AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 2 - Aircraft Operators

All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 2 - Aircraft Operators

Generated: 2025-02-10 04:00:04

Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'. There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited. However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions. Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances. ...

Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators: in ITALY (Formed using AOC from Mistral Air. ...)
4Air European Airfreight Express in ITALY (Formed using AOC from Mistral Air. ...)
AerDragon Aviation Partners in CHINA (Formed on 26/10/06 by CASC, AerCap and Calyon Finance (later Crédit Agricole) fo ...)
Dragon Aviation Leasing in CHINA (Formed on 26/10/06 by CASC, AerCap and Calyon Finance (later Crédit Agricole) fo ...)
Aero Juarez in MEXICO (Formed by Texas' Aero Freight Inc. ...)
Aero Trans Service in KYRGYZSTAN ( ...)
Aerolínea Principal Chile in CHILE (Business plan reorganized in 2006 with a participation from Futura Int'l. Starte ...)
Aerolineas del Perú in PERU (Formed by Spain's Marsans travel group (owner of Aerolineas Argentinas) and Peru ...)
Aerospace Consortium FZE in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (General freight brokerage company starting operations 17/8/03. Formed affiliate ...)
Aerostarz in RUSSIA ( ...)
Skystars in RUSSIA ( ...)
Aerovia Bolivia in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Afrik Air Links in SIERRA LEONE (Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06. ...)
Air Andorra in ANDORRA (Formed in 12/13. Was expected to start in mid-2014, postponed to 11/14 then unde ...)
Air Canada Regional in CANADA (Formed by Air Canada by the merger of Air BC, Air Nova, Air Ontario and Canadian ...)
Air East in $ FICTION ( ...)
Air Finance Holland in NETHERLANDS ( ...)
Air Global in PORTUGAL (Formed to operate into Madeira. Financial resources not completed. ...)
Air Global Transportes Aéreos in PORTUGAL (Formed to operate into Madeira. Financial resources not completed. ...)
Air Italy in ITALY (Formed by Air Sicilia and sister company Sky Network Technologies. Ceased ops 7/ ...)
Free Airways in ITALY (Formed by Air Sicilia and sister company Sky Network Technologies. Ceased ops 7/ ...)
Air KBZ in MYANMAR (Formed on 6/10 by Myanmar Investment Commission through Kanbawza Bank. AOC grant ...)
Air Kanbawza in MYANMAR (Formed on 6/10 by Myanmar Investment Commission through Kanbawza Bank. AOC grant ...)
Air Safaris in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Air Sénégal in SENEGAL (Formed on 15/4/16 by the local government. Expected minority share from THY canc ...)
Air Taxi International in USA.FLORIDA (Became a brokerage-only firm in 1992. ...)
Air Zena in GEORGIA ( ...)
Air-Lift Co-op Services in INDIA ( ...)
AirMax Cargo in PERU ( ...)
Airtaco in SWEDEN (Reorganized and renamed 14/4/1957 when SAS purchased all assets to form Linjefly ...)
Air Thorval Anderson & Co in SWEDEN (Reorganized and renamed 14/4/1957 when SAS purchased all assets to form Linjefly ...)
All-Air in GERMANY ( ...)
All-American Airways in USA.FLORIDA (Renamed 5/61 to Saturn AW. ...)
Anguilla Airways in USA.VIRGIN ISLANDS ( ...)
Antex-Polus in RUSSIA (Formed by Russian explorer Artur Chilingarov for Antarctic operations. Reorganiz ...)
Antigua Airways in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA (Formed by the local government and investors in Nigeria. Started services on 1/1 ...)
Arizona Pacific Airlines in USA.ARIZONA ( ...)
Astan Air in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
Atlantis European Airways in ARMENIA (Suspended operations on 15/9/20. AOC suspended in 1/20. Added on EU black list o ...)
AvAtlantic in USA.FLORIDA (Temporarily grounded by FAA in 1996, again in 1997. Intends to restart with a 73 ...)
HCL Aviation in USA.FLORIDA (Temporarily grounded by FAA in 1996, again in 1997. Intends to restart with a 73 ...)
Aviation Research Centre in INDIA (Formed on 7/9/63 by the Indian Inteliigence Bureau with assistance from the US C ...)
BAX Global in USA.OHIO (Acquired in 11/2005 by Deutsche Bahn (DB Schenker). Closed down during 8/11. ...)
BBAM Aircraft Leasing & Management in USA.CALIFORNIA (15% purchased by FLY Leasing (qv). Purchased portfolio of Global Aviation Asset ...)
BBAM Aircraft Management in USA.CALIFORNIA (15% purchased by FLY Leasing (qv). Purchased portfolio of Global Aviation Asset ...)
Bishwo Airways in NEPAL (Formed by Bishwo Holdings, Singapore. Expects to start in 2015H1. Appears to be ...)
Blue-Air in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Bowman Aviation in USA.INDIANA ( ...)
JAT Aviation in USA.INDIANA ( ...)
Bridges Air Cargo in MALTA (Formed on 30/6/22 by Bridges Worldwide, a UK-based courier company. AOC granted ...)
Bridge Aviation in MALTA (Formed on 30/6/22 by Bridges Worldwide, a UK-based courier company. AOC granted ...)
Capital Avia Invest in RUSSIA ( ...)
KapitalAviaInvest in RUSSIA ( ...)
Centralwings in POLAND (Formed by LOT (100%) in 12/04 as low-cost subsidiary with technical assistance f ...)
CEV in FRANCE (Originally formed as EPNER/École du personnel navigant d'essais et de réception ...)
Centre d'Essais en Vol in FRANCE (Originally formed as EPNER/École du personnel navigant d'essais et de réception ...)
Cherry Air Aviation Services in USA.LOUISIANA ( ...)
Civil in PAPUA NEW GUINEA ( ...)
Civil in ISRAEL ( ...)
Clarks Aerial Service in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Click Air in SPAIN (Formed as a joint-venture between Iberia, ACS (construction company), Agrolimen ...)
Clickair in SPAIN (Formed as a joint-venture between Iberia, ACS (construction company), Agrolimen ...)
Commercial Aviation Leasing in IRELAND (Formed as a joint venture between GECAS and SAS. ...)
Compañia Argentina de Aero Taxi Zothner in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Continental Cargo Airlines in GHANA ( ...)
African Cargo/Continental Aviation/Air Cargo Chartering in GHANA ( ...)
Coral Colombia in COLOMBIA (Formed by Raul A.Coronado Cubilios. ...)
Coronado Aerolineas in COLOMBIA (Formed by Raul A.Coronado Cubilios. ...)
Diamente Air in VENEZUELA ( ...)
Element Financial Corporation in CANADA ( ...)
Empressa do Transportes Aéreos Pedro Sanchez in BRAZIL ( ...)
Equator Airlines in KENYA ( ...)
Euro Atlantic Air in GAMBIA ( ...)
Fairchild Aviation Corporation in USA (GENERAL) (Originally formed in 1920 as Fairchild Aerial Camera Corporation by Sherman Mill ...)
Far West Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA (Entered Chapter 11 on 22/2/85. ...)
Florida Airmotive in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Forcat Ushtarake Ajore Shqipetare in ALBANIA ( ...)
Albanian People's Army Air Force in ALBANIA ( ...)
Force Aérienne Gabonaise in GABON (Formally formed 25/1/72 as Armée de l'Air Gabonaise. ...)
FreeBird Airlines Europe in MALTA (Formed on 21/3/18 by FreeBird Airlines, Turkey. Suspended operations on 16/3/20 ...)
Frontier Discovery Airlines in USA.COLORADO (Formed by Frontier. Ceased ops when became Aeronautics Lsg. ...)
FTAI Aviation in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
German Sky Airlines in GERMANY (Originally formed in 2004 by Kayi Group, Düsseldorf. Reorganized in by GTI Group ...)
GlobalX-Australia in AUSTRALIA (Formed in 12/14 by GlobalX and ATB Aviation Australia. ...)
Gold Wings Australia in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Gordon Cooper Travel Club in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Government of Belarus in BELARUS ( ...)
Great Southern Airways in USA.FLORIDA (Formed on 21/5/12. ...)
Guardian Air Freight in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Gulf Aviation in OMAN (22% stake taken 1951 by BOAC. Renamed when became jointly owned by Bahrain, Qata ...)
Havenstrite Aircraft in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Heston Aviation in LITHUANIA ( ...)
Hoseba SIC in UKRAINE ( ...)
Indian Coast Guard in INDIA ( ...)
International Aircraft Sales & Leasing in USA.FLORIDA (Associated with Florida Aircraft Leasing. ...)
Iranian Airlines in IRAN (Formed by Saha Airlines. Project cancelled 7/10. ...)
Islas Afortunadas Air in SPAIN (Formed by local interests. Expects to start in 2013Q4. Business plan needs to be ...)
Jersey Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM.JERSEY ( ...)
Jet America Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA (Acquired 1986 by Alaska AL & integrated 1/10/87. ...)
JetLite India in INDIA (Parent company Sahara India Commercial Corp entered legal dispute against Jet Ai ...)
Joint Church Aid in BIAFRA ( ...)
Jubba Airways Kenya in KENYA (Formed by Jubba Airways. Formed African Airways Alliance in 2/15 with Daallo Air ...)
Kiss Air in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Simon Halabi, a property developer. ...)
Kotlasavia in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kotlas division. ...)
Kotlasskoe aviapredpriatie/Kotlas Air Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kotlas division. ...)
LAN Chile Cargo in CHILE (Merged 24/4/02 into LAN Chile. Reorganized in 2005 as LAN Cargo. ...)
LARES in ROMANIA (Took-over SARTA in 1937. ...)
Linile Aeriene Romane Exploatate cu Statul in ROMANIA (Took-over SARTA in 1937. ...)
Lineas Aéreas del Caribe in COLOMBIA ( ...)
London Express Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Majestic Air in USA (GENERAL) (Unconfirmed in USA. ...)
Malta Airlines in MALTA (Formed by BEA (34%). ...)
Maluti Sky in LESOTHO (Was expected to be shut down on 1/5/17 due to market conditions. ...)
MalutiSky in LESOTHO (Was expected to be shut down on 1/5/17 due to market conditions. ...)
Motu Link Airline in FRANCE.POLYNESIA (Formed on 29/1/21 ...)
Nepal Airlines in NEPAL (Suspended international flights for a week during 8/07, again 2 weeks 18/12-31/1 ...)
NAC in NEPAL (Suspended international flights for a week during 8/07, again 2 weeks 18/12-31/1 ...)
North Cariboo Air in CANADA ( ...)
North Cariboo Flying Service in CANADA ( ...)
Northwest Airlink in USA.MINNESOTA ( ...)
NWA Airlink in USA.MINNESOTA ( ...)
Norwegian Overseas Airways in NORWAY ( ...)
Olympic Airways in GREECE (Formed 4/56 by taking over assets from definct TAE. Renamed 6/4/57 when acquired ...)
Oman Royal Flight in OMAN ( ...)
Royal Flight of Oman in OMAN ( ...)
Pac Atlantic Air in $ FICTION ( ...)
Palau Micronesia Air in PALAU (Formed by Japanese interests using AOC from Air New Zealand. Ceased ops 23/12/04 ...)
Petra Airlines in JORDAN (Originally formed in 2005 by Rum Group. Started operations in 10/10. 49% purchas ...)
Petrus Asset Management in USA.TEXAS (Formed by Perot Investments (Ross Perot). ...)
Petrus Aviation Management in USA.TEXAS (Formed by Perot Investments (Ross Perot). ...)
Phoenix Air in USA.GEORGIA ( ...)
Pilot in RUSSIA ( ...)
Precision Air Services in TANZANIA ( ...)
Project Roam in USA.OHIO (Formed by Ed Beauvais, former CEO of America West. ...)
Qiantang Airways in CHINA (Formed 6/06 by Chen Xijian (40%), Zhejiang Nengdali Group (54%, a textile/garmen ...)
Repp Air Freight in USA.INDIANA ( ...)
Rolls-Royce in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Rolls-Royce Aircraft Management in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
SAEP Colombia in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Servicios Aéreos Especializados en Transporte Petrolero/Serv.Aéreos Petroleros in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Safair Lines in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Sakhalinsk Avia Transport in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Sakhalinsk division. ...)
SAT/Sakhalinskie Aviatrassy in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Sakhalinsk division. ...)
Segers Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM.GIBRALTAR ( ...)
Skyjet Aviation Services in NIGERIA (Formed 7/3/06 by Barbedos Group, initially operating small bizjets. ...)
Solenta Aviation Gabon in GABON (Formed by Solenta Aviation, South Africa. Added on EU black list 24/7/08 until 9 ...)
South Phoenix Airways in PHILIPPINES (Renamed 2/06 to Orient Airlines as a joint-venture with Astro Air International ...)
Southern Gateway in RWANDA (Unconfirmed in Rwanda. ...)
Spire Flight Solutions in USA.COLORADO (Company specialized in worldwide ferry flights. ...)
Star Air Lines in USA.ALASKA (Formed 1932 as McGee Airways, later Star Air Service. ...)
Sun Pacific International in USA.ARIZONA (Certificate revoked by FAA on 19/4/99. Liquidated in 2001. ...)
Syrianair in SYRIA (Renamed on 9/1/20 by Syrian president. ...)
Syrian Arab Air Lines in SYRIA (Renamed on 9/1/20 by Syrian president. ...)
Tango in CANADA (Formed by Air Canada as no-frills subsidiary. Re-absorbed into Air Canada, with ...)
Tango by Air Canada in CANADA (Formed by Air Canada as no-frills subsidiary. Re-absorbed into Air Canada, with ...)
Tashkent Aircraft Production Association in UZBEKISTAN (Flying division of 1942-formed Chkalov Tashkent Aircraft Factory. ...)
Thai Freighter Services in THAILAND ( ...)
TFS in THAILAND ( ...)
Tradecraft Air in NIGERIA (Formed 10/09. ...)
Trade Craft Air in NIGERIA (Formed 10/09. ...)
Trans International Air Cargo in FRANCE (Never started ops. ...)
Transamerica Airlines in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Transasian Air Express in AUSTRALIA (Formed by Transasian Air Australia. ...)
Tropicana Airlines in GHANA (Formed by Tropicana Shipping, a maritime freight agency. Started its own operati ...)
Tula Air Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Tula division and part of Central Districts AL. ...)
Tulskoe aviapredpriatie in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Tula division and part of Central Districts AL. ...)
Tupolev Design Bureau in RUSSIA (Formed 22/10/1922 by Andrey N Tupolev. Privatized in 1993. Member of Internation ...)
Tupolev OKB in RUSSIA (Formed 22/10/1922 by Andrey N Tupolev. Privatized in 1993. Member of Internation ...)
U.S. Marine Corps in USA (GENERAL) (Formed on 11/7/1798. Became a component of the US Navy on 30/6/1834. Began using ...)
USMC in USA (GENERAL) (Formed on 11/7/1798. Became a component of the US Navy on 30/6/1834. Began using ...)
Union Express Charter Airline in MYANMAR ( ...)
Uralaviali Company in RUSSIA ( ...)
UTA in GUINEA (Originally formed in 1995 in Sierra Leone as West Coast. AOC obtained 12/11/01. ...)
Union des Transports Africains de Guinée in GUINEA (Originally formed in 1995 in Sierra Leone as West Coast. AOC obtained 12/11/01. ...)
Veteran Airlines in UKRAINE ( ...)
Veteran Aviakompania in UKRAINE ( ...)
VFW in GERMANY (Formed by merger of Focke-Wulf & Weser Flugzeugbau (which took over Hamburger Fl ...)
Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke in GERMANY (Formed by merger of Focke-Wulf & Weser Flugzeugbau (which took over Hamburger Fl ...)
Via Lactea Transportes Aéreos in BRAZIL ( ...)
Wat Phnom Airlines in CAMBODIA ( ...)
World Wide Travel Club in USA.MINNESOTA ( ...)
Yana in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
Yung Shing Airlines in TAIWAN ( ...)
Zafer Aviation in TURKEY (Started operations with biz-jet equipment. ...)
Zoom Airways in BANGLADESH (Acquired by RAK Aviation, UAE. AOC reportedly revoked in 8/09 by UAE GCAA. ...)

This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage

Generated: 2025-02-10 04:00:04

ATDB - AeroTransport Data Bank

Master indexes: Operators - Registrations

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