AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 86 - Aircraft Operators
All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 86 - Aircraft Operators
Generated: 2025-02-10 04:00:06
Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft.
The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'.
There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited.
However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions.
Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances.
Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:
ABX Air in USA.OHIO (Purchase offer received in 6/07 from AStar Air Cargo for $455m, rejected 24/7/07 ...)
Aer Lingus UK in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Aer Lingus. Expected to start operations in 5/21, postponed to 12/21 d ...)
Aeral in ITALY ( ...)
AerGo Capital Leasing in IRELAND (Purchased in 9/14 by CarVal Investors LLC (asset management division of Cargill ...)
AerGo Trading in IRELAND (Purchased in 9/14 by CarVal Investors LLC (asset management division of Cargill ...)
Aero American Aviation in USA.ILLINOIS ( ...)
Aero Eslava in MEXICO (AOC never granted. ...)
Aeroeslava in MEXICO (AOC never granted. ...)
Aéro-Frêt Business in CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) (Ceased operations in early 2013 ? ...)
AFB in CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) (Ceased operations in early 2013 ? ...)
Aerogem Aviation in GHANA (Originally formed as Aerogem Cargo Ltd. Renamed in 10/04 when started own operat ...)
Aero Gem Cargo in GHANA (Originally formed as Aerogem Cargo Ltd. Renamed in 10/04 when started own operat ...)
Aerolik in RUSSIA ( ...)
Aeroline International in ROMANIA ( ...)
Air Bashkortostan in RUSSIA (Formed by Center-Capital and VIM Avia (74%), and local government of Bashkotorst ...)
Bashkortostan Air Company in RUSSIA (Formed by Center-Capital and VIM Avia (74%), and local government of Bashkotorst ...)
Air Cambodge in CAMBODIA (Stockholders reorganized as Air France (27.2%) and UTA (17.9%, later reduced to ...)
Air Corridor in MOZAMBIQUE (Ceased ops briefly in 2005. Ceased ops again in 1/08 after a bird strike inciden ...)
Air Dakota in FRANCE ( ...)
Air Germanica in GERMANY ( ...)
Air Nave in ANGOLA (Added on EU ban list 14/11/08 and subsequent dates. Re-started in 2014 ? ...)
Air Nolis in FRANCE ( ...)
Airbahn in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed on 20/2/18 by the CEO of Air Blue, Pakistan. Project re-launched in 1/20. ...)
Airstan in RUSSIA ( ...)
ASN Aerostan in RUSSIA ( ...)
Amana Airlines in NIGER ( ...)
ANDES in PERU ( ...)
Aerovias Nacionales del Sur in PERU ( ...)
Angkasa Civil Air Transport in INDONESIA ( ...)
Indonesian Angkasa Civil Air Transport in INDONESIA ( ...)
Avioimpex in NORTH MACEDONIA (Formed by Interimpex. ...)
Makedonija Airways in NORTH MACEDONIA (Formed by Interimpex. ...)
Avionco in UNITED KINGDOM.GUERNSEY (Formed by Avionco Canada. AOC granted in 12/17. Partner AOC granted in 2020 to A ...)
Bestfly Cabo Verde in CAPE VERDE ISLANDS (Formed by Bestfly, Angola following the purchase of TICV (Transportes Interilhas ...)
Birmingham Executive Airways in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Blagoveschenskavia in RUSSIA ( ...)
Britt Airways in USA.INDIANA (Acquired 1986 by People Express, later transferred into Texas Air. ...)
Busol Aircompany in UKRAINE ( ...)
Aviakompania Busol in UKRAINE ( ...)
Central Caribbean Airlines in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Central Mountain Air in CANADA (Became a feeder for Air BC in 1996, operating AC flights (under ZX code from 200 ...)
Chart Air in BRAZIL ( ...)
China Meteorological Administration in CHINA ( ...)
CAMS/Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences in CHINA ( ...)
Civil in SAINT LUCIA ( ...)
Comlux Aruba in ARUBA (Formed by Comlux. ...)
Compañia Boliviana de Aviación in BOLIVIA (Reorganized 1986 ? ...)
CBA/Compañia Aerovias Bolivia in BOLIVIA (Reorganized 1986 ? ...)
Concord International Airlines in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
JFC Enterprises in USA.FLORIDA ( ...)
Copenhagen AirTaxi in DENMARK (Started operations as an aviation school with light G/A aircraft. ...)
Curtiss-Wright in USA.MISSOURI (Originally formed in New York as Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company. Moved to M ...)
Cygnus Air in SPAIN (Purchased in 10/18 by Swiftair from ACS Group. Became part of LUSAT holding comp ...)
Dalia Air in MOROCCO (Formed by Dalia Development Group, Kuwait. Ceased operations after her owned was ...)
Dallas Aerospace in USA.TEXAS (Taken over by Pratt-&-Whitney in 7/03. ...)
Damania Airways in INDIA (Acquired in 11/95 by NEPC Airlines and renamed. ...)
Deta Air in QAZAQSTAN (Formed 7/10/03, receiving its AOC on 6/7/04. Started operations on 16/1/06. Adde ...)
Deutsche Structured Finance in GERMANY ( ...)
DSF in GERMANY ( ...)
DirectAir in USA.SOUTH CAROLINA (Formed by Southern Sky Air & Tour LLC. Started operations 8/3/07 using ACMI equi ...)
Myrtle Beach Direct Air & Tours in USA.SOUTH CAROLINA (Formed by Southern Sky Air & Tour LLC. Started operations 8/3/07 using ACMI equi ...)
Elevate Capital Partners in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed in 1/18. ...)
Ethiopian Airlines in ETHIOPIA (Joined Star Alliance (announced 7/12/09, denied 1/10 but eventualy accepted 29/9 ...)
Field Aircraft Services in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
First Air in USA.CALIFORNIA (Renamed when Canada's First Air/Bradley objected. ...)
Florida Express in USA.FLORIDA (Acquired 1987 by Braniff. BAC-111s later transferred to Braniff. ...)
Flugfélag Islands in ICELAND ( ...)
Iceland Airways in ICELAND ( ...)
Fly Centrafrique in CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Formed in 2/23 by Fly Angola. ...)
Fly Niue Airlines in NEW ZEALAND.NIUE (Forced to cease operations 10/9/04 after its certificate was revoked on concerns ...)
Flyniu Airlines in NEW ZEALAND.NIUE (Forced to cease operations 10/9/04 after its certificate was revoked on concerns ...)
Fly-Li in FRANCE.REUNION (Formed on 11/7/22 by ETF Airways, Croatia and SAS CAM Invest Overseas (an associ ...)
FMI Air Charter in MYANMAR (Formed in 9/12 by First Myanmar Investment Co Ltd (Serge Pun). Started charter/p ...)
Fuji Airlines in JAPAN (Formed 13/9/52. Merged into JDA on 15/4/64. ...)
GTLK Europe in RUSSIA (Formed by GTLK, State Transport Leasing Company Entered liquidation in 5/23. ...)
HEH in GERMANY ( ...)
Hamburger EmissionsHaus in GERMANY ( ...)
India Flysafe Aviation in INDIA ( ...)
Ju-Air in SWITZERLAND ( ...)
Kata Transportation in SUDAN ( ...)
Kata Air Transport in SUDAN ( ...)
Kenting Atlas Aviation in CANADA ( ...)
Korea Express Air in KOREA (SOUTH) (Started operations with small commuter equipment. Suspended services in 11/19 du ...)
Kyrgyzstan Air Force in KYRGYZSTAN ( ...)
Linhas Aéreas da Guine-Bissau in GUINEA BISSAU ( ...)
Liberian International Airways in LIBERIA (Nationalized 1949. Took-over Ducor AT in 1974. ...)
LIA in LIBERIA (Nationalized 1949. Took-over Ducor AT in 1974. ...)
Luxaviation San Marino in SAN MARINO (Formed on 2/1/18. ...)
Metro Express/Eastern Metro Express in USA.GEORGIA (Formed by Metro AL. Dissolved when EAL ceased operations. ...)
Midwest Air Charter in USA.OHIO (Acquired 1980 by Airborne Freight Corp. ...)
Midwest Air Express in USA.OHIO (Acquired 1980 by Airborne Freight Corp. ...)
Ministry of Light Industry in RUSSIA ( ...)
Misrair in EGYPT (Renamed Misrair SAE when nationalized in 1949. Took-over SAIDE in 1952. Became c ...)
Nacional in BRAZIL (Took-over VASD, VIABRAS & Itau in 1951. Acquired 1957 by REAL & merged into Vari ...)
TAN/Transportes Aéreos Nacional in BRAZIL (Took-over VASD, VIABRAS & Itau in 1951. Acquired 1957 by REAL & merged into Vari ...)
National Airlines in USA.NEVADA (Formed by former America West president, Michael Conway, acquiring National trad ...)
Nordair Metro in CANADA (Merged with Quebec Aviation into Inter Quebec. ...)
Les Lignes Aériennes A+ in CANADA (Merged with Quebec Aviation into Inter Quebec. ...)
North African Air Freight in $ FICTION ( ...)
Northeastern in $ FICTION ( ...)
Occitan Air in FRANCE (Formed 8/1/81 as a farming cooperative. ...)
Okapi Airlines in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Formed 10/11 by President Kabila's brother (through ATS/Air Transport System) an ...)
Olympic Airlines in GREECE (Intended to be acquired by UK's 7 Group (owner of Azzurra Air and Air Littoral) ...)
Osab Air in SOMALIA ( ...)
Cosob Airline in SOMALIA ( ...)
Parcelair in NEW ZEALAND (Formed 25/6/15 as joint venture between Air Freight NZ (Freightways & Express C ...)
Phoenix Aircraft Leasing and Sales in SINGAPORE (Formed by Tony Griffin (originally at Templewood Aviation). ...)
Phoenix Aviation in SINGAPORE (Formed by Tony Griffin (originally at Templewood Aviation). ...)
Piedmont Aviation Services in USA.NORTH CAROLINA (Formed by Piedmont. Became a subsidiary of USAir. Formed subsidiary PACE Airline ...)
Private Sky in IRELAND (Initially formed as Airlink Airways. Re-branded 12/08 to Private Sky. ...)
Airlink Airways in IRELAND (Initially formed as Airlink Airways. Re-branded 12/08 to Private Sky. ...)
Pro Mech in USA.ALASKA ( ...)
Rzhevka Air Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Rzhevka division. ...)
Aviapredpriatie Rzhevka in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Rzhevka division. ...)
Saber Air in SINGAPORE (Formed with help from ONA (9%). Ceased operations in 3/73. ...)
SAT Air in RUSSIA ( ...)
Sky Power Express Airways in NIGERIA (Formed by Nigeria AW. Believed traded as Mangal for Hajj 2006 operations using u ...)
Express Airways Nigeria in NIGERIA (Formed by Nigeria AW. Believed traded as Mangal for Hajj 2006 operations using u ...)
SkyHolding in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed by previous owner and senior management of Pegasus Aviation when company ...)
Sky Holding in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed by previous owner and senior management of Pegasus Aviation when company ...)
Slate Falls Airways in CANADA (Reorganized in 1987 and 1999. ...)
Spectrem Air in SOUTH AFRICA (Formed by Anglo American Group. ...)
Staer Air 21 in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) ( ...)
Success Airlines in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) ( ...)
Stansted Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Star Air in INDIA (Formed by Sanjay Ghodawat Group (SSG, a diversified industrial and services cong ...)
Star XL German Airlines in GERMANY (Formed by Avion Group with technical assistance from Star Airlines. AOC received ...)
Star Europe in GERMANY (Formed by Avion Group with technical assistance from Star Airlines. AOC received ...)
Sudanese Flight Trading & Services in SUDAN ( ...)
SFT Sudanese Flight in SUDAN ( ...)
Sunkar Air in QAZAQSTAN (AOC granted on 26/6/15. ...)
Systems International Airways in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Formed 2/85 by Wheeler Industries ...)
SIA in USA.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Formed 2/85 by Wheeler Industries ...)
TAT in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Tadeo in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Tellair in SWITZERLAND (Formed with help from British Eagle. ...)
Texas Western in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Thai Airways International in THAILAND (Formed by Thai AW & SAS (30%). Started services on 1/5/60. Nationalized 1977. Ac ...)
Thai International in THAILAND (Formed by Thai AW & SAS (30%). Started services on 1/5/60. Nationalized 1977. Ac ...)
Time Aviation Services in USA.CALIFORNIA (Later reorganized as a MRO-only company. ...)
Tocumen Air Cargo International in PANAMA ( ...)
Tradewinds Airlines in USA.NORTH CAROLINA (Ceased pax flights temporarily in 1999. Acquired by Coreolis Group (becoming a s ...)
TransSuper in RUSSIA ( ...)
Tropical Air in TANZANIA (Formed using light aircraft equipment. Started regional services in 2011. ...)
Tselina Air Company in QAZAQSTAN (Was to be reorganized in 2001 as new national airline, dba Kazakhstan AL. Plan c ...)
Tut Airlines in EGYPT ( ...)
Ukrainian Cargo Airways in UKRAINE (Formed by Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, with possible assistance from Elektron ...)
Ukraine Cargo Airways/UCA/Ukrainian Air Transport Company in UKRAINE (Formed by Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, with possible assistance from Elektron ...)
United Nigeria Airlines in NIGERIA (Formed by the Nigerian Air Force. Project re-launched in 2020 (qv). ...)
Vance International Airlines in USA.WASHINGTON (Operating certificate taken-over by McCulloch Properties. ...)
Volaris in MEXICO (Formed (originally as Vuela Líneas Aerolíneas Mesoamericanas) by Mexican billion ...)
Voronezh Avia in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Voronezh division. AOC suspended following incid ...)
Voronezhavia in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Voronezh division. AOC suspended following incid ...)
West African Venturers in NIGERIA ( ...)
West Winds International Airlines in USA.NEVADA ( ...)
Xtreme Aviation in USA.FLORIDA (Includes division [Xtreme Aviation] Aventus Air Leasing. ...)
Xtreme Holdings in USA.FLORIDA (Includes division [Xtreme Aviation] Aventus Air Leasing. ...)
Zaire Express in CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) (Formed in 12/95. Merged with Shabair, forming Zaire AL in 1/97. ...)
Zozik Air in IRAQ.KURDISTAN (Formed by Germany-based interests using ACMI equpiment from 15/5/06. ...)
ZYB Lily Jet in CHINA (Initially formed as First Mandarin Business Aviation. AOC received 17/11/08. ...)
Lily Jet in CHINA (Initially formed as First Mandarin Business Aviation. AOC received 17/11/08. ...)
This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage
Generated: 2025-02-10 04:00:06
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