AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 65 - Aircraft Operators

All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 65 - Aircraft Operators

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:05

Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'. There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited. However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions. Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances. ...

Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:

Aerolease International in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Aerolease Financial Group in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Aérolyon in FRANCE (Formed by Nouvelles Frontières. Entered bankrupcy on 27/11/2001, ceasing operati ...)
Aéro Lyon in FRANCE (Formed by Nouvelles Frontières. Entered bankrupcy on 27/11/2001, ceasing operati ...)
Aérotechnique in ALGERIA (Taken-over by Airnautic. ...)
Aérotec in ALGERIA (Taken-over by Airnautic. ...)
Aerotransportes del Sureste in MEXICO ( ...)
Aerovias Centroamericanas in HONDURAS (Formed 5/09. ...)
Aviac in HONDURAS (Formed 5/09. ...)
Air Cargo Express in USA.WASHINGTON ( ...)
Columbia Airlines in USA.WASHINGTON ( ...)
Air Luther in SWITZERLAND ( ...)
Air Luton in UNITED KINGDOM (Lost mail contracts and ceased operations on 8/1/86. ...)
Air Monarch Cargo in MEXICO (AOC was not obtained ...)
Air People International in THAILAND (Formed by Global Group of Companies, Thailand. ...)
Air Priority in USA.NEVADA ( ...)
Air Rhodesia in ZIMBABWE (Renamed 6/78 to Air Zimbabwe Rhodesia. ...)
Air Serbia in SERBIA (Formed its charter division Aviolet (starting operationso on 24/5/14). Partially ...)
Air Stord in NORWAY (Originally formed 6/11/70 as Fonnafly AS. Renamed in 1991 to Air Stord. Entered ...)
Air Tchad in TCHAD (Formed by Tchad government with assistance from Air France. ...)
Air Trine in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Marshall M.Landy. ...)
Air Trans/MM Landy in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Marshall M.Landy. ...)
All American Airways in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ( ...)
AlpAvia in SLOVENIA (Formed in 11/18 as an aviation school. ...)
Ambassadair Travel Club in USA.WASHINGTON (Ceased own operations in 1981 when found operating outside legal limits for trav ...)
Ansett W.A. in AUSTRALIA (Integrated into Ansett Australia on 1/12/93. ...)
Antilles Air Service in FRANCE.GUADELOUPE ( ...)
AOM French Airlines in FRANCE (Renamed before starting ops. Attempted take-over by Air Liberté failed in 1995. ...)
AOM French Airlines in FRANCE (Renamed before starting ops. Attempted take-over by Air Liberté failed in 1995. ...)
Associated Air Transport in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Aviation Militaire Comorienne in COMOROS ISLANDS ( ...)
Comores Air Arm in COMOROS ISLANDS ( ...)
Baltic International Airlines in LATVIA (Formed with help from Latvian Airlines/Tavia Aviation (55%) (formerly Aeroflot's ...)
BIA in LATVIA (Formed with help from Latvian Airlines/Tavia Aviation (55%) (formerly Aeroflot's ...)
Belair Ile-de-France in FRANCE (Formed by ex-Stair staff. Entered bankrupcy in 1999. Re-started in 2005 as a biz ...)
Blue Jet Charters in POLAND (Renamed 4/6/15 to Jet Story. ...)
Bush Aviation in USA.FLORIDA (Formed by Charles E Bush. ...)
Business Jet Travel Airline in UKRAINE (AOC granted 2/6/11. ...)
Busy Bee Airservice in NORWAY ( ...)
C-Air Cargo Establishment in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ( ...)
Cathay Dragon in CHINA.HONG KONG (Ended operations on 20/10/20. ...)
DragonAir in CHINA.HONG KONG (Ended operations on 20/10/20. ...)
Central Caribbean Air in HAITI (Formed with help from El Al. ...)
China Airlines in TAIWAN (Designated national flag carrier in 1965. Privatized 1992 and became an asset of ...)
CAL/Chung Hwa Han Kong/China Air in TAIWAN (Designated national flag carrier in 1965. Privatized 1992 and became an asset of ...)
China Southern Airlines Cargo in CHINA (Formed on 24/12/19 by China Southern Airlines to operate all freight aircraft. A ...)
China Southern Cargo in CHINA (Formed on 24/12/19 by China Southern Airlines to operate all freight aircraft. A ...)
Compañia Nacional Cubana de Aviación Curtiss in CUBA (Formed by Curtiss Aviation Group. Acquired in 1932 by Pan American (100%) ...)
Cuban National Aviation Company in CUBA (Formed by Curtiss Aviation Group. Acquired in 1932 by Pan American (100%) ...)
Connectair Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA (Entered Chapter 11 on 10/10/84. ...)
Connectaire in USA.CALIFORNIA (Entered Chapter 11 on 10/10/84. ...)
Connellan Airways in AUSTRALIA (Formed by Edward J Connellan as Survey & Inland Transport. Renamed Connellan AW ...)
Continental Wings in GAMBIA ( ...)
Corporate Air in USA.CONNECTICUT ( ...)
CP Air in CANADA (Purchased Eastern Provincial in 1984, Nordair in 1985. Acquired 1986 by Pacific ...)
Crossline in GEORGIA ( ...)
Danaus Lineas Aéreas in MEXICO (Formed by the previous owner of SARO, Estrellas del Aire, Aerolineas Internacion ...)
Danaus Airlines in MEXICO (Formed by the previous owner of SARO, Estrellas del Aire, Aerolineas Internacion ...)
Deutsche Bank in GERMANY (3.04% stake purchased in 2/17 by HNA group (Hainan Airlines), increased to 4.76% ...)
Deutsche Luft Hansa in GERMANY (Formed on 6/1/1926 by merger of Deutsche Aero Lloyd and Junkers Luftverkehr, usi ...)
DLH in GERMANY (Formed on 6/1/1926 by merger of Deutsche Aero Lloyd and Junkers Luftverkehr, usi ...)
DSNS Ukrainy in UKRAINE ( ...)
State Emergency Service of Ukraine in UKRAINE ( ...)
E-Systems in USA (GENERAL) (Merged with Raytheon on 1/9/96 and renamed 3/7/97. ...)
Eagle International Air Space in SENEGAL (Originally formed as a freight forwarder. ...)
East Air in UKRAINE ( ...)
Eco Express in BOLIVIA (Started services mid-10/07 (football charter). ...)
Ecuatair in GUINEA EQUATORIAL (Formed by Kazakh interests. Possibly same company as Equatair (Air Equateur ?) w ...)
Equatorial Express Airlines in GUINEA EQUATORIAL (Formed by Kazakh interests. Possibly same company as Equatair (Air Equateur ?) w ...)
EGO Airways in ITALY (AOC granted in 11/20. Started services on 30/3/21. Suspended operations on 26/12 ...)
Empire Airlines in USA.NEW YORK (Took-over Altair. Merged into Piedmont (officially on 1/5/86) ...)
Europair in SPAIN ( ...)
Exparc in RUSSIA (Believed set up by Viktor Bout. ...)
Farstar Air in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Florida Keys Mosquito Control District in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Florida Turbines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Fly Congo in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Started operations on 26/3/12. Expected to be taken over by CAA during 2013. ...)
FlyCongo in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Started operations on 26/3/12. Expected to be taken over by CAA during 2013. ...)
Fly Wings in GEORGIA ( ...)
FlyLAL Charters Polska in POLAND (Formed by FlyLAL Charters. Started operations on 19/5/10. ...)
Freedom Air in USA.ILLINOIS (Formed to carry smokers. Ceased activities following FAA ban on smoking. ...)
Freedom Airline in SOMALIA (Formed by Freedom Airline Express, Kenya. ...)
Frontier Services Group in KENYA (Formed by Erik D Prince (founder of Blackwater) witch Chinese investors. Purchas ...)
FSG Aviation in KENYA (Formed by Erik D Prince (founder of Blackwater) witch Chinese investors. Purchas ...)
Germanair in GERMANY (Merged with Bavaria 1/1/77, forming Bavaria-Germanair. ...)
Global Airlift in KENYA (Originally formed in 12/96 as Aviation International Support. Renamed in 11/07. ...)
Golden West Airlines in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed by the merger of smaller companies (Cable Commuter, Skymark AL, Catalina ...)
Government of Tajikistan in TAJIKISTAN ( ...)
Grand Comoros in COMOROS ISLANDS ( ...)
Heller Financial Leasing in USA.ILLINOIS (Acquired by GECAS in 2001 and merged on 25/10/01. ...)
Indigo Partners in USA.ARIZONA ( ...)
Inter Trans Air in BULGARIA ( ...)
ITA Airways in ITALY (Formed by the Italian government on 11/11/20 as the successor of debt-laden Alit ...)
Kahili Airlines in USA.HAWAII ( ...)
Trans National Airlines of Hawaii in USA.HAWAII ( ...)
Kelner Airways in CANADA (Acquired by Wasaya General Partner and renamed. ...)
KM Malta Airlines in MALTA (Formed as a replacement for bebt-laden Air Malta. Started operations on 31/3/24. ...)
Le One in MALTA (Formed in 10/18. Expected to start ACMI operations in 6/19. ...)
Luft Afrique in SOUTH AFRICA (Originally formed as Valitrade ? ...)
Mafira Air Charter Services in MALAYSIA ( ...)
Micronesian Aviation Corporation in MICRONESIA ( ...)
MAC/Micronesia Air Services in MICRONESIA ( ...)
Midwest Airlines in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Monarch Air Service in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Monarch Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed 5/6/67 by the Mantegazza family, Switzerland through Cosmos Tours/Globus ...)
Mountain West Airlines in USA.IDAHO (Ceased ops between 1974 and 1980. Entered Chapter 11 on 6/3/81. ...)
Muzun Leasing in SWITZERLAND (Formed by Novus Aviation/Muzun Partner Limited. Entered partnership with Kuwait' ...)
Muzun International Aviation Fund in SWITZERLAND (Formed by Novus Aviation/Muzun Partner Limited. Entered partnership with Kuwait' ...)
Mys Shmidta Air Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Mys Shmidta division. Merged into Chukotavia. ...)
Aviapredpriatie Mys Shmidta in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Mys Shmidta division. Merged into Chukotavia. ...)
NASA in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Formally launched 29/7/58 by President Eisenhower and 1/10/58 by US Congress. ...)
National Aeronautics & Space Administration in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Formally launched 29/7/58 by President Eisenhower and 1/10/58 by US Congress. ...)
National Air Charter in INDONESIA ( ...)
National Airways in ETHIOPIA (Originally formed as Air Ethiopia using small commuter equipment. ...)
Northern Air Sanya in CHINA (Formed by China Northern AL and Sanya Xingya Development Company. Originally nam ...)
Northern Wings/Les Ailes du Nord in CANADA (Acquired 1965 by Quebecair, taken-over 1981 & integrated in 1984. ...)
Nunasi-Northland Airlines in CANADA ( ...)
Pacific Air Transport in USA.CALIFORNIA ( ...)
Pan American Airways in USA.GEORGIA (Formed by the holding company owner of several brands associated with the Pan Am ...)
Paraguay Air Services in PARAGUAY (Formed on 5/6/57. ...)
Servicios Aéreos del Paraguay in PARAGUAY (Formed on 5/6/57. ...)
Paukn Air in SPAIN (Did not use the marketing name Melilla Jet because of Moroccan sensitivity. ...)
Melilla Jet in SPAIN (Did not use the marketing name Melilla Jet because of Moroccan sensitivity. ...)
Philippine Express in PHILIPPINES ( ...)
Prefectura Naval Argentina - Servicio Aéreo in ARGENTINA (Formed by 1896-created Prefectura Naval Argentina. Reorganized in 1951. ...)
Roland Aviation FZE in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ( ...)
Safair Freighters in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Safmarine and Air Cape. Reorganized 8/88 by Rennies Holdings when Safa ...)
Sayany Airlines in RUSSIA ( ...)
Sierra Transair in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Silk Way West Airlines in AZERBAIJAN (Formed in 2/12 by Silk Way Airlines. ...)
Simmons Airlines/American Eagle in USA.MICHIGAN (Acquired 1988 by American Airlines, becoming AMR Eagle Central. Integrated into ...)
Skytrump Aviation Moscow in RUSSIA ( ...)
SLI Statni Letecka Inspekce in CZECHOSLOVAKIA ( ...)
Civil Aviation Inspectorate in CZECHOSLOVAKIA ( ...)
Sol Airlines in DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Formed by Brazilian investors. ...)
Sol Dominicana Airlines in DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Formed by Brazilian investors. ...)
Southeast Air Cargo in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Southern Cross in ESWATINI (Formed by Victor Bout's group of companies. AOC revoked by Swaziland government. ...)
Southern Express in USA.FLORIDA (Entered Chapter 11 on 21/1/86. ...)
SriLankan Airlines in SRI LANKA (Management contract with Emirates not renewed on 31/3/08. Sri Lanka's government ...)
Sri Lankan Airlines in SRI LANKA (Management contract with Emirates not renewed on 31/3/08. Sri Lanka's government ...)
Streamland Air in SOUTH AFRICA (Possibly a paper-only airline to circumvent US sanctions against Iran. ...)
Stridestar International Airlines/Ceneast Airlines in KENYA ( ...)
Sunu Air in SENEGAL (Formed with assistance from Senegal Air Force. Started operations 11/03. ...)
TAMSA in MEXICO (Taken-over by Mexicana. ...)
Transportes Aéreos Mexicanos SA in MEXICO (Taken-over by Mexicana. ...)
Tor-Air in SWEDEN (Formed using assets from Loadair ...)
Trans African Airlines in NIGERIA ( ...)
Trans States in $ FICTION ( ...)
Transair in SOUTH AFRICA ( ...)
Transcorp Airways in CHINA.HONG KONG (Re-organized in Australia. ...)
Translux International Airlines in LUXEMBOURG (Merged into Cargo Lion when it moved to Luxembourg. ...)
TravelSpan in GUYANA (Intended to start in early 2014 using ACMI equipment. ...)
TrueNoord Regional Aircraft Leasing in NETHERLANDS (Partially purchased in 2016 by Bregal Freshstream, in 6/17 by BlackRock, in 9/17 ...)
VEC Colombia in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Vuelos Especiales de Carga in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Vega Air Company in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
VEL Costa Rica in COSTA RICA ( ...)
Vuelos Especiales Liberianos in COSTA RICA ( ...)
Volare Aircompany in UKRAINE (Formed by Russia's Volare. Added on EU ban list on 4/7/07, 11/4/08, 24/7/08, 14/ ...)
Volare Aviation Enterprise in UKRAINE (Formed by Russia's Volare. Added on EU ban list on 4/7/07, 11/4/08, 24/7/08, 14/ ...)
Voyager Travel Club in USA.OKLAHOMA ( ...)
The Voyager Travel Club in USA.OKLAHOMA ( ...)
World Samplers in USA.NEVADA ( ...)
Association of Flying Travel Clubs in USA.NEVADA ( ...)
Zimbabwe Airways in ZIMBABWE (Formed in 6/17 by the Mugabe family attempting to secretly take over all assets ...)

This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage

Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:05

ATDB - AeroTransport Data Bank

Master indexes: Operators - Registrations

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