Timeline: Qatar Airways

Timeline for: Qatar Airways

© 2025 AeroTransport Data Bank (ATDB.aero)
No reproduction permitted

Count of active aircraft in each sub-fleet for this operator. Excludes current aircraft in temporary storage, damaged/under repair, or permanently retired.
For future years: it is assumed that contracted aircraft on order or option will be delivered.

Move mouse over data cells for details on the subfleet size for each period.
Start year: recommended: after 1980
End year: recommended: before 2030

- Deliveries in future years are subject to reconfirmation and decisions on withdrawals
- Some subfleets prior to 1975 may be slightly undersized
- Timeline requires a current subscription (default operators are used if no valid subscription found)
- Timeline after the current year (2025) requires a professional or premium subscription.
- Subscribe or Upgrade.