AeroTransport Data Bank ( - Index 99 - Aircraft Operators
All Operators since 1930
AeroTransport Data Bank - Index 99 - Aircraft Operators
Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:05
Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft.
The word 'aviation' was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb 'avier' (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word 'avis' ('bird') and the suffix '-ation'.
There are many competing claims for the earliest powered, heavier-than-air flight. The first recorded powered flight was carried out by Clément Ader on October 9, 1890 when he reportedly made the first manned, powered, heavier-than-air flight of a significant distance (50 m (160 ft)) but insignificant altitude from level ground in his bat-winged, fully self-propelled fixed-wing aircraft, the Ader Éole. Seven years later, on 14 October 1897, Ader's Avion III was tested without success in front of two officials from the French War ministry. The report on the trials was not publicized until 1910, as they had been a military secret. In November 1906 Ader claimed to have made a successful flight on 14 October 1897, achieving an 'uninterupted flight' of around 300 metres (985 ft). Although widely believed at the time, these claims were later discredited.
However, the most widely accepted date is December 17, 1903 by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were the first to fly in a powered and controlled aircraft. Previous flights were gliders (control but no power) or free flight (power but no control), but the Wright brothers combined both, setting the new standard in aviation records. Following this, the widespread adoption of ailerons rather than wing warping made aircraft much easier to control, and only a decade later, at the start of World War I, heavier-than-air powered aircraft had become practical for reconnaissance, artillery spotting, and even attacks against ground positions.
Aircraft began to transport people and cargo as designs grew larger and more reliable. The Wright brothers took aloft the first passenger, Charles Furnas, one of their mechanics, on May 14, 1908. Rigid airships became the first aircraft to transport passengers and cargo over great distances.
Click on links below for detailed information on selected operators:
ABC Aviation in USA.TEXAS ( ...)
ACE Air Cargo Express in USA.OHIO ( ...)
Air Cargo Express in USA.OHIO ( ...)
AerFi Group in IRELAND (Formed on 20/11/98 as the remaining portion of GPA Group not transferred to GECA ...)
Aeroflot-Plus in RUSSIA (Formed by Aeroflot Russian International Airlines to provide executive and VIP s ...)
Aerolineas Santo Domingo in DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Formed by Spain's Air Europa. ...)
Aerolux Air Company in UKRAINE ( ...)
Aerovias Internacionales in MEXICO (Purchased in 1951 by Aero Transportes SA. Closed down when parent company was ab ...)
AESA Airlines in EL SALVADOR (Formed 4/3/1960 by Efraim Seballos Moreira (45%, general manager of Nicaragua's ...)
Aerolineas El Salvador SA in EL SALVADOR (Formed 4/3/1960 by Efraim Seballos Moreira (45%, general manager of Nicaragua's ...)
AIG Leasing Corp in USA.NEW JERSEY (Started trading as Avinves in mid-1990. Reorganized as Cayman Island-registered ...)
Avinves Aviation/Blenheim Aircraft Holdings/Aviation Investors Group in USA.NEW JERSEY (Started trading as Avinves in mid-1990. Reorganized as Cayman Island-registered ...)
Air 26 in ANGOLA (Added on EU ban list 9/9/10 and subsequent dates. AOC temporarily suspended in 2 ...)
Air Afrique in IVORY COAST (Formed on 28/3/61 by Cameroon, Central African Republic, Tchad, Congo-Brazzavill ...)
Air Atlanta Icelandic in ICELAND (50.5% acquired in 2002 by Pilot Investor (private Icelandic concern). Became a s ...)
Atlanta Icelandic Air Transport in ICELAND (50.5% acquired in 2002 by Pilot Investor (private Icelandic concern). Became a s ...)
Air Atlantic/Canadian Partner in CANADA (Acquired 1985 by CPAL (35%, later increased to 45% by PWA Corp.). Bankrupcy in 1 ...)
Air Atonabee in CANADA (Formed on 29/12/71. Purchased by Victor Pappalardo and renamed to City Express. ...)
Air Brasil in BRAZIL ( ...)
Air Cargo Germany in GERMANY (AOC received on 14/7/09. 49% purchased in 4/12 by Volga-Dnepr and will synchroni ...)
ACG Air Cargo in GERMANY (AOC received on 14/7/09. 49% purchased in 4/12 by Volga-Dnepr and will synchroni ...)
Air Cargo New Zealand in NEW ZEALAND ( ...)
Air Inter Cameroon in CAMEROON ( ...)
AIC in CAMEROON ( ...)
Air New Mex in USA.NEW MEXICO (Formed by Batchelor Group. Merged into Int'l Aerodyne on 31/12/64 ...)
Air Northeast in CHINA (Formed on 6/5/15 as the successor of Northeast Airlines (which had been dissolve ...)
Air Universal in JORDAN (Formed by Paddy McKay and Jordanian interests. Temporarily moved base to Damascu ...)
Air West in USA.ARIZONA (Unconfirmed in Arizona. ...)
Air West Express in SUDAN ( ...)
Airwest in SUDAN ( ...)
Airline Transport Carriers in USA.CALIFORNIA (Formed by Colonel Charles C Sherman and his wife Edna K Sherman as an irregular ...)
Alpha Star Aviation in SAUDI ARABIA ( ...)
Alpha Star Air Services in SAUDI ARABIA ( ...)
Ararat International Airlines in ARMENIA (Formed in 2007, remaining dormant until 2010. ...)
ARESA in ECUADOR (Unconfirmed in Ecuador. ...)
Andes Airlines in ECUADOR (Unconfirmed in Ecuador. ...)
Atlantic Aviation Services in LIBERIA (Reorganized in Cyprus as Airfast in 1988. Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06 ! ...)
AAS in LIBERIA (Reorganized in Cyprus as Airfast in 1988. Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06 ! ...)
Avangard Aviation in GERMANY ( ...)
Avianca Colombia in COLOMBIA (Formed by the merger of Pan American's SCADTA (formed 5/12/1919) and Servicio Aé ...)
Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia in COLOMBIA (Formed by the merger of Pan American's SCADTA (formed 5/12/1919) and Servicio Aé ...)
BCI Aircraft Leasing in USA.ILLINOIS (Founded by Brian Hollnagel. Formed (70%) joint-venture JetGlobal with Global Air ...)
Botswana National Airways in BOTSWANA (Failed Nationalization in 1969 caused liquidation of company. ...)
BNA in BOTSWANA (Failed Nationalization in 1969 caused liquidation of company. ...)
Bristow in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Bugshan Group in SAUDI ARABIA ( ...)
Saudi Bugshan Company in SAUDI ARABIA ( ...)
Buraq Air Transport in LIBYA (Started ops in 2002. Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06 until 20/6/06. All aircraft g ...)
C-S Aviation Services in USA.NEW YORK (Formed by Purnendu Chatterjee (Indian tycoon, trading as TCG/The Chatterjee Grou ...)
S-C Aviation Holdings in USA.NEW YORK (Formed by Purnendu Chatterjee (Indian tycoon, trading as TCG/The Chatterjee Grou ...)
Canadian Aircraft Renters in CANADA ( ...)
CanyonAir in $ FICTION ( ...)
Caraven in VENEZUELA ( ...)
Carga Aérea Venezolana Caraven in VENEZUELA ( ...)
Cardinal Lineas Aéreas in ARGENTINA (Reorganized in late 2004 as Skyways. ...)
Caribbean Air Charters in BAHAMAS ( ...)
Challenge Airlines MT in MALTA (Formed by Challenge Airlines, Belgium. AOC granted on 1/11/22. Started services ...)
Challenge Aircargo in MALTA (Formed by Challenge Airlines, Belgium. AOC granted on 1/11/22. Started services ...)
China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu in CHINA (Formed by China Eastern with its own AOC. ...)
China Eastern Jiangsu in CHINA (Formed by China Eastern with its own AOC. ...)
Ciro's Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
City Airways in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Clipper Leasing Services in BAHAMAS ( ...)
Coastal Cargo in USA.NEW JERSEY (Taken-over by Zantop AT. ...)
Dardan Air in BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA ( ...)
DHL Air Austria in AUSTRIA (Formed in 5/21 by DHL as a EU-based subsidiary operating aircraft transferred fr ...)
Discovery Air in NIGERIA (Formed 23/7/08 by First Deepwater Discovery Group. Intends to receive its AOC an ...)
Discovery Airways in NIGERIA (Formed 23/7/08 by First Deepwater Discovery Group. Intends to receive its AOC an ...)
Donbass-Eastern Ukrainian Airlines in UKRAINE ( ...)
Dynam Aviation Ireland in IRELAND (Formed in 2019 by the Sato family (pachinko entertainment in Japan). Associated ...)
East Wing in QAZAQSTAN (Formed 26/10/06 as a successor to GST Aero. Added on EU black list 8/4/09 and su ...)
Eastwing in QAZAQSTAN (Formed 26/10/06 as a successor to GST Aero. Added on EU black list 8/4/09 and su ...)
EFIS Cargo in FRANCE (Formed by 1992-born EFIS International consulting firm, specialized in sensible ...)
Eram Air in IRAN ( ...)
Etablissement Roger Colin in FRANCE (Formed by Roger Colin. ...)
Fly Sao Tome in SAO TOME E PRINCIPE ( ...) in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Globespan Group plc, initially using AOC from Channel Express. Renamed ...)
Globespan Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Globespan Group plc, initially using AOC from Channel Express. Renamed ...)
Flywings in SPAIN ( ...)
Force Aérienne du Dahomey in BENIN ( ...)
Fortele Aerienne ale Republicii Populare Romana in ROMANIA ( ...)
French bee in FRANCE ( ...)
Fresh Air in ZIMBABWE (Formed in 7/12 by Nu-Aero (Zimbabwe, 51%) and 1Time (South Africa, 49%) as its Z ...)
Fuerza Aérea Argentina in ARGENTINA (Initially formed 10/8/1912 by Aero Club Argentino as Escuela de Aviación Militar ...)
Gam-Air in GAMBIA (Ceased ops between 1989 and 1991. ...)
Gamair in GAMBIA (Ceased ops between 1989 and 1991. ...)
Gas Air Service in GERMANY ( ...)
Gee Bee Air in GREECE (Formed by former CEO of Venus Airlines and Princess Airlines. AOC received 19/12 ...)
Golden Sun Air Cargo in USA (GENERAL) ( ...)
Government of Honduras in HONDURAS ( ...)
Greater Japan Airlines in JAPAN ( ...)
Dai Nippon Koku Kabushiki Kaisha in JAPAN ( ...)
Hala Airlines in LIBYA (AOC granted on 6/4/21. ...)
Harmony Airways in CANADA (Announced 27/3/07 to cease operations on 9/4/07. ...)
Heyward Mosquito Control in USA.SOUTH CAROLINA ( ...)
Hongyuan Group in CHINA ( ...)
Hornton Airways in UNITED KINGDOM ( ...)
Ibero Americana de Cargo in COLOMBIA (Ceased operations in 1995 when suspected to be a cover for drug money laundering ...)
Ibex Air Charter in LEBANON (Started operations initially with bizjet equipment. ...)
International Air Cargo Corporation in EGYPT ( ...)
IACC in EGYPT ( ...)
Investors Asset Holding Corp in USA.MASSACHUSETTS (Formed by Equis Financial Group. ...)
International Aircraft Holdings Corporation in USA.MASSACHUSETTS (Formed by Equis Financial Group. ...)
Jet Europe in FRANCE (Formed by EAS. Liquidated on 26/12/91. ...)
Jet World Airways in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ( ...)
Jordan Gate Airlines in JORDAN ( ...)
Jupitair in FRANCE ( ...)
Kaltim Air in INDONESIA (Formed 12/3/11 by local Kalimantan government and local investors. Started opera ...)
Kazakhmys Yashka in QAZAQSTAN ( ...)
Kirov Air Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kirov division. ...)
Kirovskoe aviapredpriatie in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Kirov division. ...)
KomiInteravia in RUSSIA (Formed to operate large fixed-wing aircraft from KomiAviatrans. Purchased by UTA ...)
Komiinteravia in RUSSIA (Formed to operate large fixed-wing aircraft from KomiAviatrans. Purchased by UTA ...)
Kostar Airlines in KOREA (SOUTH) (Initially formed in 1998 as importer of Rusian helicopters and GSA for Vladivost ...)
LAFSA in ARGENTINA (Formed by government to absorb workers from Dinar and LAPA. Started operating 10 ...)
Lineas Aéreas Federales in ARGENTINA (Formed by government to absorb workers from Dinar and LAPA. Started operating 10 ...)
Laker Airways in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed by Freddie Laker (ex managing director of BUA). Introduced SkyTrain low-c ...)
Las Vegas Sands in USA.NEVADA (Formed by Las Vegas Sands Corp to transport Sheldon Adelson and wealthy gamblers ...)
Interface Operations in USA.NEVADA (Formed by Las Vegas Sands Corp to transport Sheldon Adelson and wealthy gamblers ...)
LTU Austria in AUSTRIA (Formed by LTU and Austrian supermarket and travel agency chain Billa (owned by R ...)
Macedonia Air Service in NORTH MACEDONIA ( ...)
Malindo Airways in MALAYSIA (Formed 12/9/12 by Lion Airlines, Indonesia (49%) in a joint venture with NADI, M ...)
Malmö Aviation in SWEDEN (Acquired 1989 by Salenia/Salair. Merged into City Air Scandinavia & bankrupcy 19 ...)
Mexair in SWITZERLAND (Formed (possibly taking over the AOC of 1967-formed Monair Executive) with assis ...)
Minair in TCHAD (Continued operations after 2000 with Cessna equipment. ...)
Natalco Air Lines in SAO TOME E PRINCIPE (Ceased ops between 2000 and 2003, again between 2005 and 2007 ? ...)
NAL in SAO TOME E PRINCIPE (Ceased ops between 2000 and 2003, again between 2005 and 2007 ? ...)
Neo Taxi Aéreo in BRAZIL (AOC granted on 17/3/10. ...)
Northern Consolidated Airlines in USA.ALASKA (Merged into Wien Alaska, forming Wien Consolidated AL. ...)
Nostalgic Airways in USA.OHIO ( ...)
Nova Gulf in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ( ...)
Orange2fly in GREECE (Formed in 9/15 by ex-SkyGreece management staff. AOC granted on 14/7/16. Started ...)
Orient Eagle Airways in QAZAQSTAN (Formed by Kazakhstan government with the intention to operate VIP flights, repla ...)
Orient Eagle Aviation in QAZAQSTAN (Formed by Kazakhstan government with the intention to operate VIP flights, repla ...)
Overseas Aviation in UNITED KINGDOM (Formed in late 1957 by Overseas Aviation, Channel Islands and LTU's founder (Ron ...)
Pacific Air in MALAYSIA ( ...)
Pskovavia in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Pskov division. AOC restricted between 7/12/16 a ...)
Pskov State Aviation Enterprise in RUSSIA (Originally formed as Aeroflot's Pskov division. AOC restricted between 7/12/16 a ...)
Quest Airlines in DJIBOUTI ( ...)
Redair in $ FICTION ( ...)
RICO Taxi Aéreo in BRAZIL (Split with sister company RICO Linhas Aéreas in 1996. ...)
Rondonia Industria y Comercio in BRAZIL (Split with sister company RICO Linhas Aéreas in 1996. ...)
Royal Airways in INDIA (Formed by UK's Royal Holding Services acquiring 54.68% of Modiluft by disputed c ...)
SANSA in COSTA RICA (Formed by Lacsa. Became feeder carrier of Grupo TACA in 1999. Ceased its own ope ...)
Servicios Aéreos Nacionales SA in COSTA RICA (Formed by Lacsa. Became feeder carrier of Grupo TACA in 1999. Ceased its own ope ...)
SARPA Colombia in COLOMBIA (Formed in 6/80. ...)
Servicios Aéreos del Putumayo in COLOMBIA (Formed in 6/80. ...)
Saudi Gulf Airlines in SAUDI ARABIA (Formed in 11/13 by Al-Qahtani & Sons Group of Companies with technical assistanc ...)
SaudiGulf in SAUDI ARABIA (Formed in 11/13 by Al-Qahtani & Sons Group of Companies with technical assistanc ...)
Serenity Wings in SWITZERLAND ( ...)
Sine Draco Aviation Development in CHINA ( ...)
Singapore Airlines in SINGAPORE (Formed by the Singapore government to take-over Singapore's services of MSA. Ini ...)
SIA in SINGAPORE (Formed by the Singapore government to take-over Singapore's services of MSA. Ini ...)
Sky Freighters in CANADA (Formed by Sea Haul Technologies. ...)
Sky Prim Air in MOLDOVA (Formed as a successor to Grixona. AOC granted on 23/10/13. ...)
Skyjet Airways in INDIA (Formed 22/7/13. Launch plan apparently abandonned in early 2016. ...)
Skymaster Freight Services in GUINEA EQUATORIAL (Formed by interests from North Carolina, USA. Listed on EU ban list 22/3/06. ...)
Skyside in AUSTRIA (Formed by Columbia Group, Cyprus. Started operations as a biz-jet operator. ...)
SkyWorks Leasing in USA.CONNECTICUT ( ...)
SkyWorks Capital in USA.CONNECTICUT ( ...)
Sobelair in BELGIUM (Acquired in 1948 by Sabena (100%). To be acquired by Preussag (TUI) in 2001, pla ...)
Société Belge de Transports par Air in BELGIUM (Acquired in 1948 by Sabena (100%). To be acquired by Preussag (TUI) in 2001, pla ...)
Southern Australia Airlines in AUSTRALIA (Formed by Mildura,Vic division of Sunstate AL. Acquired by Australian AL in 199 ...)
Spirit Airlines in AUSTRALIA (Possibly intends to be renamed Eureka Airlines in 2001. ...)
StarJet in KYRGYZSTAN ( ...)
Sterkh in RUSSIA (Taken-over by Stela. ...)
Spetsializirovannoe aviatsionno-transportnoe tovarishchestvo Sterkh in RUSSIA (Taken-over by Stela. ...)
Sud Air Transport in GUINEA ( ...)
Tair Airways in PHILIPPINES (Formed by Saudi (40%) and Philippines (60%) interests. AOC obtained 28/10/06. Ex ...)
TAP Colombia in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Transporte Aéreo del Pacifico in COLOMBIA ( ...)
Thai AirAsia X in THAILAND (Formed 5/13 by Tassapon Biljeveld (C E O and 28.05% owner of Thai AirAsia) and M ...)
AirAsia X Thailand in THAILAND (Formed 5/13 by Tassapon Biljeveld (C E O and 28.05% owner of Thai AirAsia) and M ...)
Thomas Cook Airlines in UNITED KINGDOM (Was expected to be integrated with Condor and Thomas Cook Belgium, effective 1/3 ...)
Tigerair Philippines in PHILIPPINES (Formed by SEAir as its spun off international division. Tigerair's 40% share sol ...)
South East Asian Airlines in PHILIPPINES (Formed by SEAir as its spun off international division. Tigerair's 40% share sol ...)
TRAK Airlines in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Transportes Aéreos Kantuta in BOLIVIA ( ...)
Trans Continental Airlines in USA.MICHIGAN (Later helped by Chrysler Technological. Filed for Chapter 11 in 1990, and acquir ...)
International Airlines Academy in USA.MICHIGAN (Later helped by Chrysler Technological. Filed for Chapter 11 in 1990, and acquir ...)
Transaera in ANGOLA ( ...)
Transporte Aéreo de Cargas e Passageiros in ANGOLA ( ...)
Transasian Airlines in PHILIPPINES (Formed with Sterling assistance but never granted operating authority. ...)
Transavia Holland in NETHERLANDS ( ...)
TransMeridian Airlines in USA.GEORGIA (Formed by Ireland's Translift, initially based at Chicago-O'Hare. Entered Chapte ...)
TMA in USA.GEORGIA (Formed by Ireland's Translift, initially based at Chicago-O'Hare. Entered Chapte ...)
Turbo Aviation in INDIA (Formed in 11/03 for ground support works at airports. AOC granted in 6/09. ...)
Uirapuru Taxi Aéreo in BRAZIL ( ...)
Up Over Down Under in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
UODU Air in AUSTRALIA ( ...)
Uralinteravia in RUSSIA ( ...)
Urals International Airlines in RUSSIA ( ...)
Uzavialeasing in UZBEKISTAN (Formed to help export of TAPO aircraft. ...)
UzbAviaLizing in UZBEKISTAN (Formed to help export of TAPO aircraft. ...)
VECA Airlines in EL SALVADOR (Formed by Alba Petroleos de El Salvador. Started operations on 23/1/15. Ceased s ...)
Vuelos Económicos Centroamericanos SA in EL SALVADOR (Formed by Alba Petroleos de El Salvador. Started operations on 23/1/15. Ceased s ...)
Vegas Gypsies Travel Club in USA.NEVADA ( ...)
Vietravel Airlines in VIETNAM (Formed on 12/2/19. AOC granted on 24/12/20. Started services on 7/1/21. ...)
VIP-Air in TURKEY (Formed by Sultan Air, then reintegrated. ...)
Volaris Guatemala in GUATEMALA (Formed during Spring 2015 by Volaris, business plan undefinitely postponed. ...)
This page is for reference only and not for normal human usage
Generated: 2025-02-15 04:00:05
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