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Profile for: U.S. Air Force
3 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

U.S. Air ForceUSAFMCUSM+RCH+CMB+SAMUSAWashington,DC1947-
MC/USM code used by MAC (Military Airlift Command), RCH callsigns for flights operated by commercial airlines (changed 1/7/10 to CMB).
U.S. Army Air ForceUSAAF  USAWashington,DC1941-1947
Established 20/6/41 with the Air Corps and the G.H.Q. Air Force (renamed Air Force Combat Command) as its principal components. Renamed to USAF on 18/9/47.
U.S. Army Air CorpsUSAAC  USAWashington,DC1926-1941
Originally formed as the Aeronautical Division of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in 1907. Formally created on 2/7/1926.

Directory and Contact records for U.S. Air Force
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Traffic and Financial data overview for U.S. Air Force
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SubFleets for: U.S. Air Force
194 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
U S AFB.747B.747-100     11- 
U S AFB.747B.747-100(F)     1414-
U S AFB.747B.747-200B6   6 645.1 years
U S AFB.747B.747-200B(SCD)     55-
U S AFB.747B.747-400F     33-
U S AFB.747B.747-8I   22 2-
U S AFB.747B.747SP     11-
U S AFC-5 GalaxyC-5A (L.500)  55 5571126-
U S AFC-5 GalaxyC-5B  5 516-
U S AFC-5 GalaxyC-5C  1 1 1-
U S AFC-5 GalaxyC-5M44 2 46 4638.0 years
U S AFC-17C-17A218 3 2214026121.5 years
U S AFDC-10DC-10 Series 10     11-
U S AFDC-10KC-10  55 55560-
U S AFA330A330-200(MRTT)     44-
U S AFB.767E-10A (B.767-2EZC)     11-
U S AFB.767E-10A (B.767-4FSER)     11-
U S AFB.767KC-46A (B.767-2LK/2C)89  10519411953.6 years
U S AFB.707B.707-120     33-
U S AFB.707B.707-120B     33-
U S AFB.707B.707-320B     1010-
U S AFB.707B.707-320C     1616-
U S AFB.707B.707-420     11-
U S AFB.707C-18 (B.707-320C)     1111-
U S AFB.707E-3 (AWACS)17 14 31457644.7 years
U S AFB.707E-6 (B.707-320B)     11-
U S AFB.707E-8 (B.707-320C)  14 14822-
U S AFB.720B.720-020     22-
U S AFB.720B.720-020B     11-
U S AFKC-135C-135A (B.717-157)     33-
U S AFKC-135C-135B (B.717-158)     11-
U S AFKC-135C-135E  1 178-
U S AFKC-135C-135F (B.717-165)     1212-
U S AFKC-135KC-135 mods25 6 31356661.8 years
U S AFKC-135KC-135A3 48 51146197-
U S AFKC-135KC-135B  5 51318-
U S AFKC-135KC-135E  103 10327130-
U S AFKC-135KC-135R381 29 4102043064.7 years
U S AFC-141C-141A (L.300)     1414-
U S AFC-141C-141B     208208-
U S AFC-141C-141C     6262-
U S AFDC-8DC-8-30     11-
U S AFVC-10VC-10 C.1K (VC-10-1180)     11-
U S AFYC-15YC-15A     22-
U S AFB.727B.727-100     99-
U S AFB.727B.727-200     11-
U S AFB.757C-32 (B.757-200)8   8 828.1 years
U S AFB.737 NG/MAXB.737 BBJ (B.737-700)12  263844220.1 years
U S AFB.737 ClassicB.737-2001 3 44850.4 years
U S AFB.737 NG/MAXB.737-600     66-
U S AFB.737 ClassicT-43 (B.737-200)  5 5712-
U S AFDC-9DC-9-301 3 4222642.2 years
U S AFYC-14YC-14A     44-
U S AFC-130AC-130U1 15 16 1636.2 years
U S AFC-130AC-130W4 6 1021235.6 years
U S AFC-130C-130A1 12 13206219-
U S AFC-130C-130B  11 11158169-
U S AFC-130C-130D  2 21012-
U S AFC-130C-130E1 173 17432549961.4 years
U S AFC-130C-130H164 94 25821247034.9 years
U S AFC-130C-130J116 111128313111.3 years
U S AFC-130C-130J-30137  81451716210.3 years
U S AFC-130C-130K     6666-
U S AFC-130HC-130B     44-
U S AFC-130HC-130H2 6 8465444.0 years
U S AFC-130HC-130J42   429518.0 years
U S AFC-130HC-130N2 10 12152754.5 years
U S AFC-130HC-130P8 23 3153658.3 years
U S AFC-130KC-130     3232-
U S AFC-130LC-130F     44-
U S AFC-130LC-130H9   9 936.9 years
U S AFC-130LC-130R1   178-
U S AFC-130MC-130H  19 19524-
U S AFC-130MC-130P  5 516-
U S AFC-130MC-130W1   1 133.7 years
U S AFC-130NC-130     22-
U S AFAn-12An-12BP     22-
U S AFCASA 295CASA 295 ()     11-
U S AFF.27F.27-400     22-
U S AFAn-32An-32B     11-
U S AFDHC-8DHC-8 Series 100 Military2   2 238.5 years
U S AFDHC-8DHC-8 Series 2002   2 225.6 years
U S AFDHC-8DHC-8 Series 200 Military4   4 427.7 years
U S AFDHC-8DHC-8 Series 3001   1 132.9 years
U S AFDHC-5DHC-5A     11-
U S AFDo328-100Do328-11021   21244528.4 years
U S AFC-133C-133A     3434-
U S AFC-133C-133B     1515-
U S AFC-133GC-133A     11-
U S AFDC-6C-118A-DO (DC-6A/B)     141141-
U S AFDC-6C-118B-DO (DC-6A/B)     55-
U S AFDC-6DC-6 ()     11-
U S AFDC-6DC-6A     22-
U S AFDC-6DC-6B     11-
U S AFDC-6VC-118-DO     11-
U S AFDC-6YC-112A     11-
U S AFKC-97C-97 prototypes     1111-
U S AFKC-97C-97A     6161-
U S AFKC-97C-97D     55-
U S AFKC-97C-97E     11-
U S AFKC-97C-97F     44-
U S AFKC-97C-97G  12 12206218-
U S AFKC-97C-97K     2727-
U S AFKC-97KC-97E-BO (B.367-4-29)     5959-
U S AFKC-97KC-97F     157157-
U S AFKC-97KC-97G  5 5272277-
U S AFKC-97KC-97H     11-
U S AFKC-97KC-97L  20 205979-
U S AFC-121C-121 mods     55-
U S AFL.649/749 ConstellationC-121A-LO (L.749A-79-36)     44-
U S AFL.649/749 ConstellationC-121A-LO (L.749A-79-38)     44-
U S AFC-121C-121C (L.1049F-55-96)  1 13334-
U S AFC-121C-121G (L.1049B-55-75)     3232-
U S AFC-121EC-121     115115-
U S AFL.649/749 ConstellationL.749A     11-
U S AFC-121RC-121     11-
U S AFC-121RC-121C (L.1049B-55-84)     11-
U S AFC-121RC-121D (L.1049A-55-86)     22-
U S AFC-121VC-121     11-
U S AFL.649/749 ConstellationVC-121A     22-
U S AFC-121YC-121F (L.1249A-94-75)     22-
U S AFL.049/149 ConstellationC-69C-LO     109109-
U S AFL.049/149 ConstellationL.049     11-
U S AFL.049/149 ConstellationL.549     153153-
U S AFRainbowRC-1 XR-12 Rainbow     22-
U S AFDC-4C-54 (conversions)     11-
U S AFDC-4C-54-DO (DC-4)     2424-
U S AFDC-4C-54A (DC-4)     252252-
U S AFDC-4C-54B (DC-4)     220220-
U S AFDC-4C-54D (DC-4)     381381-
U S AFDC-4C-54E (DC-4)     121121-
U S AFDC-4C-54G (DC-4)     409409-
U S AFDC-4C-54M (DC-4)     44-
U S AFDC-4C-54U (DC-4)     11-
U S AFDC-4XC-114-DO (DC-4)     11-
U S AFDC-4XC-116-DO (DC-4)     11-
U S AFB.314B.314A     44-
U S AFB.307B.307 (S-307 Stratoliner)     55-
U S AFCV-340/440C-131 Series  4 48993-
U S AFC-131AC-131A Series     3131-
U S AFT-29 (CV-240)T-29A     4848-
U S AFT-29 (CV-240)T-29B     105105-
U S AFT-29 (CV-240)T-29C  5 5114119-
U S AFT-29 (CV-240)T-29D     9292-
U S AFCV-240YT-32 (CV-240-18)     11-
U S AFC-46C-46     11-
U S AFC-46C-46 Series     2525-
U S AFC-46C-46A Series (CW-20)     15371537-
U S AFC-46C-46B Series (CW-20B)     11-
U S AFC-46C-46D Series (CW-20B-2)     13671367-
U S AFC-46C-46E Series (CW-20B-3)     1717-
U S AFC-46C-46F Series (CW-20B-4)     235235-
U S AFC-46C-46G Series (CW-20B-5)     11-
U S AFC-46C-55 (C-46/CW-20A)     11-
U S AFDC-3C-117 (Naval DC-3)     133133-
U S AFDC-3C-41-DO (DC-3)     11-
U S AFDC-3C-47 ()     978978-
U S AFDC-3C-47 (DC-3)     1919-
U S AFDC-3C-47/R4D (naval DC-3)     88-
U S AFDC-3C-47A  39 3952045243-
U S AFDC-3C-47B     33123312-
U S AFDC-3C-47C     22-
U S AFDC-3C-47D     4646-
U S AFDC-3C-47E     11-
U S AFDC-3C-47J     22-
U S AFDC-3C-53 (DC-3)     397397-
U S AFDC-3C-68-DO     22-
U S AFDC-3C-84 (DC-3)     44-
U S AFDC-3DC-3     33-
U S AFDC-3DC-3 (impressed)     188188-
U S AFDC-3DC-3 (pre-war)     33-
U S AFDC-3DC-3A (pre-war)     22-
U S AFDC-3DC-3B     22-
U S AFDC-3DST (Sleeper DC-3)     11-
U S AFDC-3DST-A (DC-3)     11-
U S AFDC-3EC-47N     11-
U S AFDC-3EC-47P     33-
U S AFDC-3Turbo DC-3     11-
U S AFDC-3YC-47F     11-
U S AFDC-2C-32A-DO (DC-2)     2424-
U S AFDC-2C-33-DO (DC-2-145)     1818-
U S AFDC-2C-34-DO (DC-2-173)     22-
U S AFDC-2C-39-DO (DC-2)     3535-
U S AFDC-2C-41-DO (DC-2)     11-
U S AFDC-2C-42-DO (DC-2)     11-
U S AFDC-2XC-32-DO (DC-2-153)     11-
U S AFDC-5DC-5 ()     33-
U S AFXC-99XC-99A     11-
U S AFC-124C-124A     5252-
U S AFC-124C-124C     446446-
U S AFC-124JC-124C     11-
U S AFC-124YC-124A     11-
U S AFC-124YC-124B     11-
U S AFC-74C-74 ()     5050-
 TOTAL:1324 8151522291195932188434.4 years
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of U.S. Air Force
Total number of aircraft: 21884. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current & Planned Fleets of U.S. Air Force
Section was not generated because the total number of aircraft (2291) is larger than 30. Use link above to launch.

Current portfolios for U.S. Air Force
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