AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 12 - Aircraft Operators

All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 12 - Aircraft Operators

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:03

Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'. There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited. However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions. Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances. ...

Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:

ABC Air Hungary in HUNGARY ( ...)
Abu Dhabi Air Force in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ( ...)
Aerea Teseo in ITALY (Started operations on 15/4/47. Majority share acquired in 1948 by Salpanavi. Sto ...)
Orario Linee Aereo Teseo in ITALY (Started operations on 15/4/47. Majority share acquired in 1948 by Salpanavi. Sto ...)
Aero Jet in SWITZERLAND (Formed by Transtream Travel Club. ...)
Aero Services in PHILIPPINES ( ...)
Air V.J.Sanchez in PHILIPPINES ( ...)
Aero-Dienst in GERMANY ( ...)
AeroChaco in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Lineas Aéreas Chaquenas in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Aerogolfo Colombia in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Antes Air Cargo in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Aeronorte in BRAZIL (Acquired 1953 by Aerovias & 1959 by REAL. Merged into Varig. ...)
Empresa de Transportes Aéreos Norte do Brasil in BRAZIL (Acquired 1953 by Aerovias & 1959 by REAL. Merged into Varig. ...)
Aeroplan in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Aeropuebla in MEXICO ( ...)
Aerovias Bochettia in CHILE ( ...)
Aerovias Oaxaqueñas in MEXICO (Originally formed as Aerolíneas Oaxaqueñas. ...)
Aerovolga in RUSSIA (Merged into Samara AL. ...)
Air Volga in RUSSIA (Merged into Samara AL. ...)
Afrikayes Air in MALI (Formed on 3/1/19 using chartered equipment from Air Burkina. ...)
Air Cargo of Liberia in LIBERIA ( ...)
Air Chartered Traders in KENYA (Unconfirmed in Kenya. ...)
Air Express in RUSSIA (AOC granted on 21/12/18. ...)
Air Go Egypt in EGYPT ( ...)
Air Horizont in MALTA (Formed in Spain using a Malta AOC. Initially intended to start in 2011 but proje ...)
Air Indus in PAKISTAN (Formed by Karakoram Motors (also rumoured to be owned by the sister of the presi ...)
Air Inter in FRANCE (Formed on 13/9/54 with Air France (24.95% later 36.5%), UTA (14.67% later 34.5%) ...)
Air Kampuchea in CAMBODIA ( ...)
Kampuchea Airlines in CAMBODIA ( ...)
Air Mauritanie in MAURITANIA (Formed 9/62, starting schedules services in 1963 with help from Spantax. 20% sta ...)
Société d'Economie Mixte Air Mauritanie in MAURITANIA (Formed 9/62, starting schedules services in 1963 with help from Spantax. 20% sta ...)
Air Nova/Air Canada Connector in CANADA (100% stake acquired 1990 by Air Canada. Received offer in 1999 from CIT Group/Ne ...)
Air Sierra Leone in SIERRA LEONE (Launched in 5/22 as a joint venture between the Sierra Leone government and Xeje ...)
AirentAll in SPAIN (Formed in 2005 as an engineering company by AllVeritas Inversiones SL and Centro ...)
Argentina-Linea Privada Argentina in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Airways International in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Airways International Cymru in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Ajara Airlines in GEORGIA (Originally formed as Aldi Airlines in 2000 with former staff of Batumi Ajal but ...)
Adjaria in GEORGIA (Originally formed as Aldi Airlines in 2000 with former staff of Batumi Ajal but ...)
Apple Air Services in IRELAND ( ...)
Arista International Airlines in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
Tourlite Int'l in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
Artem-Avia in UKRAINE ( ...)
Aviación Naval de Chile in CHILE (Originally formed in 1919 as naval aviation service but merged into Chile AF in ...)
Aviacon Zitotrans in RUSSIA (Added on US OFAC watch list in 1/23. ...)
Aviakon Tsitotrans in RUSSIA (Added on US OFAC watch list in 1/23. ...)
Avialeasing Aviation Company in UZBEKISTAN (Joint US-Uzbek venture. Formed SRX Group in Florida (qv) in 1993. Uzbek AOC gran ...)
AVICO Tours in ECUADOR ( ...)
Avolar Aerolineas in MEXICO (Started operations 16/9/05. AOC suspended on 4/8/08 over safety issues but decis ...)
Balkan Air Tour Airlines in BULGARIA (Formed by Balkan Air Tour Ltd as new national carrier using assets from Balkan. ...)
Ball Brothers in USA.ALASKA (Formed by Albert Newton Ball. Renamed 11/84 to Northern Pacific. ...)
Bance Air in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Beriev in RUSSIA (Fomred by Georgy M. Beriev who established the Taganrog Central Design Bureau of ...)
Bionic Aviation in SOUTH AFRICA (Initially formed as a MRO/parts company also doing ACMI charter work. Acquired i ...)
Central African Airways in ZIMBABWE (Formed in 6/46 by Southern Rhodesia (50%), Northern Rhodesia (35%), Nyasaland (1 ...)
CAA in ZIMBABWE (Formed in 6/46 by Southern Rhodesia (50%), Northern Rhodesia (35%), Nyasaland (1 ...)
CityLink Africa Airways in SOUTH SUDAN (Started operations initially with small commuter equipment (Let 410). ...)
Civil in SAUDI ARABIA ( ...)
Civil in JAMAICA ( ...)
CJS Aircargo in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
CJS Cargo Services in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Combi Airlines in RUSSIA ( ...)
Crystal Air Aviation in USA.ARIZONA (AOC granted on 21/9/07 under FAR-135. ...)
Crystal Shamrock Airlines in USA.MINNESOTA ( ...)
Cuerpo de Aviación Militar Dominicana in DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Formed 15/2/1948. ...)
Dakota Airways in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Danair in DENMARK (Formed by Cimber Air (15% later 5%), Maersk (34% later 38%) & SAS (51% later 57% ...)
DLR Flugbetriebe in GERMANY ( ...)
Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Rumfahrt in GERMANY ( ...)
EFS in GERMANY (Operations transferred to Ostend as EFS Bahamas. ...)
Express Flug Service in GERMANY (Operations transferred to Ostend as EFS Bahamas. ...)
EgyptAir Cargo in EGYPT (Originally formed as an internal division of EgyptAir. Spun-off as a separate su ...)
Eldorado in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Eldorado in BOLIVIA ( ...)
European Capital Corp in USA.DELAWARE (Formed by the Asprou brothers (former owners of Inter European Airways). Associa ...)
Expressair in USA.ARIZONA ( ...)
Fanjet Express in KENYA ( ...)
Fly Eth in AUSTRIA (Business plan indefinitely postponed in 9/14. ...)
Flynext in GERMANY (Originally formed as LTU Austria (qv). Renamed before starting operations. ...)
Free Falcon Air in LIBYA (Formed by Abu Sittah family. Expected to start in 2016. ...)
GEASA in GUINEA EQUATORIAL (Possibly linked with Equatorial Airlines (ICAO EQT), both listed on EU ban list ...)
Guinea Ecuatorial Airlines SA in GUINEA EQUATORIAL (Possibly linked with Equatorial Airlines (ICAO EQT), both listed on EU ban list ...)
Glade Air in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Great Lakes Business Company in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Probably originally part of Viktor Bout network through Dimitri Popov. See http: ...)
Compagnie Aérienne des Grands Lacs in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Probably originally part of Viktor Bout network through Dimitri Popov. See http: ...)
Guinée Air Service in GUINEA ( ...)
GAS in GUINEA ( ...)
Hawk Aviation in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Hermes Airlines in GREECE (Formed on 24/5/11 by Air Méditerranée as its Greek subsidiary. Expected to be so ...)
Hermes Aviation in MALTA (Started operations on 6/6/14. Suspended services on 11/1/15 and AOC suspended on ...)
FlyHermes in MALTA (Started operations on 6/6/14. Suspended services on 11/1/15 and AOC suspended on ...)
Hydro-Québec in CANADA ( ...)
Inter Regionales in SPAIN ( ...)
Iraq Gate in IRAQ ( ...)
Jet Travel in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
JetranAir in ROMANIA (Entered bankrupcy in 12/08, assets taken over by Ten Airways. ...)
Kenya Airways in KENYA (Reorganized in 1991. Privatized in 1996: 34% sold to public (KQ Lenders Co 2017 ...)
Krageair in GEORGIA (Formed by Georgex and Krasnoyarsk AL. ...)
LadouçAir in CANADA ( ...)
LATAM Airlines Group in CHILE (10% purchased by Qatar Airways through a capital increase (announced 12/7/16, ap ...)
Levu Air Cargo in BRAZIL (Formed on 16/5/22. AOC granted on 7/11/24. ...)
Light Air Services in SOUTH SUDAN (Started operations with small aircraft equipment. ...)
Lloyd Airlines in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Empire Supply Co (Hubert M. Covert). ...)
Manunggal Air in INDONESIA (Added on EU ban list on 4/7/07 and subsequent dates. AOC suspended on 30/4/15, r ...)
MaxAir Niger in NIGER (Formed by Max Air, Nigeria. ...)
MRK Airlines in UKRAINE ( ...)
Mars RK in UKRAINE ( ...)
Nor-Fly Charter in NORWAY (Formed by Helikopter Service A/S. Reorganized 1983. ...)
North American Aircraft Hire in UNITED KINGDOM.CAYMAN ISLANDS ( ...)
Northeast in $ FICTION ( ...)
NEA in $ FICTION ( ...)
Northern Ireland Airways in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Nurman Avia Indopura in INDONESIA (AOC revoked 6/6/07 by government. ...)
Omskavia in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Omsk division. Fully privatized. Formed AirBridg ...)
Oriental Airlines in NIGERIA (Started operations in 1990. ...)
Papua New Guinea Defence Force in PAPUA NEW GUINEA ( ...)
PassionAir in GHANA (Formed by DAC International (qv). Started operations in 8/18. Suspended operatio ...)
Pelangi Airways in MALAYSIA (18% stake taken by Malaysian Helicopter Services, increased to 80% by 1995. ...)
Portugalia Airlines in PORTUGAL (Formed on 25/7/88. Started services on 7/7/90. ...)
Companhia Portuguesa de Transportes Aéreos in PORTUGAL (Formed on 25/7/88. Started services on 7/7/90. ...)
Potomac Capital Investment in USA.VIRGINIA ( ...)
PFG/Potomac Financial Group in USA.VIRGINIA ( ...)
Proud Appeal in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Qatar Executive in QATAR (Formed by Qatar Airways as its business jet subsidiary. ...)
Ransome Airlines in USA.PENNSYLVANIA ( ...)
Rossair Kenya in KENYA (Formed by South Africa's Rossair. Ceased operations 2/05 following its parent's ...)
Royal Jordanian Airlines in JORDAN (Was to be privatized in 1994, plan cancelled. Joined OneWorld alliance in 10/05 ...)
SafariLink Aviation in KENYA (Formed 1/04 by ALS Ltd. ...)
Sahel Aviation Service in MALI ( ...)
SAS in MALI ( ...)
Sempati Air Transport in INDONESIA (Formed 12/68, starting operations in 3/69. Stake being negociated in 1996 by Sin ...)
Sierra Airlines in $ FICTION ( ...)
Singapore Airlines Cargo in SINGAPORE (Formed 1/7/01 by Singapore AL. Formed WOW alliance with Lufthansa Cargo and SAS ...)
Sis-Q Flying Service in USA (GENERAL) (Renamed 5/85 after reorganization. ...)
Smartlynx Estonia in ESTONIA (Formed by Smartlynx Airlines, Latvia. Suspended operations on 9/4/20 due to COVI ...)
Smart Lynx Estonia in ESTONIA (Formed by Smartlynx Airlines, Latvia. Suspended operations on 9/4/20 due to COVI ...)
Smartlynx Italia in ITALY (Formed by Latvia's Smartlynx as local subsidiary, using AOC from Air Vallée, lat ...)
Smart Lynx Italia in ITALY (Formed by Latvia's Smartlynx as local subsidiary, using AOC from Air Vallée, lat ...)
Sociedad Uruguaya de Aviación in URUGUAY (Expects to start services in 10/25 with assistance from Air Baltic. ...)
SUA in URUGUAY (Expects to start services in 10/25 with assistance from Air Baltic. ...)
Sovereign Airways in $ FICTION ( ...)
Starsky Aviation in SOMALIA ( ...)
Sterling Airways in USA.WEST VIRGINIA ( ...)
Stewart Industries International in USA.OKLAHOMA ( ...)
Suburban Airlines/USAir Express in USA.PENNSYLVANIA ( ...)
Sud América Air in ARGENTINA (Formed by Grupo Montalvan. ...)
Sultanate of Oman Air Force in OMAN ( ...)
SOAF in OMAN ( ...)
Sunair Bahamas in BAHAMAS (Never started ops. ...)
Svensk Flygtjänst in SWEDEN ( ...)
Swedair in SWEDEN ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Bolivianos SA in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Centro Americanos in EL SALVADOR ( ...)
Tafa Air in ALBANIA (Formed by Albanian and Kosovo interests. Operated during 8 days before ceasing s ...)
TAM Airlines (Paraguay) in PARAGUAY ( ...)
TAM Brasil in BRAZIL (Formed by Rolim Amaro as Transportes Aéreos Marilia by 1961-born Taxi Aéreo Mari ...)
TAM Linhas Aéreas in BRAZIL (Formed by Rolim Amaro as Transportes Aéreos Marilia by 1961-born Taxi Aéreo Mari ...)
Tasman Cargo Airlines in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Tavria Aviakompania in UKRAINE ( ...)
Tavrey Air Company in UKRAINE ( ...)
Thai Air Cargo in THAILAND (Formed by Freight Forwarders Commercial Transport Int'l Company for startup in 2 ...)
Thunderbird Tours in CANADA (Originally formed as Flying Enterprise & Canadian Eagle AL. ...)
Tingair in MOROCCO (Formed 7/07, originally as Air Horizon Tanger and JPM Aviation Maroc, with finan ...)
Tortug'Air in HAITI (Formed 29/1/03. Started operations on 13/8/04 with small commuter equipment. ...)
Trade Aero Space Technologies in KYRGYZSTAN (Originally formed as a spare parts supplier for Soviet aircraft types. Also see ...)
TRAST Aero in KYRGYZSTAN (Originally formed as a spare parts supplier for Soviet aircraft types. Also see ...)
Trade Bank of Iraq in IRAQ ( ...)
Tramon Air in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Transcargo Airlines in SPAIN ( ...)
Transcend Aero Services in SINGAPORE ( ...)
Travira Air in INDONESIA (Formed by Transavia Utama group. Added on EU ban list on 4/7/07 and subsequent d ...)
Travira Utama in INDONESIA (Formed by Transavia Utama group. Added on EU ban list on 4/7/07 and subsequent d ...)
Tri-MG Airlines in INDONESIA (Became part of Airmark Group in 2004. Ceased scheduled services end 2006. Added ...)
Tri MG Intra Asia Airlines in INDONESIA (Became part of Airmark Group in 2004. Ceased scheduled services end 2006. Added ...)
Tyumentransgazavia in RUSSIA (Formed by Gazprom Group. Merged into Gazpromavia. ...)
Tyumentransgasavia in RUSSIA (Formed by Gazprom Group. Merged into Gazpromavia. ...)
Virgin America in USA.CALIFORNIA (Initially formed in 2002 by Virgin Group as a project for a low-cost carrier in ...)
Wadadli Cargo in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA (Formed in 10/20 (Wadadli is local name for Antigua). Expects to start services i ...)
WDL Flugdienst in GERMANY ( ...)
Westdeutsche Luftwerbung in GERMANY ( ...)
Wedge Aviation in USA.TEXAS (Formed by Wedge Group (investment firm mostly specialized in energy and related ...)
Wistair International in USA.TEXAS (Formed by Wedge Group (investment firm mostly specialized in energy and related ...)
West Atlantic Sweden in SWEDEN (25% purchased on 9/12/13 by ATSG/Air Transport Services Group (owner of ABX Air, ...)
West LB in GERMANY ( ...)
Westdeutsche Landesbank in GERMANY ( ...)
Westpoint Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM (Renamed British Wespoint on 16/10/63. ...)
Wing Tours in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by National AW. ...)

This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:03

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Master indexes: Operators - Registrations

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