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Profile for: Kuwait Airways
2 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Kuwait Airways KUKACKuwaitKuwait1957-
Took-over BOAC's subsidiary British Int'l AL in 1959. Fully nationalized in 1963. Temporarily reorganized in 1990 in Cairo during Iraqi invasion. To be partially privatized in the 2009-2010 timeframe (40% to public, 35% to long-term investor, 25% remaining with government), postponed, reinstated in 7/11, abandonned 10/11, re-launched 1/13 (40% to Kuwaiti citizens, 5% to KU staff, 20% to government). 35% purchase offer received in 5/15 from Jazeera Airways.
Kuwait National Airways   KuwaitKuwait1953-1957
Formed with assistance from BOAC. 50% acquired by Kuwait government in 1955.

Directory and Contact records for Kuwait Airways
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Kuwait Airways
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SubFleets for: Kuwait Airways
40 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Kuwait AWB.747B.747-200B     11- 
Kuwait AWB.747B.747-200B(SCD)     44-
Kuwait AWB.747B.747-400(SCD)     66-
Kuwait AWA340A340-300  3 314-
Kuwait AWDC-10DC-10 Series 30     22-
Kuwait AWL.1011L-1011 (Classic)     22-
Kuwait AWA350A350-900   2257-
Kuwait AWA330A330-2002 1 3478.6 years
Kuwait AWA330A330-800neo4   4262.5 years
Kuwait AWA330A330-900neo   77 7-
Kuwait AWB.777B.777-200(ER)  1 112-
Kuwait AWB.777B.777-300ER10   10 107.1 years
Kuwait AWA300A300-600     1111-
Kuwait AWA300A300B4     22-
Kuwait AWB.767B.767-200(ER)     33-
Kuwait AWA310A310-200     88-
Kuwait AWA310A310-300     99-
Kuwait AWB.707B.707-320(A)     33-
Kuwait AWB.707B.707-320(A)(F)     66-
Kuwait AWB.707B.707-320C     2121-
Kuwait AWDC-8DC-8-60     33-
Kuwait AWCometComet 4     44-
Kuwait AWCometComet 4C     22-
Kuwait AWB.727B.727-200     44-
Kuwait AWTridentTrident 1E (HS.121-1E)     44-
Kuwait AWA320A320ceo (CFM)8 3 1141510.6 years
Kuwait AWA320A320neo (CFM)9   96152.9 years
Kuwait AWA321A321neo   33 3-
Kuwait AWA321A321neo (CFM)   99 9-
Kuwait AWB.737 NG/MAXB.737 BBJ3 (B.737-900) 1  1 1-
Kuwait AWB.737 ClassicB.737-200     11-
Kuwait AWBAC 111BAC 111-300     33-
Kuwait AWViscountViscount 700     55-
Kuwait AWViscountViscount 742D     88-
Kuwait AWDC-6DC-6B     33-
Kuwait AWDC-4C-54B (DC-4)     11-
Kuwait AWCL-2/CL-4/CL-5CL-4     22-
Kuwait AWDC-4DC-4 (civil C-54)     11-
Kuwait AWHermesHermes 4     22-
Kuwait AWDC-3C-47B     66-
 TOTAL:331821631502136.3 years
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All-times Fleets of Kuwait Airways
Total number of aircraft: 213. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current & Planned Fleets of Kuwait Airways
Section was not generated because the total number of aircraft (63) is larger than 30. Use link above to launch.

Current portfolios for Kuwait Airways
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Additional information on Kuwait Airways
New aircraft orders from Kuwait Airways
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Kuwait Airways
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