AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 25 - Aircraft Operators

All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 25 - Aircraft Operators

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04

Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'. There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited. However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions. Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances. ...

Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:

Aaxico in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
American Air Export and Import Company in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Aero Asia International in PAKISTAN (Formed by Tabani Group, starting ops 6/5/93. Grounded 22/5/06 by Pakistan CAA ov ...)
Aerolineas Sudamericanas in BOLIVIA (Formed 9/06 with majority ownership by the Bolivian government. AOC granted 29/1 ...)
Aerolinee Italiane Internazionali in ITALY (Formed 16/9/46 with help from BEA (40%) and the Italian government (47.5%). Star ...)
Aerovias Halcón in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Empresa Aérea Halcón in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Aeroviz in UKRAINE (Formed as a successor to Aerovis. ...)
Air Andaman in THAILAND (Approximately 30% of shares seized by Stockholm A/c Finance in 2003. Ceased ops ...)
Air Anglia in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed through the merger of Anglian Air Charter, Norfolk AW & Rig-Air. Merged w ...)
Air Caledonia in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Air Canada Express in CANADA (Effective 26/4/11. ...)
Air d'Ayiti in HAITI (Formed by former founder of Haiti Trans Air. Ops never started in 1997, re-start ...)
Haiti Aviation in HAITI (Formed by former founder of Haiti Trans Air. Ops never started in 1997, re-start ...)
Air Indian in INDIA (Formed to integrate all assets and activities of Air-India, Indian Airlines, Air ...)
Air Littoral in FRANCE (Started operations on 23/5/72. Moved from Le Castellet to Montpellier in 1976. R ...)
Air Maritime in CANADA (Formed by EPA. Taken-over and merged 12/1/86 by CPAL along EPA. ...)
Air Pampas in ARGENTINA (Formed mid-2007 by former CEO of Aerolineas Argentinas. Expects to start service ...)
Air Siam in THAILAND (Formed by Prince Varanand as Varanair Siam. Renamed in 1967 and started ops in 1 ...)
Air Taxi Sudan in SUDAN (Originally formed in 1972 by Dr Khalil Osman. Reactivated in 2005 as a subsidiar ...)
Air Taxi & Cargo in SUDAN (Originally formed in 1972 by Dr Khalil Osman. Reactivated in 2005 as a subsidiar ...)
Air Toronto/Air Canada Connector in CANADA (Formed by Soundair. Following Soundair's demise, deal to be acquired 1990 by Air ...)
Air-Albatros in CROATIA (Formed in 2000 as an air-taxi operator. Expected to obtain full AOC in spring 20 ...)
Air-Traffic in GERMANY ( ...)
Al Sayegh Airlines in KYRGYZSTAN (Formed by Al Sayegh Group (Sharjah-based parent company of National Paints Co.). ...)
Allied Aircraft Sales in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Altyn Air in KYRGYZSTAN (Reorganized in 2002. Renamed 28/7/06 to Kyrgyzstan Aircompany, formally Kyrgyzst ...)
Kyrgyzstan Altyn Air in KYRGYZSTAN (Reorganized in 2002. Renamed 28/7/06 to Kyrgyzstan Aircompany, formally Kyrgyzst ...)
Anic Airways in CROATIA ( ...)
Anair/Anich Airways in CROATIA ( ...)
Arc Air in HUNGARY (Formed by ex-staff or Carpathian AT. ...)
Arrow Airways in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed 12/8/49 as an intrastate carrier by George E Batchelor (who later formed ...)
California Arrow Airways in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed 12/8/49 as an intrastate carrier by George E Batchelor (who later formed ...)
ASL Airlines France in FRANCE ( ...)
ASL Aviation Group in IRELAND (Originally formed as Air Contractors Group. Purchased by Compagnie Maritime Belg ...)
ATS Airlines in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Formed by Pascal Sahuque. Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06. ...)
Air Transport Service in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Formed by Pascal Sahuque. Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06. ...)
Aussie Batik in AUSTRALIA (Formed in 3/14 by Lion Airlines, Indonesia. Expected to start in 2/15 (equipment ...)
Avianca Perú in PERU (Suspended operations on 3/4/20 due to COVID-19. Will begin liquidation process i ...)
Aviaservis in RUSSIA (Formed 27/2/14. AOC granted on 1/8/14 and started operations with small bizjet e ...)
Aviation Enterprises in USA.VIRGINIA (Formed by Oracle Inc. ...)
Avion Airways in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Bearskin Lake Air Services in CANADA ( ...)
Biegert Aviation in USA.ARIZONA (Re-organized as Farwest AL. ...)
Bleriot Aviation Leasing in IRELAND (Formed on 9/7/20 as a joint venture between Airbus Financial Services and JP Lea ...)
Blue Air Sea International Cargo in HONDURAS (Formed by Hector.David Artica; operating for US AID, probably CIA cover in war a ...)
Borneo Airways in BRUNEI (Formed by Royal Brunei AL. ...)
Boutsen Aviation in MONACO ( ...)
Brit'Air in FRANCE (Became a public company in 1998. Fully acquired in 2000 by Groupe Air France. Re ...)
Brittany Air International in FRANCE (Became a public company in 1998. Fully acquired in 2000 by Groupe Air France. Re ...)
British Northern Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed with help from RyanAir. ...)
Brymon Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (40% stake taken in 1988 by Maersk, 40% stake taken in 1990 by British AW, later ...)
Brymon European Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by the merger of Brymon & Birmingham European AW. Separated again in 1993 ...)
BEA in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by the merger of Brymon & Birmingham European AW. Separated again in 1993 ...)
California Time Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed by H C Buckland as an intra-state carrier. Started operations in 10/64. P ...)
Cargo Air Transport in BELGIUM ( ...)
Caribbean Aviation Services in USA.VIRGIN ISLANDS ( ...)
Center-Capital in RUSSIA ( ...)
Tsentr-Kapital in RUSSIA ( ...)
CHC Cameroon in CAMEROON (Formed by Canada's CHC Helicoopters Corp, originally as Schreiner Airways Camero ...)
Civil in GABON ( ...)
Civil in PORTUGAL ( ...)
Civil in MADAGASCAR ( ...)
Civil in SOUTH SUDAN ( ...)
Clay Lacy Aviation in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed on 24/4/69 by Clay Lacy. Merged in 9/16 with Key Air, CT. ...)
Club Air in IRELAND ( ...)
Cobra Airways in UGANDA (Formed by Wolf Wolmuth (a trade agent for Khadafi interests) and US (Illinois) i ...)
Compass Airlines in USA.VIRGINIA (Formed 3/06 by Northwest for startup planned in 6/06. AOC transferred 28/9/06 fr ...)
Cretan Airways in GREECE (Formed by Konstantinos Badouvas. ...)
DDA Classic Airlines in NETHERLANDS (Non-profit membership-based organisation dedicated to preserving old Douglas air ...)
Dutch Dakota Association in NETHERLANDS (Non-profit membership-based organisation dedicated to preserving old Douglas air ...)
Egypt Leisure Airlines in EGYPT (Formed by Lakah Group. Plan shelved in favour of purchasing the dormant Air Memp ...)
El Dinder Aviation in SUDAN (Originally formed as a freight forwarder. AOC granted in 1992. Started operation ...)
Dinder Aviation in SUDAN (Originally formed as a freight forwarder. AOC granted in 1992. Started operation ...)
Euralair Horizons in FRANCE (Formed by Euralair. Entered bankrupcy in 2003. Purchased 31/12/03 by UK's Angel ...)
Europe Air in UKRAINE (AOC suspended on 27/7/19 following the loss of of its 2 active aircraft in Libya ...)
Yevropa in UKRAINE (AOC suspended on 27/7/19 following the loss of of its 2 active aircraft in Libya ...)
European Expedite in BELGIUM (Formed by GPA. ...)
Fiji Airways in FIJI (Formed by Harold Gatty. Reorganized by BOAC, Qantas & TEAL. ...)
Fly Salone in SIERRA LEONE (Started operations on 20/12/15, ended on 27/2/16. ...)
Funworld International Airways in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Global Air Cargo in TURKEY ( ...)
Global Hava Kargo in TURKEY ( ...)
Global Aviation in MAURITANIA (Started operations with small commuter equipment (Beech 1900) using AOC's grante ...)
Go Air in INDIA (Formed by the Wadia Group. Formed IAOA alliance (Indian Airline Operators Associ ...)
GoAir in INDIA (Formed by the Wadia Group. Formed IAOA alliance (Indian Airline Operators Associ ...)
Hi Air in KOREA (SOUTH) (Formed on 22/12/17 by Hi-Global Group. AOC granted in 12/19. Ceased operations o ...)
Holiday Wings in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed & probably connected with Fly-by-Night Safaris, Broadway Enterprises & Ja ...)
East Texas Flying Club House in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed & probably connected with Fly-by-Night Safaris, Broadway Enterprises & Ja ...)
Impulse Airlines in AUSTRALIA (Formed as a freight carrier by Gerry & Sue McGowan. Acquired assets of Oxley AL ...)
Inter-American in USA.KANSAS ( ...)
IREN Aviakompania in UKRAINE ( ...)
Air IREN in UKRAINE ( ...)
JedAir in NIGERIA (Originally formed as Wings Aviation. ...)
Jet Exchange in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed on 4/6/07 as a biz-jet operator. ...)
Jet Link Cargo Airline in EGYPT ( ...)
JetAmerica in USA.OHIO (Business plan initially drawn in 2007 as Air Azul. Expected to start operations ...)
Jetlink Air in KENYA (Started services in 2006. Suspended operations on 16/11/12. Purchase negociation ...)
Jetlink Express in KENYA (Started services in 2006. Suspended operations on 16/11/12. Purchase negociation ...)
Jetstar Japan in JAPAN (Formed 16/8/11 as a joint-venture between Qantas, JAL (41.7% each) and Mitsubish ...)
Jimsair Aviation Services in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Keerthi Airways in INDIA ( ...)
Kenmore Crew Leasing in USA.WASHINGTON (Formed by HollandAero group (Travis and Alisha Holland). ...)
Krabi Airlines in THAILAND (AOC granted 6/11/07. Expect to start services mid-2008, undefinitely postponed. ...)
K Air in THAILAND (AOC granted 6/11/07. Expect to start services mid-2008, undefinitely postponed. ...)
Kyrgyz Air in KYRGYZSTAN (Formed by Austria's Finrep. ...)
LADS in AUSTRALIA (Formed by Vision Systems. Renamed Tenix LADS in 2005. ...)
Laser Airborne Depth Sounder in AUSTRALIA (Formed by Vision Systems. Renamed Tenix LADS in 2005. ...)
LATAM Paraguay in PARAGUAY (Disbanded in 2018. ...)
LATAM Airlines Paraguay in PARAGUAY (Disbanded in 2018. ...)
LII Zhukovsky in RUSSIA ( ...)
MAP LII Zhukovsky in RUSSIA ( ...)
Lineas Aéreas Interpolar in CHILE ( ...)
Lineas Aéreas Suramericanas Colombia in COLOMBIA (Ceased oprerations on 10/9/23 and entered legal restructuring. ...)
LAS in COLOMBIA (Ceased oprerations on 10/9/23 and entered legal restructuring. ...)
Lumiwings in GREECE (Started operations on 3/5/18. Ceased services on 12/3/20 due to COVID-19. ...)
Luxair in LUXEMBOURG (Most long-range flights to South Africa operated for Trek AW on behalf of Luxavi ...)
Société Luxembourgeoise de Navigation Aérienne in LUXEMBOURG (Most long-range flights to South Africa operated for Trek AW on behalf of Luxavi ...)
Magic Carpet Air Travel Club in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Magic Carpet Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Magnetic MRO in ESTONIA (Formed on 15/5/02 by Maersk Air, later transferred to SAS. Purchased in 2003 by ...)
Magnetic Leasing in ESTONIA (Formed on 15/5/02 by Maersk Air, later transferred to SAS. Purchased in 2003 by ...)
Mithras Air in BULGARIA (Formed 25/5/07 by Mithras Investment Group (Doncaster, UK). Ceased ops in 4/08. ...)
National Jet Italia in ITALY (Formed by BAe (20%), British AW (1%) and Dutch company Magtibay (79%) with help ...)
Nationwide Air Charter in SOUTH AFRICA (Separate division Nationwide Airlines was formed in 1995 to operate scheduled se ...)
Nationwide Airlines in SOUTH AFRICA (Separate division Nationwide Airlines was formed in 1995 to operate scheduled se ...)
Newco in CANADA (Formed by ex-Canada 3000 staff with up to 25% financial assistance from Apple Va ...)
Nigerian Navy in NIGERIA ( ...)
Nigerian Fleet Air Arm in NIGERIA ( ...)
Niue Airlines in NEW ZEALAND ( ...)
Nordic Aviation Contractor in DENMARK (Renamed 10/08 to Nordic Avn Capital. ...)
Nordic Aviation Leasing in DENMARK (Renamed 10/08 to Nordic Avn Capital. ...)
North American Leasing Corp in USA.NEBRASKA ( ...)
Omni Air Express in USA.OKLAHOMA (Initially formed in 1983 as Omni Air Transport. Stake taken by GATX-Airlog. ...)
OAX in USA.OKLAHOMA (Initially formed in 1983 as Omni Air Transport. Stake taken by GATX-Airlog. ...)
Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte in AUSTRIA ( ...)
Austrian Air Force in AUSTRIA ( ...)
Pan Am in USA.NEW YORK (Acquired National Airlines in 1980, Ransome in 1986. 13% stake by Iran failed 19 ...)
Pan American World Airways in USA.NEW YORK (Acquired National Airlines in 1980, Ransome in 1986. 13% stake by Iran failed 19 ...)
Patel Airways in INDIA ( ...)
Presidential Airways/United Express in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Entered Chapter 11 on 26/10/89. ...)
Priority Air Transport System in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Rainbow Airlines in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
Rainbow Islands Cargo in USA.HAWAII ( ...)
Rebel Air in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Regional Cargo Airlines in RWANDA ( ...)
Royal Brunei Malay Regiment - Air Wing in BRUNEI (Became Royal Brunei Armed Forces/Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei in 1984, then ...)
Angkatan Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei in BRUNEI (Became Royal Brunei Armed Forces/Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei in 1984, then ...)
Rutas Aéreas Uncia in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Société Nationale d'Electricité in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) ( ...)
Seoul Air International in KOREA (SOUTH) ( ...)
SAI in KOREA (SOUTH) ( ...)
Sky FRU in KYRGYZSTAN (Formed in 5/23 by Avia Traffic. AOC granted in 3/24. ...)
Sky Relief Kenya in KENYA (Originally formed kin 1995 in Zimbabwe. ...)
Skyways International in UNITED KINGDOM (Taken-over by Dan-Air on 11/2/72. ...)
Société Phocéenne Générale d'Aviation in FRANCE ( ...)
Southern Cross Airlines in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Spartan Air Services in CANADA (Formed with help from Maritime Central AW. ...)
Spirit of Africa Airlines in SUDAN (Formed by Air Gulf Falcon. ...)
Star Air Tours in USA.FLORIDA (Associated with Laker USA and Palm Beach Aerospace, specialized in VIP and sport ...)
Starbase Aviation in USA.TEXAS (Formed by World Class Automotive Operations, a multi-state automotive dealer. ...)
World Class Aviation in USA.TEXAS (Formed by World Class Automotive Operations, a multi-state automotive dealer. ...)
Sudamericana de Aviación in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Tigris Air in IRAQ (Operations started 13/8/05 to Cairo. ...)
Transmed Airlines in EGYPT ( ...)
Transportation Partners in SINGAPORE (Formed in 5/12 by Lion Air to lease aircraft from Lion's order book to other car ...)
Treq in CANADA (Formed in 6/20. Expects to start services in 6/21. ...)
Vallair in LUXEMBOURG (JIA share increased to 40% in 12/17. ...)
Vallair Aviation/Vallair Solutions in LUXEMBOURG (JIA share increased to 40% in 12/17. ...)
Vega Aviation in SUDAN ( ...)
Vichi Airlines in MOLDOVA (Lost its certificate in 2/2004. Most assets taken-over by Aerom. ...)
Vichi Air Company in MOLDOVA (Lost its certificate in 2/2004. Most assets taken-over by Aerom. ...)
Voar Airlines in ANGOLA ( ...)
Aero Voar in ANGOLA ( ...)
Vologda Air Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed in 1928 as Aeroflot's Vologda division, starting operations in ...)
Vologdskoe aviapredpriatie in RUSSIA (Originally formed in 1928 as Aeroflot's Vologda division, starting operations in ...)
Western Air Express in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Wingo in COLOMBIA (Formed by Copa Airlines Colombia (100%) as its local LCC taking over most of its ...)
World Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM (Used Flightline's AOC. ...)
Yoshkar-Ola Air Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Yoshkar-Ola division. Plan to become national ai ...)
Yoshkar-Olinskoe aviapredpriatie in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Yoshkar-Ola division. Plan to become national ai ...)

This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04

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