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Profile for: TUI Airways
4 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

TUI AirwaysTUI UKBYTOMUnited KingdomLuton2016-
Thomson AirwaysThomsonflyBYBAL;TOMUnited KingdomLuton2008-2016
Renamed as TUI Airways from 11/16 with re-branding completed on 1/10/17.
Thomsonfly BYBALUnited KingdomLuton2005-2008
Took over First Choice AW on 1/5/08, keeping its marketing and operational identities until 1/11/08 when started trading as Thomson Airways.
Thomsonfly BYBALUnited KingdomLuton2005-2008
Took over First Choice AW on 1/5/08, keeping its marketing and operational identities until 1/11/08 when started trading as Thomson Airways.

Directory and Contact records for TUI Airways
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Traffic and Financial data overview for TUI Airways
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SubFleets for: TUI Airways
32 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
TUI AWB.747B.747-100     11- 
TUI AWL.1011L-1011 (Classic)     44-
TUI AWA330A330-200     11-
TUI AWA330A330-300     55-
TUI AWB.787B.787-871  831110.3 years
TUI AWB.787B.787-95  16285.7 years
TUI AWA300A300B4     33-
TUI AWB.767B.767-200     55-
TUI AWB.767B.767-200(ER)     99-
TUI AWB.767B.767-300(ER)     2020-
TUI AWB.767B.767-300(ER) (w)  1 11718-
TUI AWB.707B.707-320(A)     11-
TUI AWB.707B.707-320C     22-
TUI AWB.720B.720-020     11-
TUI AWB.720B.720-020B     22-
TUI AWB.757B.757-2001   1666724.0 years
TUI AWA320A320ceo (CFM)     1818-
TUI AWA320A320ceo (IAE)     3434-
TUI AWA321A321ceo (CFM)     1010-
TUI AWA321A321ceo (IAE)     55-
TUI AWA321A321neo (CFM)     11-
TUI AWB.737 NG/MAXB.737 MAX 817  62311343.5 years
TUI AWB.737 ClassicB.737-200     5454-
TUI AWB.737 ClassicB.737-200C     44-
TUI AWB.737 ClassicB.737-300     88-
TUI AWB.737 NG/MAXB.737-80030 123318421713.9 years
TUI AWBritannia (Bristol 175)Britannia 100     1111-
TUI AWL.649/749 ConstellationL.749A     33-
TUI AWL.049/149 ConstellationL.049D     22-
TUI AWL.049/149 ConstellationL.049E     22-
TUI AWL.049/149 ConstellationL.149     11-
TUI AWLi-2Li-2 ()     11-
 TOTAL:601297249156310.0 years
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All-times Fleets of TUI Airways
Total number of aircraft: 563. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current & Planned Fleets of TUI Airways
Section was not generated because the total number of aircraft (72) is larger than 30. Use link above to launch.

Current portfolios for TUI Airways
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Additional information on TUI Airways
New aircraft orders from TUI Airways
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Safety accidents and incidents events for TUI Airways
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Fri 19 Apr 2024 00:58 UTC