors AircompanyBAe 146BAe RJ100     44-
Khors AircompanyYak-42Yak-42D     22-
Khors AircompanyB.757B.757-200     11-
Khors AircompanyA319A319ceo (CFM)     33-
Khors AircompanyA320A320ceo (CFM)  1 156-
Khors AircompanyA320A320ceo (IAE)     66-
Khors AircompanyA321A321ceo (CFM)     22-
Khors AircompanyA321A321ceo (IAE)     22-
Khors AircompanyB.737 ClassicB.737-300     22-
Khors AircompanyB.737 ClassicB.737-500     55-
Khors AircompanyDC-9DC-9-50  1 167-
Khors AircompanyDC-9DC-9-80 (MD-80)  1 13132-
Khors AircompanyAn-12An-12B     11-
Khors AircompanyAn-12An-12BP     44-
Khors AircompanyAn-32An-32B     22-
Khors AircompanyAn-26An-26B     11-
Khors AircompanyAn-24An-24B     11-
 TOTAL:  3 39497-
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of Khors Aircompany
Total number of aircraft: 97. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Airframes Profile for: Fleet list of Khors Aircompany (current & planned only)
Airframes 1-3 of 3 - [ Generate Excel ]

Reg'nTypeMSNs/nEnginesMTOW Config Builtat1stFlight1stDelOperatorRegdDelParkedDeregdOwnersOpfOriginBecameStatusLast fltCanceledDestroyedRemarksTTTCSelcalHex
UR-CLPDC‑9‑83 (MD‑83)4985616751989-12-LGB 1990-06-26Khors Aircompany   ex SX‑BTG @ Skywings ALStored ( at IEV)Stored at IEV 2015-10-27 operator tbc   
UR-CBVDC‑9‑51477728901978-10-10LGB 1978-12-08Khors Aircompany   ex OH‑LYV @ FinnairStored ((in Aero Asia c/s) at HRK)Stored at HRK   no titles  
UR-CQIA320‑211142  TLS1990-11-091991-01-29Khors Aircompany   ex LZ‑BHJ @ BH AirStored ( at THR)Stored at THR2015-11-05    

Data in section above last updated on 08-Sep-2019 - [ Submit change ]

Current portfolios for Khors Aircompany
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Additional information on Khors Aircompany
New aircraft orders from Khors Aircompany
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Khors Aircompany
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