AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 62 - Aircraft Operators
All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 62 - Aircraft Operators
Generated: 2025-02-10 04:00:06
Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft.
The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'.
There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited.
However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions.
Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances.
Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:
21 Air in USA.NORTH CAROLINA (AOC granted in 7/16. Fully purchased in 8/21 by Avia Acquisitions Llc (joint ven ...)
ACM Air Charter in GERMANY (Formed 8/92. AOC granted in 3/93. ...)
Aeritalia in ITALY (Formed in 1969 by the merger of Fiat aerospace activities and Aerfer. Merged in ...)
Aérolineas Camba in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Air Express in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Air International in USA.MICHIGAN ( ...)
Erie International Airways in USA.MICHIGAN ( ...)
Air Kerala in INDIA (Project launched in 4/23 when the Air Kerala tradmark, used by a former failed s ...)
Air Pennsylvania in USA.PENNSYLVANIA (Entered Chapter 11 on 26/3/82. ...)
Perkiomen Airways in USA.PENNSYLVANIA (Entered Chapter 11 on 26/3/82. ...)
Air Plus Ultra in SPAIN (Formed by former staff of Air Madrid. Business plan temporarily abandonned in la ...)
Plus Ultra Lineas Aéreas in SPAIN (Formed by former staff of Air Madrid. Business plan temporarily abandonned in la ...)
Air Resorts Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA (Took-over American Inter-Island in 1982. ...)
Flight Trails in USA.CALIFORNIA (Took-over American Inter-Island in 1982. ...)
Air Road Cargo in CHINA (Started services on 24/1/24 using AOC from Xiamen Airlines ...)
Airquarius Aviation in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Gavin Branson, head of Debon-Air. ...)
Hering Aviation in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Gavin Branson, head of Debon-Air. ...)
Airstream Kenya in KENYA ( ...)
AirWorld in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Speed Services Couriers in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Alyemda Air Yemen in YEMEN ( ...)
Air Yemen in YEMEN ( ...)
Amurskie Avialinii in RUSSIA (Started operations in 2007 using AOC from other carriers. Obtained its own AOC i ...)
Amur Airlines in RUSSIA (Started operations in 2007 using AOC from other carriers. Obtained its own AOC i ...)
Anadolu Express Hava Yollari in TURKEY (Formed by Swiss investors. ...)
Anex Airlines in TURKEY (Formed by Swiss investors. ...)
Arkia Israeli Airlines in ISRAEL (Acquired by El Al (50%). Reorganized as main asset of Knafaim-Arkia Holdings. 75 ...)
AviaSpetsSnabKontrol in RUSSIA ( ...)
Bird Blue Air Line in SPAIN ( ...)
Blue Skies in CHINA ( ...)
Blue Wing Airlines in SURINAME (Started operations in 2004. Added on EU black list until 11/07, again from 7/10. ...)
Mmabatho Air Services in SOUTH AFRICA.BOPHUTHATSWANA ( ...)
British Caribbean Airways in JAMAICA (Taken-over by BOAC and merged into BWIA in 10/49. ...)
British Emerald Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Ulster Airways in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Butler Air Transport in AUSTRALIA (Formed by C.A.Butler. Reorganized in 1952. Acquired in early 1958 by Ansett hold ...)
C.Itoh Aerospace in JAPAN (Originally known as C.Itoh & Company. Created financial subsidiary C.Itoh Aerosp ...)
CAAC Flying College in CHINA (Formed as the training division of CAAC. ...)
China Civil Aviation Flying College in CHINA (Formed as the training division of CAAC. ...)
Cairo Air in EGYPT ( ...)
Cairo Aviation in EGYPT ( ...)
Caledonian Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Sold by British Airways to Inspiration Ltd in 1995. 49% stake acquired by Carlso ...)
Caribbean Blue in MEXICO ( ...)
Express Tours in MEXICO ( ...)
Carpatair in ROMANIA (Acquired by Moldavian AL. Entered bankruptcy protection on 23/1/14, continuing l ...)
CGT in LEBANON (Formed with Air France help. ...)
Compagnie Générale de Transport in LEBANON (Formed with Air France help. ...)
City Airline in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
LCY Flight in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Civil in CHINA ( ...)
Civil in NAMIBIA ( ...)
Continental West in USA.CALIFORNIA (Temporarily created by Continental while under Chapter 11 to operate B.737s. Mer ...)
Cubana in CUBA (Suspended operations in 3/20 due to COVID-19; later partially resumed. Suspended ...)
Empresa Consolidada Cubana de Aviación in CUBA (Suspended operations in 3/20 due to COVID-19; later partially resumed. Suspended ...)
CuraçaoExpress in NETHERLANDS ANTILLES ( ...)
Dobrolet in RUSSIA (Formed by Aeroflot as its low-cost subsidiary. AOC granted on 20/5/14. Started o ...)
Dobrolyot in RUSSIA (Formed by Aeroflot as its low-cost subsidiary. AOC granted on 20/5/14. Started o ...)
Ecuatoriana Airlines in ECUADOR (Formed in 11/19. Expected to start operations in 2021 Q3. ...)
Emerald Airways in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Emirates in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Formed by Dubai government, incorporated by an Emiri Decree issued on 26/6/85, w ...)
Emirates Airline in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Formed by Dubai government, incorporated by an Emiri Decree issued on 26/6/85, w ...)
Evans Flying Service in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Excalibur Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by ex-TEA UK staff (40%), 3i investment firm (30%) and Air Malta (30%). A ...)
Flightlink in TANZANIA (Started operations with small commuter equipment. ...)
Flugsyn in ICELAND ( ...)
Fly Persia in IRAN (Suspended operations in 2/20 due to COVID-19. ...)
Flying Carpet in LEBANON (Renamed Med Airways during 2009Q1. ...)
Fort Worth Airlines in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
France Aircraft Finance in NETHERLANDS (Associated with AerCap ? ...)
Freedom Airlines in USA.ARIZONA (Formed by Mesa Air Group (100%) to operate CRJ 700/900s for America West and man ...)
Freight Air in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Fugro Aviation Canada in CANADA ( ...)
Gestair Cargo in SPAIN (Renamed back to Cygnus Air effective 6/13. ...)
Cygnus Air in SPAIN (Renamed back to Cygnus Air effective 6/13. ...)
Gibair in UNITED KINGDOM.GIBRALTAR (Re-organized 1947 by BEA (49%), later British AW. Renamed 6/5/81 to GB Airways. ...)
Gibraltar Airways in UNITED KINGDOM.GIBRALTAR (Re-organized 1947 by BEA (49%), later British AW. Renamed 6/5/81 to GB Airways. ...)
Goliaf Air in SAO TOME E PRINCIPE (Added on EU ban list 26/11/09 and subsequent dates. ...)
Great Northern Airlines in USA.ALASKA ( ...)
Gulf Regional in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Unconfirmed in UAE. ...)
Haiti Caribbean Airline in HAITI ( ...)
High-Line Airways in CANADA (Taken-over into Time Air. ...)
Hunting Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM (Renamed when acquired by Hunting Group. ...)
Imperial Air in PERU (Formed by a former Peru's Transport Minister. ...)
InterFlug in GERMANY (EAST) ( ...)
Deutsche Lufthansa in GERMANY (EAST) ( ...)
International Holiday Club in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Itavia in ITALY ( ...)
Ivan-Air in CROATIA ( ...)
Jamahiriya Air Transport in LIBYA (Merged 6/86 into Libyan Arab AL, becoming all-cargo division. ...)
Jökull in ICELAND ( ...)
Kerry Airways in IRELAND ( ...)
KF Aerospace in CANADA ( ...)
KF Cargo in CANADA ( ...)
Lineas Aéreas Nacionales SA in HONDURAS ( ...)
Liberian Army/Air Reconnaissance Unit in LIBERIA ( ...)
Lineas Aéreas Oaxaquenas in MEXICO ( ...)
LAOSA in MEXICO ( ...)
Lineas Aéreas Perez in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Longtail Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM.BERMUDA (AOC granted on 25/3/14. ...)
Luftfartsdirektoratet in NORWAY (Duties taken over in 2003 by private company Avinor AS. ...)
Civil Aviation Authority in NORWAY (Duties taken over in 2003 by private company Avinor AS. ...)
Lusitânia Airways in PORTUGAL ( ...)
Maersk Air/British Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Denmark's Maersk Air after the split of Brymon European, operating as ...)
Magnus Ltd in UNITED KINGDOM.CAYMAN ISLANDS (Formed by GATX-CL Air (joint venture between GATX and Crédit Lyonnais), mostly t ...)
Maldives International Airlines in MALDIVES (Believed formed by George Khallaq, Lebanon as the undercover transport arm of th ...)
Marco Island Airways in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Deltona Corp as a FAR-135 carrier. Reorganized as a FAR-121 airline an ...)
Maroomba Airlines in AUSTRALIA (Originally formed as Maroomba Aviation then Maroomba Air Service. ...)
MasAir in MEXICO ( ...)
Mauritania Airlines in MAURITANIA (Added on EU ban list on 3/4/12, until 4/12/12. ...)
MAUS in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Myachkovo division and Myachkovo Aviation Enterp ...)
Myachkovoskie aviatsionnye uslugi/Mayachkovo Air Services in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Myachkovo division and Myachkovo Aviation Enterp ...)
Meridian Trust Company in USA.PENNSYLVANIA (Merged into First Union National Bank. ...)
Mesaba Airlines/Northwest Airlink in USA.MINNESOTA (Moved to Minneapolis in 1988. Additional bases of Detroit and Wausau,WI added in ...)
Miabi Air Company in RUSSIA (Unconfirmed in Russia (Zaire?). ...)
Mid Express Tchad in TCHAD (Probably a successor company to AMW Tchad. ...)
Munich Airlines in GERMANY (Formed by local general aviation company, with backing from BFS in Austria, to o ...)
National Skyway Freight Corp in USA (GENERAL) (Formed 25/6/45 by Robert W Prescott. ...)
Northeast Trust Co in SOVIET UNION (Most (all?) aircraft transferred to Aeroflot or the Soviet Air Force. ...)
Nucleo Ala Littoria in ITALY ( ...)
Ocean Air in MALDIVES ( ...)
Onur Air in TURKEY (Formed by Ten Tour Int'l and Marmara tour operators. Reportedly to be purchased ...)
Onur Hava Tasimacilik in TURKEY (Formed by Ten Tour Int'l and Marmara tour operators. Reportedly to be purchased ...)
Orel Avia in RUSSIA (Taken-over by Vnukovo AL in 1997, becoming a subsidiary. ...)
Universal NPC in RUSSIA (Taken-over by Vnukovo AL in 1997, becoming a subsidiary. ...)
Overland Airways in NIGERIA (Formed by Landover Company Ltd. Suspended operations on 28/3/20 due to COVID-19. ...)
Polska Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Powietrznej in POLAND ( ...)
PWL/Polish Air Force & Air Defence Force in POLAND ( ...)
Qatar Airways in QATAR (Formed on 22/11/93 by the state of Qatar. Started operations on 20/1/94. Privati ...)
Rada Airlines in BELARUS (AOC granted on 11/9/15. Started services on 6/10/15. ...)
Rio Airways in USA.TEXAS (Acquired in 1985 by Atlantic Southeast AL. Temporarily organized as a Deltacommu ...)
Royal Egyptian Air Force in EGYPT ( ...)
Saicam Air in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed to support a mine in Angola. ...)
SAVA-TNT in BRAZIL (Formed by Australia's TNT. ...)
Serviços Aéreos do Vale Amazonico in BRAZIL (Formed by Australia's TNT. ...)
Silverline Airways in MALAYSIA ( ...)
Silverstone Air Services in KENYA (Suspended scheduled services on 12/11/19 when its AOC was suspended. Partial AOC ...)
Skybridge International Balkan in SERBIA (AOC granted on 6/8/21. Started operations with bizjet equipment. ...)
Skyjet in PHILIPPINES (Originally code-named as Magnum Air. Formed as a joint venture with BCTA/Batanes ...)
Skyways in USA.ARKANSAS ( ...)
Skywise Airline in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed 5/10/12 by 1Time founders. Expected to start in 8/13. AOC granted in 4/13 ...)
SkyWise in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed 5/10/12 by 1Time founders. Expected to start in 8/13. AOC granted in 4/13 ...)
Slok Air in NIGERIA (Formed by SLOK Group (Clothing & Food Processing)on 17/9/96. AOC licence obtaine ...)
SLOK Nigeria in NIGERIA (Formed by SLOK Group (Clothing & Food Processing)on 17/9/96. AOC licence obtaine ...)
Slok Air International in GAMBIA (Formed as the successor of Nigeria's Slok Air. Started ops 24/9/04. Ceased opera ...)
Slok Air Gambia in GAMBIA (Formed as the successor of Nigeria's Slok Air. Started ops 24/9/04. Ceased opera ...)
Slov Airtours in SLOVAKIA ( ...)
Slovtrans Air in SLOVAKIA ( ...)
Sol Air in ZIMBABWE (AOC granted on 28/1/12. Expected to start operations in mid-2012. ...)
Southwind Airlines in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
Star Air in DENMARK (Formed by Maersk Air (100%). Remained a subsidiary of parent holding AP Moeller- ...)
Starair in DENMARK (Formed by Maersk Air (100%). Remained a subsidiary of parent holding AP Moeller- ...)
Survair in CANADA ( ...)
Swift AirCargo in SINGAPORE (Formed by A-Sonic Aerospace. ...)
Talon Air in USA.NEW YORK ( ...)
TANTK in RUSSIA (Formed by Beriev Taganrog Aviation Scientific & Technical Complex. Member of MAP ...)
Taganrogski aviatsionny NTK im.Berieva in RUSSIA (Formed by Beriev Taganrog Aviation Scientific & Technical Complex. Member of MAP ...)
TDA in JAPAN (9.1% stake by JAL. Renamed Japan Air System on 1/4/88. ...)
Toa Domestic Airlines/Toa Kokunai Koku in JAPAN (9.1% stake by JAL. Renamed Japan Air System on 1/4/88. ...)
Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Dorat/Indonesian Army in INDONESIA ( ...)
Trans American Airways in USA.CALIFORNIA (Merged with other carriers in 1/50, forming North American Airlines Agency. ...)
Trans Lloyd Air Cargo in BURUNDI (Formed by James Lloyd. Moved AOC from British Virgin Islands to Burundi in 1998. ...)
TLC in BURUNDI (Formed by James Lloyd. Moved AOC from British Virgin Islands to Burundi in 1998. ...)
Trans Meridian London in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Mike Keegan. ...)
Trans Meridian Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Mike Keegan. ...)
Trans Oceanic Airways in AUSTRALIA (Ceased operations in 4/53. Most assets taken-over by Ansett. ...)
Trans-Florida Airlines in USA.FLORIDA (Associated with Bahama Air Ferries. ...)
TFA in USA.FLORIDA (Associated with Bahama Air Ferries. ...)
Transafricaine SA in BURKINA FASO ( ...)
Transair Sweden in SWEDEN (Formed by Avtrac and XS Aviation. Was to be acquired late 2002 by Goodjet. ...)
Transaviaservice in GEORGIA (Formed using assets from GACO Caucasian, along with Air Bisec. Moved base to Sul ...)
TransCarga in COSTA RICA ( ...)
Transpommair in BELGIUM (Renamed 5/71 to Pomair. ...)
U-Fly Alliance in $ WORLD ( ...)
Ukraine Air Alliance in UKRAINE (Formed on 28/2/92, starting operations in 1993. AOC suspended on 4/10/19, revoke ...)
United Overseas Airlines in $ FICTION ( ...)
Victory Air in USA.NEVADA (Formed 8/9/15 by the main owner of Allegiant Air. Suspended operations on 25/7/2 ...)
VIF Airways in INDIA (Formed 5/93. Started operations in 4/95. ...)
Viza Air in USA.INDIANA (Announced marketing plan on 30/6/09, apparently would use aircraft using AOC fro ...)
VoliRegionali in ITALY (Formed with assistance from Octavia Airlines. Uses AOC of other carriers. ...)
VOR Airlines in VENEZUELA (Formed by former military staff of Aeropostal. Re-launched in 2021 as owner of u ...)
Vueling Austria in AUSTRIA (Formed by IAG as Anisec Luftfahrt, originally as a shell company to take over th ...)
Anisec Luftfahrt in AUSTRIA (Formed by IAG as Anisec Luftfahrt, originally as a shell company to take over th ...)
Yemenia in YEMEN (Saudi stake purchased by Yemeni government in 1992, allowing official merger wit ...)
Yemen Airways in YEMEN (Saudi stake purchased by Yemeni government in 1992, allowing official merger wit ...)
Zircon Airways Bénin in BENIN ( ...)
This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage
Generated: 2025-02-10 04:00:06
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