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Profile for: National Airlines
4 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

National Airlines   USA.New YorkNew York-JFK1983-1985
ONAOverseas National Airways  USA.New YorkNew York-JFK1979-1983
UACIUnited Air Carriers Inc  USA.OhioWilmington,OH1978-1979
ONAOverseas National AirwaysOV USA.OhioOakland; Wilmington,OH/New York1946-1978
Formed as Air Travel. Renamed Calasia Air Transport, then ONA in 1950. Ceased ops between 1963 and 1966. Take-over talks with Coca-Cola Corp for $27m in 1976 discontinued.

Directory and Contact records for National Airlines
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Traffic and Financial data overview for National Airlines
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SubFleets for: National Airlines
25 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
National ALB.747B.747-100     66- 
National ALB.747B.747-200B     22-
National ALB.747B.747-200C     22-
National ALDC-10DC-10 Series 30     66-
National ALB.707B.707-320C     33-
National ALDC-8DC-8-20     88-
National ALDC-8DC-8-30     1616-
National ALDC-8DC-8-50     1313-
National ALDC-8DC-8-60     3737-
National ALDC-8DC-8-70     33-
National ALB.727B.727-200     11-
National ALDC-9DC-9-30     1010-
National ALDC-9DC-9-80 (MD-80)     22-
National ALL.188L.188A     11-
National ALL.188L.188AF     88-
National ALL.188L.188C     11-
National ALL.188L.188CF     22-
National ALDC-7DC-7 ()     1313-
National ALDC-7DC-7B     55-
National ALDC-7DC-7C     66-
National ALDC-6DC-6A     55-
National ALDC-6DC-6B     11-
National ALDC-4C-54B (DC-4)     11-
National ALDC-4C-54D (DC-4)     55-
National ALDC-4DC-4 (civil C-54)     11-
 TOTAL:     158158-
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of National Airlines
Total number of aircraft: 158. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Current portfolios for National Airlines
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Additional information on National Airlines
New aircraft orders from National Airlines
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Safety accidents and incidents events for National Airlines
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