AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 6 - Aircraft Operators
All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 6 - Aircraft Operators
Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:03
Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft.
The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'.
There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited.
However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions.
Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances.
Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:
Aero California in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Aeroflot-Cargo in RUSSIA (Formed 26/10/05 by Aeroflot, becoming a separately registered company 19/4/06 fu ...)
Aeroflot Cargo in RUSSIA (Formed 26/10/05 by Aeroflot, becoming a separately registered company 19/4/06 fu ...)
Aerolineas del Llano in COLOMBIA (Renamed in 2012 to Allas Colombia ? ...)
Allas in COLOMBIA (Renamed in 2012 to Allas Colombia ? ...)
AeroLogic in GERMANY (Formed in 9/07 by Lufthansa Cargo (Lufthansa) and DHL (Deutsche Post) with 50% e ...)
Aeronova in SPAIN (Formed by Grupo Suñer. Purchased in 11/15 by Globalia. Re-branded as Air Europa ...)
Aeropa in ITALY (Formed as Societa Aerea Venezia and renamed 1/73. Started its own operations in ...)
Aerovia Boliviana Transandina in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Aerovias de Guatemala in GUATEMALA (Acquired in 1940 by Pan American. ...)
Aerovias Latinas Americanas in MEXICO ( ...)
Aerovis Airlines in UKRAINE (Associated with Azerbiajan's Silk Way Airlines. AOC suspended on 26/6/12. Re-sta ...)
Africa West Air in TOGO (Purchased in 2011 by Global Investments Ltd, Dubai. Ceased operations in 12/13. ...)
Africa West Cargo in TOGO (Purchased in 2011 by Global Investments Ltd, Dubai. Ceased operations in 12/13. ...)
Air Austral in FRANCE.REUNION (Reorganized with help from Air France (34%, later 30.36%) and local government o ...)
Air Do in JAPAN (Entered bankrupcy on 25/6/02, continuing operations and signed capacity agreemen ...)
Hokkaido International Airlines in JAPAN (Entered bankrupcy on 25/6/02, continuing operations and signed capacity agreemen ...)
Air Europe Express in UNITED KINGDOM (Formerly Connectair, reorganized by Air Europe. Re-purchased by Connectair when ...)
Air National in USA.CALIFORNIA (Filed for bankrupcy in 9/84. ...)
Air Somalia in SOMALIA (Ceased ops between 2001 and 2003. ...)
Air Transport Leasing in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
AirAsia Cambodia in CAMBODIA (Formed on 9/12/22 by AirAsia (51%) and local Sivilai Asia (49%). AOC granted on ...)
Aircraft & Engine Support in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Aircraft & Engine Parts in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Airvita Leasing Air Company in RUSSIA ( ...)
Lizingovaya Aviakompania Aervita in RUSSIA ( ...)
Al-Dawood Air in NIGERIA (Attempted to reorganize in late 2005 in South Africa but never restarted. ...)
ALAS Nacionales in DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Formed by Birgenair. ...)
Agence de Messageries Aériennes du Zaïre in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) ( ...)
American-International Airways in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
Apollo Airlines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Apsara International Air in CAMBODIA (Expected to start in 12/13, postponed. AOC granted on 15/9/14. Started operation ...)
Aero Topografica Lda in PORTUGAL ( ...)
Aero Taxis Ecuatorianos SA in ECUADOR ( ...)
Atlant-SV Aircompany in UKRAINE ( ...)
Avia-Consult in AUSTRIA (Uses JetAlliance as main operating division. ...)
Aviandina in PERU (Formed by Aero Continente. Ceased ops between 1999 and 2001. Merged into Aero Co ...)
Aviation Overhauls in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Bassaka Air in CAMBODIA (AOC granted on 6/10/14. Started operations on 27/10/14, scheduled services on 3/ ...)
Bassaka Cambodia in CAMBODIA (AOC granted on 6/10/14. Started operations on 27/10/14, scheduled services on 3/ ...)
Canary Fly in SPAIN (Suspended operations on 26/3/20 due to COVID-19, later resumed. Suspended again ...)
Cargo Three Panama in PANAMA (Ceased ops ~2000. AOC purchased in 2003 by PanAir Cargo (qv). ...)
Panama Cargo Three Panama in PANAMA (Ceased ops ~2000. AOC purchased in 2003 by PanAir Cargo (qv). ...)
Caribbean Winds Airlines in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA (Formed by Canada's Caribbean Wind AL. ...)
CWA in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA (Formed by Canada's Caribbean Wind AL. ...)
CF Airfreight in USA.INDIANA (Formed by Consolidated Freightways. Took-over & merged into Emery 11/4/89. ...)
Charter Airlines in USA.FLORIDA (Taken-over by Mackey Int'l. ...)
City Centre Air in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Civil in CAMBODIA ( ...)
Civil Aviation Bureau Flight Inspection in JAPAN (Formed by Ministry of Transport. ...)
JCAB Flight Inspection in JAPAN (Formed by Ministry of Transport. ...)
Cochise Airlines in USA.ARIZONA (Entered Chapter 11 on 16/4/82. ...)
Compagnie Chérifienne du Pont Aérien in ALGERIA (Formed by Air Outre-Mer. ...)
Connect Air in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ( ...)
Cordova Air Services in USA.ALASKA (Formed by Kirk Kirkpatrick in association with the Copper River & Nortwestern Ra ...)
Cosmo Airlines in SPAIN (Expected to restart in 2013 as Cosmo Lineas Aéreas, plan abandonned in 10/13. ...)
Cumberland Leasing in USA.OHIO ( ...)
Dakota Air Parts International in USA.NORTH DAKOTA ( ...)
Dalian Airlines in CHINA (Formed 5/7/11 by Air China (80%) and Dalian city government (20%, via Dalian Bao ...)
Djibouti Air in DJIBOUTI (Formed in 2010 by Lootah Group, Dubai. Assigned status of national flagship airl ...)
Enggang Air Service in INDONESIA (AOC granted on 1/3/10 and started operations in early 2010. Added on EU ban list ...)
Fecteau in CANADA (Acquired 1968 by Quebecair. ...)
A.Fecteau Transport Aérien in CANADA (Acquired 1968 by Quebecair. ...)
Flight Lease in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Fly Romania in ROMANIA (Formed by Ten Airways to operate scheduled services using AOC and equipment from ...)
FlyLili in ROMANIA ( ...)
Fly Lili in ROMANIA ( ...)
FlyWest in FRANCE (Ceased operations 18/7/05 and liquidated. ...)
Galistair in MALTA (Formed on 12/2/16 in Spain. Started services in 7/18 using AOC from White Airway ...)
Galistair Infinite Aviation in MALTA (Formed on 12/2/16 in Spain. Started services in 7/18 using AOC from White Airway ...)
General Air Cargo in COSTA RICA ( ...)
GH-Wings in GHANA (Formed as a successor of Fly540 Ghana and Fly-GH (qv). Expects to obtain its own ...)
Relax GH-Wings in GHANA (Formed as a successor of Fly540 Ghana and Fly-GH (qv). Expects to obtain its own ...)
Haiti Aviation in HAITI (Started operations on 19/7/13. Suspended services in 12/13 due to financial disp ...)
Hanse Airlines in GERMANY ( ...)
Happy Hours Air Travel Club in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Honduras International in HONDURAS (Formed by C.Varney Arnspiger and Lucille Arnspiger. ...)
Honeymoon Airways in $ FICTION ( ...)
Hong Kong Airlines in CHINA.HONG KONG (19.02% purchased in 12/11 by Hainan Airlines for CNY842m. 2.27% later purchased ...)
Hong Kong Air in CHINA.HONG KONG (19.02% purchased in 12/11 by Hainan Airlines for CNY842m. 2.27% later purchased ...)
Il-18 Air Cargo in GERMANY ( ...)
Improtex in AZERBAIJAN ( ...)
Islamic Republic of Iran Navy in IRAN ( ...)
Italian Airways in ITALY (Formed in 4/16 by Giuseppe Gentile (former CEO of Air Europe SpA, Meridiana). Fi ...)
Itapemirim Carga Aérea in BRAZIL (Acquired by TAM in 1999. ...)
ITA Cargo in BRAZIL (Acquired by TAM in 1999. ...)
JetAlliance East in RUSSIA ( ...)
Jordanian World Airways in JORDAN (Formed by Alia. ...)
JS Air Charter in PAKISTAN (Formed by Aventure International Aviation Services, USA, starting operations wit ...)
Karinou Airlines in CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Reportedly renamed in 2013 to Centrafricair. Suspended operations on 14/3/20 due ...)
KMV Mineralnye Vody Airlines in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Mineralnye Vody production & flying unit. Banned ...)
Kavkazskie Mineralnye Vody/Kavminvodyavia in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Mineralnye Vody production & flying unit. Banned ...)
Knights Airlines in USA.FLORIDA (Operated a scheduled intra-Florida route until its lone airworthy aircraft was s ...)
Kosova Airlines in KOSOVO (Formed by Kosovo government. ...)
Eurokoha in KOSOVO (Formed by Kosovo government. ...)
Kosova Airways in KOSOVO (Originally formed in 2013. Started services in 2015 using ACMI equipment. ...)
Kyrgyzstan Airlines in KYRGYZSTAN (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kyrgyzstan Directorate. 75% stake to be acquired ...)
Vozdushnye Dorogi Kyrgyzstana/Kyrgyzstan Aba Zholduru in KYRGYZSTAN (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kyrgyzstan Directorate. 75% stake to be acquired ...)
L&S Leasing Company in USA.WISCONSIN ( ...)
Laker Airways in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Laker AW Bahamas. Acquired during 1998 by Smith Management, owner of S ...)
Liberia Airways in LIBERIA (Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06. ...)
Lineas Aéreas Andaluzas in SPAIN ( ...)
Lombard Aviation Capital in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Domhnal Slattery. Became IAMG (International Aviation Management Group ...)
Lombard Global Finance in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Domhnal Slattery. Became IAMG (International Aviation Management Group ...)
Macedonian Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Macedonian Securities of London. ...)
Malta International Airways in MALTA ( ...)
Medway Airline Systems in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
MetroJet in USA.MARYLAND (Formed by USAirways as a low-cost subsidiary, originally code-named U2. ...)
Mondial Aviation in CANADA (Originally formed as an air charter broker company. Started its own (freight) se ...)
NextJet in SWEDEN (Purchased in 1/13 by Höga Kusten Flyg and HKF Resor. Planned to be purchased in ...)
NEX Time Jet in SWEDEN (Purchased in 1/13 by Höga Kusten Flyg and HKF Resor. Planned to be purchased in ...)
Northern Air Charter in NIGERIA ( ...)
OneClick Airways in GEORGIA (Formed in 4/24. Expects to start operations in early 2025. ...)
OpenSkies in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by British AW, initially code-named Lauren. Expects to obtain its own (UK ...)
Open Skies in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by British AW, initially code-named Lauren. Expects to obtain its own (UK ...)
Paradise Airways in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ( ...)
Antigua Paradise Airways/Antigua & Barbuda Airways International in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ( ...)
Petroleos Mexicanos in MEXICO (Originally formed in 1938 with the air division established in 1955. Division di ...)
PEMEX in MEXICO (Originally formed in 1938 with the air division established in 1955. Division di ...)
Philippine Airlines in PHILIPPINES (Privatized in 1992., becoming a member of PR Holdings. 13% stake by DHL cancelle ...)
PAL in PHILIPPINES (Privatized in 1992., becoming a member of PR Holdings. 13% stake by DHL cancelle ...)
Platinum Air Linhas Aéreas in BRAZIL (Formed by Miami-based Platinum Airlines, expecting to start operations on 30/1/0 ...)
Powell Air in CANADA (Merged into Pacific Coastal. ...)
Province of Alberta in CANADA (Flying division established by Alberta Dept. of Public Works Supply & Services. ...)
Alberta Government Air Transportation Services in CANADA (Flying division established by Alberta Dept. of Public Works Supply & Services. ...)
RBS Aviation Capital in UNITED KINGDOM (Includes Dublin-based subsidiary RBS Aerospace Ltd. Expected to be offered for s ...)
Lombard Capital/RBS Asset Finance in UNITED KINGDOM (Includes Dublin-based subsidiary RBS Aerospace Ltd. Expected to be offered for s ...)
Redmond Air in USA.WASHINGTON (Formed to operate gambling flights from Washington state to Nevada. ...)
Republic Financial Corporation in USA.COLORADO (Formed short-lived subsidiary Republic Advanced Freighter for 727-200F conversio ...)
Linc Aircraft/Link Capital in USA.COLORADO (Formed short-lived subsidiary Republic Advanced Freighter for 727-200F conversio ...)
Rey Airlines in TURKEY (Formed as airport services company. Includes interest in South Africa and Georgi ...)
Rose Air in BULGARIA ( ...)
Royal New Zealand Air Force in NEW ZEALAND ( ...)
RPL Airports Rijeka in CROATIA (Never started ops. ...)
Sahara Airlines in ALGERIA (Possibly ceased ops late 2000 when founder fled to Tunisia. ...)
Saint Helena Airways in UNITED KINGDOM.SAINT HELENA ( ...)
Saipan Air in USA.NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (Formed by Tan Holdings (owner of Asia Pacific Airlines). Expected to start opera ...)
Samara Airlines in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kuybyshev division. 46.49% share kept by Russian ...)
Aviakompanija Samara in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kuybyshev division. 46.49% share kept by Russian ...)
SAX Tanzania in TANZANIA (Formed in 3/14 by Fly-SAX, Kenya. Expected to start in 12/14. ...)
Shangzhou Logistics in CHINA (Formed on 18/10/21 by C&D (50.1%), Xiamen Airlines (37.9%) and Vertical Network ...)
Si Fly in ITALY (Initially flew using Air Besit's AOC (4L code). ...)
Skylar Airways in THAILAND ( ...)
Star Alliance in $ WORLD (Formed 14/5/97. ...)
Strathallan Air Services in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Sunshine International Airlines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
TAO in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Opita in COLOMBIA ( ...)
TEAL in NEW ZEALAND (Formed by joint UK/Australia/NZ venture for trans-Tasman operations with shareho ...)
Tasman Empire Airways Limited in NEW ZEALAND (Formed by joint UK/Australia/NZ venture for trans-Tasman operations with shareho ...)
Tehran Air in IRAN (Formed in 2013, announced in 11/15. Expected to start operations in 4/16, postpo ...)
The Babb Co in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
THY Turkish Airlines in TURKEY (1.96% stake taken by BOAC, later diluted. Became a State Economic Enterprise in ...)
Turkish Airlines/Türk Hava Yollari in TURKEY (1.96% stake taken by BOAC, later diluted. Became a State Economic Enterprise in ...)
Trans Arctic Air in USA.ALASKA ( ...)
Trans Arctic Airlines in USA.ALASKA ( ...)
Trans Caribbean Airlines in SURINAME ( ...)
Surinaamse Trans Caribbean Airlines in SURINAME ( ...)
Trans-Colorado Airlines in USA.COLORADO (Associated with Rocky Mountain AW ?. ...)
Transcorp in BRUNEI (Reorganized in Hong Kong. ...)
Transtravel Airlines in NETHERLANDS (Originally formed in 1985 as Turdus AW. Acquired by South Africa's Rossair in 20 ...)
TTA/Trans Travel Airlines in NETHERLANDS (Originally formed in 1985 as Turdus AW. Acquired by South Africa's Rossair in 20 ...)
TSKB SPK in RUSSIA (Formed by Hydroplane Center Design Bureau. Member of MAP Group. ...)
Tsentro KB po sudam na podvodnykh krylyakh im.Alekseyeva ATP in RUSSIA (Formed by Hydroplane Center Design Bureau. Member of MAP Group. ...)
Union Aviation in LATVIA (Formed on 19/2/21. ...)
VallJet in FRANCE (Formed on 12/12/07. Used trademark Valljet from 31/5/19. ...)
La Baule Aviation in FRANCE (Formed on 12/12/07. Used trademark Valljet from 31/5/19. ...)
VIABRAS in BRAZIL (Acquired 1950 by Nacional & merged. ...)
Viaçao Aérea Brasil SA in BRAZIL (Acquired 1950 by Nacional & merged. ...)
Vinpearl Air in VIETNAM (Formed on 9/7/19 by Vingroup (a real estate conglomerate) through VinAsia Touris ...)
Wien Air Alaska in USA.ALASKA ( ...)
Wings of Lebanon in LEBANON (Banned from EU airspace by EASA in 6/18. Suspended operations on 27/3/20 due to ...)
WOL in LEBANON (Banned from EU airspace by EASA in 6/18. Suspended operations on 27/3/20 due to ...)
World American Airlift in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Yes Air Airlines in ITALY ( ...)
This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage
Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:03
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