AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 54 - Aircraft Operators

All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 54 - Aircraft Operators

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04

Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'. There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited. However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions. Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances. ...

Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:

Abu Dhabi Aviation in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Formed by the UAE government (80%). Privatized in 1982 with government keeping 3 ...)
ADA in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Formed by the UAE government (80%). Privatized in 1982 with government keeping 3 ...)
ADI Charter Services in USA.MICHIGAN (Purchased in 8/15 by SeaPort through ADI Acquisition Co. Obtained an AOC for com ...)
Aerodynamics in USA.MICHIGAN (Purchased in 8/15 by SeaPort through ADI Acquisition Co. Obtained an AOC for com ...)
Aerolineas Uruguayas in URUGUAY ( ...)
Aerovanguardia Colombia in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Aerovias Vanguardia in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Air Bourbon in FRANCE.REUNION (Expected to launch a regional subsidiary in late 2004, plan cancelled. Ceased op ...)
Air Central Asia in KYRGYZSTAN (Formed by Jogaev. ...)
Air Ceylon in SRI LANKA (Privatized in 1951 when Australian National Airways took a 49% stake. Assisted b ...)
Air Colorado in USA.COLORADO ( ...)
Air Columbia in ITALY ( ...)
Air Jamaica Express in JAMAICA (Formed by Air Jamaica (100%). Ceased ops on 14/10/05. ...)
Air Lease International in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Air Liberté AOM in FRANCE ( ...)
AOM French Airlines in FRANCE ( ...)
Air Lorraine in FRANCE ( ...)
Air Manitoba in CANADA (Stake taken by Air Ontario. Shut down own operations in 1/94 after their AOC was ...)
Northland Air Manitoba in CANADA (Stake taken by Air Ontario. Shut down own operations in 1/94 after their AOC was ...)
Air Pesada in ANGOLA ( ...)
ASA Pesada in ANGOLA ( ...)
Airstar International Airlines in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Zaire's Air Star (25%). ...)
AlbaStar in SPAIN (Formed by groups Italy Aviation Service, Kenobi and Femar, and former staff of L ...)
Alba Star in SPAIN (Formed by groups Italy Aviation Service, Kenobi and Femar, and former staff of L ...)
Almasria Universal Airlines in EGYPT (Suspended operations on 18/3/20 due to COVID-19; restart limited services on 11/ ...)
AlMasria Universal Airlines in EGYPT (Suspended operations on 18/3/20 due to COVID-19; restart limited services on 11/ ...)
Alpha Omega Airways in ESWATINI ( ...)
AlsaceExel in FRANCE (Formed by Air Exel, taking over local operations started in 10/2002. Suspended o ...)
Alsace Exel in FRANCE (Formed by Air Exel, taking over local operations started in 10/2002. Suspended o ...)
American Jet Industries in USA.CALIFORNIA (Acquired Grumman's light aircraft and biz-jets divisions in 1978 and renamed Gul ...)
AJI in USA.CALIFORNIA (Acquired Grumman's light aircraft and biz-jets divisions in 1978 and renamed Gul ...)
ANA & JP Express in JAPAN (Formed 1/2/06 by ANA as a joint venture with Japan Post (ANA 51.7%, Japan Post 3 ...)
JP Express in JAPAN (Formed 1/2/06 by ANA as a joint venture with Japan Post (ANA 51.7%, Japan Post 3 ...)
Ansett Australia Airlines in AUSTRALIA (Parent company Ansett Transport Industries renamed Ansett Australia Holdings in ...)
Atlas Air in IRAN (Ceased operations in 2002, restarted in 2022. ...)
Atlas Aviation Group in IRAN (Ceased operations in 2002, restarted in 2022. ...)
AWAS in AUSTRALIA (Formed by Ansett Transport Industries (Sir Peter Abeles). Formed separate divisi ...)
Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services/Trans Pacific Enterprises/Nordstress/Avengair in AUSTRALIA (Formed by Ansett Transport Industries (Sir Peter Abeles). Formed separate divisi ...)
Bay Air Cargo in BRAZIL ( ...)
British Cargo Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed 15/8/79 by the merger of IAS & TMAC. ...)
Cooperativa Aérea de Transportes in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Caledonian Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Adam Thomson. Merged 30/11/70 with BUA, forming Caledonian // BUA. ...)
Cargo Transport Leasing in USA.FLORIDA (Associated with Vortex. ...)
Caspair Airlines in KENYA ( ...)
CCMCD in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Florida State government. ...)
Collier County Mosquito Control District in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Florida State government. ...)
Central Air Service in USA.ARIZONA (Formed by William A.Dempsay. ...)
Maricopa Aircraft Service in USA.ARIZONA (Formed by William A.Dempsay. ...)
Charter Air International in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Unconfirmed in Zaire. ...)
Check-Air in USA.WISCONSIN ( ...)
CIAF-Leasing in EGYPT (Formed in 11/08 by EgyptAir and launched on 16/6/09 as a leasing company. Assets ...)
Civil in BOTSWANA ( ...)
Co-op Air Travel Club in USA.ARKANSAS ( ...)
Commerz Real in GERMANY (Formed by Commerzbank AG. ...)
Compañia Argentina de Cargas Aéreas Internacionales in ARGENTINA ( ...)
Cook Islands International in NEW ZEALAND.COOK ISLANDS ( ...)
Costa Rica Skies Airlines in COSTA RICA (Started services 2/11/07. Apparently ceased flying in 3/08. ...)
Cuba Aeropostal in CUBA ( ...)
Daallo Airlines Somalia in SOMALIA (Formed by Daallo Airlines, Djibouti. ...)
Delta Air Service in LIBYA (Unconfirmed in Libya, legal HQ in Virginia. ...)
Eastern Air in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Eastern Caribbean Airways in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ( ...)
Antigua & Barbuda Airways International in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ( ...)
Efly in MALTA (Formed by former head of Air Sicilia. Purchased mid-2009 by Aircraft Leasing Man ...)
E Fly in MALTA (Formed by former head of Air Sicilia. Purchased mid-2009 by Aircraft Leasing Man ...)
Estelar Latinoamérica in VENEZUELA (Operations suspended in 11/14 due to safety and maintenance issues; re-started o ...)
Executive Jet Service in SAO TOME E PRINCIPE (Formed by Hewa Bora AW to operate VIP/government operations in DR Congo. Added o ...)
Far East Air Transport in PHILIPPINES (Formed pre-war as Iloilo-Negro Air Express Company. Ran into severe financial di ...)
FEATI/Far Eastern Air Transport in PHILIPPINES (Formed pre-war as Iloilo-Negro Air Express Company. Ran into severe financial di ...)
Fika Salaama Airlines in UGANDA ( ...)
First Choice Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Purchased by TUI (announced 19/3/07), effective in 2008. Taken-over on 1/5/08 in ...)
Flying Fireman in USA.WASHINGTON ( ...)
Forest Industries Flying Tankers in CANADA (Formed by a consortium of British Columbia coastal forest companies (MacMillan B ...)
FIFT in CANADA (Formed by a consortium of British Columbia coastal forest companies (MacMillan B ...)
Fuerza Aérea Nicaraguense in NICARAGUA ( ...)
Galaxy Air in KYRGYZSTAN (Created by former executives of TAPO Avia, Uzbekistan. Listed on EU ban list 5/3 ...)
Goshawk in IRELAND (Formed in 11/13 by Chow Tai Fook Enterprises (CFTE), NWS Holdings and Investec B ...)
Government of Mali in MALI ( ...)
Government of Serbia in SERBIA ( ...)
Grupo Marsans in SPAIN (Originally formed in 1908 as Viajes Marsans, becoming the first travel agency in ...)
Guinée Paramount Airlines in GUINEA ( ...)
Halcyon Air Bissau Airways in GUINEA BISSAU (Formed by Cape Verde's Bissau AW. ...)
Hangard Aviation in MONGOLIA ( ...)
Hi Fly in PORTUGAL (Formed by Mirpuri Group. AOC granted 4/06. Changed legal name to Springjet on 25 ...)
HiFly in PORTUGAL (Formed by Mirpuri Group. AOC granted 4/06. Changed legal name to Springjet on 25 ...)
Himalaya Airlines in NEPAL (Formed as a joint venture between Himalayan Infrastructure Fund Aviation Invesmt ...)
Hot Air in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Baltic AL. ...)
Hungarian Air Force in HUNGARY (Reorganised in 1957 following Soviet invasion of Hungary. ...)
MHRC/Magyar Honvédség Repülö Csapatai in HUNGARY (Reorganised in 1957 following Soviet invasion of Hungary. ...)
Irtysh Avia in QAZAQSTAN (Merged into Air Kazakstan in 2002. ...)
Italease SpA in ITALY ( ...)
Jet Fleet International Airlines in USA.TEXAS (Originally formed as an air taxi company. Purchased by LTV Corp in 1970 and trad ...)
JetKonnect in INDIA (Was to be merged into mainline Jet Airways (announced 11/8/14, again 2/9/15); me ...)
Jet Konnect in INDIA (Was to be merged into mainline Jet Airways (announced 11/8/14, again 2/9/15); me ...)
Joy Air in CHINA (Formed 12/3/08 (formal launch on 28/3/08) as a joint venture between AVIC I (60% ...)
Xingfu Airlines in CHINA (Formed 12/3/08 (formal launch on 28/3/08) as a joint venture between AVIC I (60% ...)
Key West Airlines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Kosmos Aviakompania in RUSSIA (Formed by SP Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation (Energia). ...)
Linheas Aéreas Santomenses in SAO TOME E PRINCIPE ( ...)
Liwa Air in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (AOC received 1/9/06. ...)
Lugansk Airlines in UKRAINE ( ...)
Luhansk Avia in UKRAINE ( ...)
Lukiaviatrans in RUSSIA ( ...)
Lviv Airlines Ukraine West in UKRAINE (Formed by Air Ukraine, originally Aeroflot's Lvov division of Ukraine directorat ...)
Lvovskie avialinii in UKRAINE (Formed by Air Ukraine, originally Aeroflot's Lvov division of Ukraine directorat ...)
Maleth-Aero in MALTA (Suspended operations on 20/3/20 due to COVID-19. Purchased in 1/21 by AELS Fligh ...)
MasterJet in PORTUGAL (Initially formed as Air Luxor Corporate Jets. Reorganized by Mirpuri Group and r ...)
Med Airways in LEBANON ( ...)
Mediterranean Air Service in TUNISIA ( ...)
MAS in TUNISIA ( ...)
MedSky Airways in LIBYA (Started operations using AOC from Malta Medair. ...)
Meregrass Air Charter in USA.TEXAS (FAR-135 operator. Suspended operations on 17/4/20 due to COVID-19. ...)
Midline Air Freight in USA.KENTUCKY ( ...)
Midwestern Airlines in USA.MICHIGAN ( ...)
Mountain Air Cargo in USA.NORTH CAROLINA (Formed by Air Transportation Holding Inc, later Air T Inc. ...)
MAC in USA.NORTH CAROLINA (Formed by Air Transportation Holding Inc, later Air T Inc. ...)
Muk Air in DENMARK (Initially named Muk Air Taxi. 49% stake acquired in 2000 by West Air Sweden. Was ...)
NARO Ukraina in UKRAINE ( ...)
NAS Air in MALI ( ...)
National Jet Express in AUSTRALIA (Formed by National Jet Systems (qv). Renamed in 2009 to Cobham Aviation Services ...)
Novair International Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Ceased operations on 31/3/90. ...)
Orange Air in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by principals of AirTrust Capital Corp through RWF Capital. Expected to s ...)
Pacific Express in NEW ZEALAND ( ...)
Pan Am in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Iberia. ...)
Pan Genève Cargo in $ FICTION ( ...)
Paraguay Air Cargo in PARAGUAY ( ...)
Panair in PARAGUAY ( ...)
Pars Air in IRAN (AOC received on 21/2/21. ...)
Pinnacle Airlines in USA.MINNESOTA (Started operating all services dba Northwest Jet Airlink. Renewed agreement with ...)
Ponce Air in USA.PUERTO RICO ( ...)
Pratt-&-Whitney in USA.NEW YORK (Subsidiary of UT Corporation. United Technologies and Raytheon merged in 10/19, ...)
Protea Airways in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Trek AW. ...)
Quaterwinds Aviation in USA.VIRGIN ISLANDS ( ...)
Rahila Air in LIBYA ( ...)
Rahila Airline in LIBYA ( ...)
Royal Bahraini Air Force in BAHRAIN ( ...)
RBAF in BAHRAIN ( ...)
Royal Ceylon Air Force in SRI LANKA ( ...)
S.A.Internacional in PANAMA ( ...)
SAFE Holland in NETHERLANDS ( ...)
Supplemental Air Freight Express in NETHERLANDS ( ...)
SAMCO Aviation in SAUDI ARABIA ( ...)
Saudi Aircraft Managment & Service Company in SAUDI ARABIA ( ...)
Sever Aviakompania in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
Aviation Company North in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
Simba Airlines in KENYA (Formed by Sanjivan Ruprah (associate of Victor Bout). Closed down due to financi ...)
Sindicato Condor in BRAZIL (Formed with help from Deutsche Luft Hansa. Nationalized 1943 and renamed. ...)
Sino Aero Aviation Services in CHINA (Multi-services company with a ferry flights division. ...)
Sky King in USA.FLORIDA (Originally formed in 7/90 to carry Sacramento Kings basketball team, with a Part ...)
Lukenbill Enterprises in USA.FLORIDA (Originally formed in 7/90 to carry Sacramento Kings basketball team, with a Part ...)
Slovak Government Flight Service in SLOVAKIA ( ...)
Smartair in EGYPT (Formed in 2/07 by EgyptAir (13.3%) and other Egyptian investors. Started ops in ...)
Smart Aviation in EGYPT (Formed in 2/07 by EgyptAir (13.3%) and other Egyptian investors. Started ops in ...)
South East in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Southeast Cargo Airlines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Stevens Corporation in $ FICTION ( ...)
Subsecretaria de Aviación Civil in SPAIN (Renamed 7/66 to DGAC. ...)
Sun Express Airlines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Superior Aviation in USA.MICHIGAN (Purchased in 2006 by Martinaire. ...)
TAGUA Colombia in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Taxi Aéreo del Guaviare in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Tailwind Capital in USA.WASHINGTON ( ...)
Tempelhof Express Airlines in GERMANY ( ...)
TEX in GERMANY ( ...)
Test Flight Aerogeophysical Center in RUSSIA ( ...)
LIAT in RUSSIA ( ...)
Thomas Cook Airlines UK in UNITED KINGDOM (Took-over MyTravel Airways and its AOC from 11/4/08, being renamed to Thomas Coo ...)
Time Air Sweden in SWEDEN ( ...)
Air Sweden in SWEDEN ( ...)
Tomskavia in RUSSIA ( ...)
Tomsk State Aviation Enterprise in RUSSIA ( ...)
Trans Anatolian Airlines in TURKEY (Unconfirmed in Turkey. ...)
Trans-Labrador Airlines in CANADA ( ...)
Transaharan Airlines in NIGERIA (Announced in 5/06 intention to merge assets and operations with Transky, EAS, Fr ...)
Trans Sahara Air in NIGERIA (Announced in 5/06 intention to merge assets and operations with Transky, EAS, Fr ...)
Transportes Aéreos Arauco in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Itanez in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Suravia in BOLIVIA ( ...)
TAS in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Tri-Continental Leasing Corp in USA.NEW YORK (Renamed 7/2/97 to Nynex Credit. ...)
Tunisair in TUNISIA (Obtained ISO-9002 certification in 2000. Expected to join SkyTeam alliance in 20 ...)
Turkmenistan Airlines/Lebap Aircompany in TURKMENISTAN (Formed by Turkmenistan AL. Integrated into Turkmenistan AL. ...)
Lebap in TURKMENISTAN (Formed by Turkmenistan AL. Integrated into Turkmenistan AL. ...)
Uganda Air Cargo in UGANDA (Ceased operations during 8 years (1999-2007) after its sole aircraft was damaged ...)
VIM Airlines in RUSSIA (Formed by Viktor I Merlukov (VIM, founder of Aerofreight AL). Intended to set-up ...)
VIM Avia in RUSSIA (Formed by Viktor I Merlukov (VIM, founder of Aerofreight AL). Intended to set-up ...)
West African Link in GAMBIA ( ...)
World Air Leasing in GAMBIA ( ...)
WFT in USA.UTAH (Moved most assets to Columbia, MD during 2023. ...)
Wells Fargo Trust in USA.UTAH (Moved most assets to Columbia, MD during 2023. ...)
Wizz Air UK in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Wizz Air. Started services on 3/5/18. Suspended operations on 25/3/10 ...)
Zhongyuan Longhao Airlines in CHINA ( ...)
China Central Longhao Airlines/Air Central in CHINA ( ...)

This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:04

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Master indexes: Operators - Registrations

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